- SDK Version Upgrade: Updated to
- HTTP Command: Introduced a new
command allowing users to quickly initiate HTTP requests with their current identity. - Keep Session Variables: A new
startup argument has been added. This prevents clearing of user-set flags with theuse [project]
command, maintaining the set flags such asset a=b
across project switches.
New Data Types in Read Command: The
command now supportsTIMESTAMP_NTZ
data types. -
Tunnel Command Upgrades:
tunnel upload/download
commands have been enhanced with a-qn
flag to specify Tunnel QuotaName. -
tunnel upload
now accepts a-dfp
flag to set the format for uploading DATETIME type text. -
HistoryCommand with Grep: The
now featuresgrep
query functionality for enhanced search capabilities. -
Project Deletion Syntax: To align with consistent console syntax,
drop project
is now supported alongsidedelete project
. -
Setproject Command Optimization: The command has been optimized to support longer value strings, enabling settings for complex types such as JSON.
- add vfs -create commmand to create external volume
- add vfs command to public package
- add show external tables
- add show views/ materialized views
- update odps-sdk version to 0.40.9
- support PMC Task
- update odps-sdk version to 0.40.8
- fix timestamp value in instance tunnel mode
- add show version command
- add lifecycle state to table's extended desc
- add freeze/restore command
- add cold storage status to table's extended desc
- support DLF database as external project
- support sts account
- fix incorrect nano value when downloading a timestamp
- add volume 2 commands
- add cupid commands
- support download views
- dship command supports overwriting
- support external project
- support SQL function
- whoami command outputs source ip and vpc id
- handle INT signal properly
- bugfix: multi line input not working on windows
- fix unexpected exit when pressing ctrl + c
- fix bug in export table resource with partition
- support application authentication
- add welcome message, including project SQL timezone
- add an option to tunnel command to show elapsed time of local/network IO
- session query now supports instance priority
- allow white spaces around column data when upload
- setproject just set additional props instead of all props. (server supported >= s30)
- setproject supports multiple input properties
- whoami command now prints SourceIp and VpcId
- support PAI instance priority
- make tunnel command a wrapper of dship command
- support prefix search in show tables command
- remove fastjson
- tunnel support csv file
- wait command supports ODPS hooks
- add download policy to copy command
- support alink xflow
- wait command could trigger odps hooks
- update fastjson to avoid vulnerabilities
- support passing pai priority by command line
- add export table/project command
- remove datahub/streamjob/topoligy command
- copyright change to 2018
- support java 10+
- add sql session command
- add extended labels
- remove antlr
- refine to support async auth query
- add auth version when show securityconfiguration
- add create offline model
- fix windows console space in classpath error
- pai support instance priority
- suport java 9
- support volume lifecycle
- add top instance command
- remove antlr
- read table support odps.sql.timezone flag
- support tunnel download instance://project/instanceId path ...
- select query flush result from instance tunnel
- mk ArchiveCommand and MergeCommand public
- tunnel support download selected columns using -ci or -cn option
- tunnel support basic hive type
- support script mode (-s)
- read table support other partition type other than string
- public pai command
- add odpscmd_admin
- rm html command
- auto prompt to update clt version
- using a state machine to refactor InstanceRunner.waitForCompletion
- change copyright to 2016
- add existences check option for drop function
- support display the table schema with new OdpsType
- support print odps 2.0 sql warnings
- clear basic dependency
- add a new method findUserClassMethods to odps-sdk-commons, cannot run openmr in older service
- print quota usage infos in long time running instance
- tunnel upload support auto create partition, using -acp arg
- add list xflows command
- split jars into lib and odpslib
- simplify sync instance process
- support desc external table
- refactor instance progress output
- optimize latency of waiting for instance completion
- tunnel support multi and mix unicode delimiter
- copy task support tunnel endpoint router
- support ~ to present user home in tunnel and resource command
- tunnel download: add -e(-exponential) option to make double in exponential format;
- command support automatic complete;
- fix the abort-as-a-flash problem on Windows;
- add -cost option to estimate task costs in 'jar' and 'pai' command
- support desc xflow instance
- 新增onlinemode的create/update/delete/desc/show/updateabtest功能
- fallback to use scanner in windows. jline is not reliable on special key such as arrow keys in windows.
- support new security command: show role grant user ; show principals ; show package ;
- add history command;
- trim values parsed from conf;
- add command: show offlinemodels; read offlinemodel; desc offlinemodel;
- hide runtime args;
- better latency in waiting for instance;
- Change Instance
s 'isSuccessful' check condition: an instance is 'isSuccessful' when and only when all its tasks
s state is successful;
- xlib: boost xlibclient version to 0.1.10;
- delete xlib model: Percentile,appendID,appendColumns,Declustering,Transform,FillMissingValues,Normalize,Standardize,WeightedSample,RandomSample,Histogram;
- update sdk version to 0.21.3
- tunnel command support unicode delimiter
- Post Instance Retry 优化
- fs -put directory 行为修改, 不再目标 volume 额外创建同名目录
- list offline models
- add xlab command support
- tunnel endpoint 可设置
- desc table 添加 TableID
- add spark command
- fix openmr command text invalid
- fix -j mode desc table cross project failed
- update commons-io version
- wait command 适配pai命令
- 新增 help 命令
- 运行命令中 Ctrl-C 不再直接退出
- 修正 add volumearchive 不支持 -f 参数的问题
- 新增 lib 目录冲突检测
- 新增 unset | unalias 命令
- 使用 AntlrObject.splitCommands 替换 SqlLinesParser.lineParser 进行多条命令的切分
- 新增 matrix 操作
- 新增 datahub 命令
- desc table 增加 max Label
- 新增 update Function 和 desc Function 命令
- job priority 插件更新
- resource add support volume archive
- tunnel command change default charset to ignore
- improve schema mismatch err message when uploading
- fix -- 不被认为 comment 的问题
- fix domain bug
- fluent merge in console
- dship perfomance
- cost sql command
- backupinstance progress
- desc instance status
- PS Command update
- PAI 支持 R script
- PAI command 支持 temp file
- create function 不支持 对外模式
- list instance 不支持 --start 和 --end --limit
- 增加 desc project
- 增加 Wait 命令
- 合并 dship
- 增加 list 命令,支持 public 风格
- 增加 kill 命令的 -sync 选项 issue #12
- pai 支持 xflow adapter
- logview 可以设置不显示
- 修正 label 显示不正确的问题 issue #6
- PAI 命令支持多行
- 增加 runpl 命令,效果等同于 -X
- 修正 post instance 失败重试时的时区错误 bug #ODPS-26819
- 修正 desc table partition 不支持双引号的问题 SDK bug #ODPS-26787
- 使用新 sdk 重写了代码,并同步更新了 hook 的实现方式
- 新增 get resource 命令
- 新增 create/drop/list event