- The objective is to determine the position of all instances of a given template in an parent image.
- We have used template matching mechanism to identify the template image inside the parent image.
- Template matching
- A method for searching and finding the location of a template image in a parent image.
- It simply slides the template image over the input image (as in 2D convolution) and compares the template and patch of input image under the template image.
- Given template image is in the same scale of the parent image.
- Otherwise we have to rescale the template image to the same scale of the parent image.
Step 01 - Reading Images and Templates
Step 02 - Converting RGB images to Grayscale
Step 03 - Creating a Mask Filter
Step 04 - Template Matching
For template matching we have used openCV function matchTemplate() which requires 3 main parameters.
- Input image
- Template image
- Template matching methodology
As the algorithm methodology we choosed normalized sum of squared differences
Step 05 - Thresholding
Step 06 - Tagging The Occurrences
Step 07 - Combining The Mask
Step 08 - Display the Output
- Python 3.7 or above
- Install Tkinter, Pillow libraries
Dinuka Kasun Medis | Michelle Karunarathne | Ravindu Sachintha | Pasindu Madusanka | Sachintha Rathnayake |
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