For these examples to work as a fully-functional Program.cs, be sure to start with these lines:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using TL;
using var client = new WTelegram.Client(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable);
var myself = await client.LoginUserIfNeeded();
In this case, environment variables are used for configuration so make sure to go to your Project Properties > Debug > Environment variables and add at least these variables with adequate value: api_id, api_hash, phone_number
Remember that these are just simple example codes that you should adjust to your needs.
In real production code, you might want to properly test the success of each operation or handle exceptions,
and avoid calling the same methods (like Messages_GetAllChats
) repetitively.
ℹ️ WTelegramClient covers 100% of Telegram Client API, much more than the examples below: check the full API methods list!
More examples can also be found in the Examples folder and in answers to StackOverflow questions.
var resolved = await client.Contacts_ResolveUsername("MyEch0_Bot"); // username without the @
await client.SendMessageAsync(resolved, "/start");
Note: This also works if the @username points to a channel/group, but you must already have joined that channel before sending a message to it. If the username is invalid/unused, the API call raises an exception.
var contacts = await client.Contacts_ImportContacts(new[] { new InputPhoneContact { phone = "+PHONENUMBER" } });
if (contacts.imported.Length > 0)
await client.SendMessageAsync(contacts.users[contacts.imported[0].user_id], "Hello!");
Note: To prevent spam, Telegram may restrict your ability to add new phone numbers.
// HTML-formatted text:
var text = $"Hello <u>dear <b>{HtmlText.Escape(myself.first_name)}</b></u>\n" +
"Enjoy this <code>userbot</code> written with <a href=\"\">WTelegramClient</a>";
var entities = client.HtmlToEntities(ref text);
var sent = await client.SendMessageAsync(InputPeer.Self, text, entities: entities);
// if you need to convert a sent/received Message to HTML: (easier to store)
text = client.EntitiesToHtml(sent.message, sent.entities);
// Markdown-style text:
var text2 = $"Hello __dear *{Markdown.Escape(myself.first_name)}*__\n" +
"Enjoy this `userbot` written with [WTelegramClient](";
var entities2 = client.MarkdownToEntities(ref text2);
var sent2 = await client.SendMessageAsync(InputPeer.Self, text2, entities: entities2);
// if you need to convert a sent/received Message to Markdown: (easier to store)
text2 = client.EntitiesToMarkdown(sent2.message, sent2.entities);
See HTML formatting style and MarkdownV2 formatting style for details.
Note: For the tg://user?id=
notation to work, that user's access hash must have been collected first (see below)
// • List all stickerSets the user has added to his account
var allStickers = await client.Messages_GetAllStickers();
foreach (var stickerSet in allStickers.sets)
Console.WriteLine($"Pack {stickerSet.short_name} contains {stickerSet.count} stickers");
//if you need details on each: var sticketSetDetails = await client.Messages_GetStickerSet(stickerSet);
// • Send a random sticker from the user's favorites stickers
var favedStickers = await client.Messages_GetFavedStickers();
var stickerDoc = favedStickers.stickers[new Random().Next(favedStickers.stickers.Length)];
await client.SendMessageAsync(InputPeer.Self, null, stickerDoc);
// • Send a specific sticker given the stickerset shortname and emoticon
var friendlyPanda = await client.Messages_GetStickerSet("Friendly_Panda");
var laughId = friendlyPanda.packs.First(p => p.emoticon == "😂").documents[0];
var laughDoc = friendlyPanda.documents.First(d => d.ID == laughId);
await client.SendMessageAsync(InputPeer.Self, null, laughDoc);
// • Send a GIF from an internet URL
await client.SendMessageAsync(InputPeer.Self, null, new InputMediaDocumentExternal
{ url = "" });
// • Send a GIF stored on the computer (you can save inputFile for later reuse)
var inputFile = await client.UploadFileAsync(@"C:\Pictures\Rotating_earth_(large).gif");
await client.SendMediaAsync(InputPeer.Self, null, inputFile);
// • Send a random dice/game-of-chance effect from the list of available "dices", see
var appConfig = await client.Help_GetAppConfig();
var emojies_send_dice = appConfig["emojies_send_dice"] as string[];
var dice_emoji = emojies_send_dice[new Random().Next(emojies_send_dice.Length)];
var diceMsg = await client.SendMessageAsync(InputPeer.Self, null, new InputMediaDice { emoticon = dice_emoji });
Console.WriteLine("Dice result:" + ((MessageMediaDice);
// • Send an animated emoji with full-screen animation, see
// Please note that on Telegram Desktop, you won't view the effect from the sender user's point of view
// You can view the effect if you're on Telegram Android, or if you're the receiving user (instead of Self)
var msg = await client.SendMessageAsync(InputPeer.Self, "🎉");
await Task.Delay(5000); // wait for classic animation to finish
await client.SendMessageAsync(InputPeer.Self, "and now, full-screen animation on the above emoji");
// trigger the full-screen animation,
var typing = await client.Messages_SetTyping(InputPeer.Self, new SendMessageEmojiInteraction {
emoticon = "🎉", msg_id =,
interaction = new DataJSON { data = @"{""v"":1,""a"":[{""t"":0.0,""i"":1}]}" }
await Task.Delay(5000);
var chats = await client.Messages_GetAllChats();
foreach (var (id, chat) in chats.chats)
if (chat.IsActive)
Console.WriteLine($"{id} : {chat}");
Console.Write("Choose a chat ID to send a message to: ");
long chatId = long.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
await client.SendMessageAsync(chats.chats[chatId], "Hello, World");
- This list does not include discussions with other users. For this, you need to use Messages_GetAllDialogs.
- The list returned by Messages_GetAllChats contains the
for those chats. Read FAQ #4 about this. - If a basic chat group has been migrated to a supergroup, you may find both the old
and aChannel
with different IDs in thechats.chats
result, but the oldChat
will be marked with flag [deactivated] and should not be used anymore. See Terminology in ReadMe. - You can find a longer version of this method call in Examples/Program_GetAllChats.cs
var dialogs = await client.Messages_GetAllDialogs();
foreach (var dialog in dialogs.dialogs)
switch (dialogs.UserOrChat(dialog))
case User user when user.IsActive: Console.WriteLine("User " + user); break;
case ChatBase chat when chat.IsActive: Console.WriteLine(chat); break;
Note: the lists returned by Messages_GetAllDialogs contains the access_hash
for those chats and users.
See also the Main
method in Examples/Program_ListenUpdates.cs.
var chats = await client.Messages_GetAllChats();
InputPeer peer = chats.chats[1234567890]; // the chat we want
DateTime when = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(3);
await client.SendMessageAsync(peer, "This will be posted in 3 minutes", schedule_date: when);
const int ChatId = 1234567890; // the chat we want
const string Filepath = @"C:\...\photo.jpg";
var chats = await client.Messages_GetAllChats();
InputPeer peer = chats.chats[ChatId];
var inputFile = await client.UploadFileAsync(Filepath);
await client.SendMediaAsync(peer, "Here is the photo", inputFile);
// Photo 1 already on Telegram: latest photo found in the user's Saved Messages
var history = await client.Messages_GetHistory(InputPeer.Self);
PhotoBase photoFromTelegram = history.Messages.OfType<Message>().Select(m =><MessageMediaPhoto>().First().photo;
// Photo 2 uploaded now from our computer:
var uploadedFile = await client.UploadFileAsync(@"C:\Pictures\flower.jpg");
// Photo 3 specified by external url:
const string photoUrl = "";
var inputMedias = new InputMedia[]
photoFromTelegram, // PhotoBase has implicit conversion to InputMediaPhoto
new InputMediaUploadedPhoto { file = uploadedFile },
new InputMediaPhotoExternal() { url = photoUrl },
await client.SendAlbumAsync(InputPeer.Self, inputMedias, "My first album");
Note: Don't mix Photos and file Documents in your album, it doesn't work well
For a basic Chat: (see Terminology in ReadMe)
var chatFull = await client.Messages_GetFullChat(1234567890); // the chat we want
foreach (var (id, user) in chatFull.users)
For a Channel/Group:
var chats = await client.Messages_GetAllChats();
var channel = (Channel)chats.chats[1234567890]; // the channel we want
for (int offset = 0; ;)
var participants = await client.Channels_GetParticipants(channel, null, offset);
foreach (var (id, user) in participants.users)
offset += participants.participants.Length;
if (offset >= participants.count || participants.participants.Length == 0) break;
For big Channel/Group, Telegram servers might limit the number of members you can obtain with the normal above method.
In this case, you can use the following helper method, but it can take several minutes to complete:
var chats = await client.Messages_GetAllChats();
var channel = (Channel)chats.chats[1234567890]; // the channel we want
var participants = await client.Channels_GetAllParticipants(channel);
- For a public channel/group
If you have a link of the form
, you need to extract thechannelname
from the URL.
You can resolve the channel/group username and join it like this:
var resolved = await client.Contacts_ResolveUsername("channelname"); // without the @
if (resolved.Chat is Channel channel)
await client.Channels_JoinChannel(channel);
- For a private channel/group/chat, you need to have an invite link
Telegram invite links can typically have two forms:https://t․me/joinchat/HASH
(note the '+' prefix here)
To use them, you need to extract theHASH
part from the URL and then you can use those two methods:
var chatInvite = await client.Messages_CheckChatInvite("HASH"); // optional: get information before joining
await client.Messages_ImportChatInvite("HASH"); // join the channel/group
// Note: This works also with hash invite links of public channel/group
var chats = await client.Messages_GetAllChats();
var chat = chats.chats[1234567890]; // the target chat
After the above code, once you have obtained an InputUser
or User
, you can:
// • Directly add the user to a Chat/Channel/group:
await client.AddChatUser(chat, user);
// You may get exception USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED if the user has denied the right to be added to a chat
// or exception USER_NOT_MUTUAL_CONTACT if the user left the chat previously and you want to add him again
// • Obtain the main invite link for the chat, and send it to the user:
var mcf = await client.GetFullChat(chat);
var invite = (ChatInviteExported)mcf.full_chat.ExportedInvite;
await client.SendMessageAsync(user, "Join our group with this link: " +;
// • Create a new invite link for the chat/channel, and send it to the user
var invite = (ChatInviteExported)await client.Messages_ExportChatInvite(chat, title: "MyLink");
await client.SendMessageAsync(user, "Join our group with this link: " +;
// • Revoke then delete that invite link (when you no longer need it)
await client.Messages_EditExportedChatInvite(chat,, revoked: true);
await client.Messages_DeleteExportedChatInvite(chat,;
// • Remove the user from a Chat/Channel/Group:
await client.DeleteChatUser(chat, user);
var chats = await client.Messages_GetAllChats();
InputPeer peer = chats.chats[1234567890]; // the chat we want
for (int offset_id = 0; ;)
var messages = await client.Messages_GetHistory(peer, offset_id);
if (messages.Messages.Length == 0) break;
foreach (var msgBase in messages.Messages)
var from = messages.UserOrChat(msgBase.From ?? msgBase.Peer); // from can be User/Chat/Channel
if (msgBase is Message msg)
Console.WriteLine($"{from}> {msg.message} {}");
else if (msgBase is MessageService ms)
Console.WriteLine($"{from} [{ms.action.GetType().Name[13..]}]");
offset_id = messages.Messages[^1].ID;
This is done through the client.OnUpdate
callback event.
Your event handler implementation can either return Task.CompletedTask
or be an async Task
See Examples/Program_ListenUpdates.cs.
You have to handle client.OnUpdate
events containing an UpdateNewMessage
See the DisplayMessage
method in Examples/Program_ListenUpdates.cs.
You can filter specific chats the message are posted in, by looking at the Message.peer_id
There are two different methods. Here is the simpler one:
var contacts = await client.Contacts_GetContacts();
foreach (User contact in contacts.users.Values)
Console.WriteLine($"{contact} {}");
The second method uses the more complex GDPR export, takeout session system. Here is an example on how to implement it:
using TL.Methods; // methods as structures, for Invoke* calls
var takeout = await client.Account_InitTakeoutSession(contacts: true);
var finishTakeout = new Account_FinishTakeoutSession();
var savedContacts = await client.InvokeWithTakeout(, new Contacts_GetSaved());
foreach (SavedPhoneContact contact in savedContacts)
Console.WriteLine($"{contact.first_name} {contact.last_name} {}, added on {}");
finishTakeout.flags = Account_FinishTakeoutSession.Flags.success;
await client.InvokeWithTakeout(, finishTakeout);
This is done using the helper method client.DownloadFileAsync(file, outputStream)
that simplify the download of a photo/document/file once you get a reference to its location (through updates or API calls).
See Examples/Program_DownloadSavedMedia.cs that download all media files you forward to yourself (Saved Messages)
You can automate the collection of access_hash
for the various resources obtained in response to API calls or Updates,
so that you don't have to remember them by yourself or ask the API about them each time.
This is done by activating the experimental client.CollectAccessHash
See Examples/Program_CollectAccessHash.cs for how to enable it, and save/restore them for later use.
SOCKS/HTTPS proxies can be used through the client.TcpHandler
delegate and a proxy library like StarkSoftProxy:
using var client = new WTelegram.Client(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable);
client.TcpHandler = async (address, port) =>
var proxy = new Socks5ProxyClient(ProxyHost, ProxyPort, ProxyUsername, ProxyPassword);
return proxy.CreateConnection(address, port);
var myself = await client.LoginUserIfNeeded();
or with xNetStandard:
client.TcpHandler = async (address, port) =>
var proxy = xNet.Socks5ProxyClient.Parse("host:port:username:password");
return proxy.CreateConnection(address, port);
MTProxy (MTProto proxy) can be used to prevent ISP blocking Telegram servers, through the client.MTProxyUrl
using var client = new WTelegram.Client(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable);
client.MTProxyUrl = "";
var myself = await client.LoginUserIfNeeded();
You can find a list of working MTProxies in channels like @ProxyMTProto or @MTProxyT (right-click the "Connect" buttons)
If your Telegram client is already connected to such MTPROTO proxy, you can also export its URL by clicking on the shield button and then ⋮ > Share
Note: WTelegramClient always uses transport obfuscation when connecting to Telegram servers, even without MTProxy
By default, WTelegramClient logs are displayed on the Console screen.
If you are not in a Console app or don't want the logs on screen, you can redirect them as you prefer:
// • Log to file in replacement of default Console screen logging, using this static variable:
static StreamWriter WTelegramLogs = new StreamWriter("WTelegram.log", true, Encoding.UTF8) { AutoFlush = true };
WTelegram.Helpers.Log = (lvl, str) => WTelegramLogs.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} [{"TDIWE!"[lvl]}] {str}");
// • Log to VS Output debugging pane in addition (+=) to the default Console screen logging:
WTelegram.Helpers.Log += (lvl, str) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(str);
// • In ASP.NET service, you will typically send logs to an ILogger:
WTelegram.Helpers.Log = (lvl, str) => _logger.Log((LogLevel)lvl, str);
// • Disable logging (THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED as you won't be able to diagnose any upcoming problem):
WTelegram.Helpers.Log = (lvl, str) => { };
const string old_password = "password"; // current password if any (unused otherwise)
const string new_password = "new_password"; // or null to disable 2FA
var accountPwd = await client.Account_GetPassword();
var password = accountPwd.current_algo == null ? null : await WTelegram.Client.InputCheckPassword(accountPwd, old_password);
accountPwd.current_algo = null; // makes InputCheckPassword generate a new password
var new_password_hash = new_password == null ? null : await WTelegram.Client.InputCheckPassword(accountPwd, new_password);
await client.Account_UpdatePasswordSettings(password, new Account_PasswordInputSettings
flags = Account_PasswordInputSettings.Flags.has_new_algo,
new_password_hash = new_password_hash?.A,
new_algo = accountPwd.new_algo,
hint = "new password hint",
If you don't want to store session data into files (for example if your VPS Hosting doesn't allow that), or just for easier management, you can choose to store the session data somewhere else, like in a database.
The WTelegram.Client constructor takes an optional sessionStore
parameter to allow storing sessions in an alternate manner.
Use it to pass a custom Stream-derived class that will read (first initial call to Length & Read) and store (subsequent Writes) session data to database.
You can find an example for such custom session store in Examples/Program_Heroku.cs
// • Sending a message with custom emojies in Markdown to ourself:
var text = "Vicksy says Hi! [👋](emoji?id=5190875290439525089)";
var entities = client.MarkdownToEntities(ref text, premium: true);
await client.SendMessageAsync(InputPeer.Self, text, entities: entities);
// also available in HTML: <tg-emoji id="5190875290439525089">👋</tg-emoji>
// • Fetch all available standard emoji reactions
var all_emoji = await client.Messages_GetAvailableReactions();
var chats = await client.Messages_GetAllChats();
var chat = chats.chats[1234567890]; // the chat we want
// • Check reactions available in this chat
var full = await client.GetFullChat(chat);
Reaction reaction = full.full_chat.AvailableReactions switch
ChatReactionsSome some => some.reactions[0], // only some reactions are allowed => pick the first
ChatReactionsAll all => // all reactions are allowed in this chat
all.flags.HasFlag(ChatReactionsAll.Flags.allow_custom) && client.User.flags.HasFlag(TL.User.Flags.premium)
? new ReactionCustomEmoji { document_id = 5190875290439525089 } // we can use custom emoji reactions here
: new ReactionEmoji { emoticon = all_emoji.reactions[0].reaction }, // else, pick the first standard emoji reaction
_ => null // reactions are not allowed in this chat
if (reaction == null) return;
// • Send the selected reaction on the last 2 pinned messages
var messages = await client.Messages_Search<InputMessagesFilterPinned>(chat, limit: 2);
foreach (var msg in messages.Messages)
await client.Messages_SendReaction(chat, msg.ID, reaction: new[] { reaction });
Note: you can find custom emoji document IDs via API methods like Messages_GetFeaturedEmojiStickers or inspecting incoming messages. Access hash is not required
// Determine which chats and message to forward/copy
var chats = await client.Messages_GetAllChats();
var from_chat = chats.chats[1234567890]; // source chat
var to_chat = chats.chats[1234567891]; // destination chat
var history = await client.Messages_GetHistory(from_chat, limit: 1);
var msg = history.Messages[0] as Message; // last message of source chat
// • Forward the message (only the source message id is necessary)
await client.Messages_ForwardMessages(from_chat, new[] { msg.ID }, new[] { WTelegram.Helpers.RandomLong() }, to_chat);
// • Copy the message without the "Forwarded" header (only the source message id is necessary)
await client.Messages_ForwardMessages(from_chat, new[] { msg.ID }, new[] { WTelegram.Helpers.RandomLong() }, to_chat, drop_author: true);
// • Alternative solution to copy the message (the full message is needed)
await client.SendMessageAsync(to_chat, msg.message,, entities: msg.entities);
This can be done easily using the helper class WTelegram.SecretChats
offering methods to manage/encrypt/decrypt secret chats & encrypted messages/files.
You can view a full working example at Examples/Program_SecretChats.cs.
Secret Chats have been tested successfully with Telegram Android & iOS official clients.
You can also check our FAQ for more implementation details.