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What's New

Sudipto Chandra edited this page Jun 19, 2017 · 10 revisions

Version 1.8

  • Using PDF.js as pdf viewer
  • Auto input-output loader from uDebug
  • Full-screen code editor side by side of problem description
  • Auto select code file after selecting a folder.

Version 1.7

  • Changed the PDF viewer module.
  • Removed Discussion tab from problem description.
  • uDebug viewer: showing only necessary contents.

Version 1.6

  • Problem category viewer design changed
  • "User profile won't download" - fixed.
  • "World Rank not working" - fixed.
  • "User ID not showing in progress tracker tab" - fixed.

Version 1.5

  • Some bugs on category viewer is fixed.
  • Replaced PDF Viewer with a fast and smooth.
  • Added Import Old Codes options in Code viewer.
  • Redefined startup tasks for better performance.
  • Fixed file delete and rename bugs in codes viewer.
  • Fixed some other minor bugs.

Version 1.4

  • New Category system added. Now you can view extended list of problem categories.
  • PDF viewer added for problem descriptions.
  • Removed Backup and Restore buttons from settings.
  • Fixed several minor bugs.
  • Changed input and output system.

Version 1.2

  • Startup loop fixed.
  • Merged input-output and compare tab for easier access.
  • Problems, codes, status and profiles tabpages can be rearranged.
  • Improved design for ease of use in problems and codes.
  • Added forward and backward button on discuss and uDebug Tab
  • 'Click does not work on problem list' bug fixed.
  • 'World Rank does not load in first try' bug fixed.
  • 'Userlist go crazy when it is sorted' bug fixed.
  • Several other bug fixed.
  • Added facebook like button on help menu.

Version 1.1

  • Added support for all windows platforms.
  • Changed Category list into Tree View.
  • Fixed startup failure.
  • Fixed bug in "Check For Updates"
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