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External build rules & dependencies

To enforce true language independence for the core build rules, they should be moved out of each language dir (am-shared/) to giella-core/am-shared. There is also a separate repo (giella-shared) of shared language resources (language data such as digits, names or acronyms, or shared filter regexes), these should be treated the same way wrt building. To make automatic builds work from source check-out or clone, there are a number of things to consider.


am-shared is needed at autoreconf time, which requires that all build resources are available at a known and relatively local position. This makes sharing the resources among languages more tricky, since every language is its own repository in GitHub. Thus these resources are not automatically available by just checking out the language repo, which means that the language tools can not be built.

Using environment variables is not ideal, since we would have to rely on them all the time, for all builds (given that the resources must be available for autoreconf).

Basic idea

giella-shared & giella-core as git submodules or subtrees in each language. This can be overriden by for each language, see below. Alternatively, the script could be the only tool needed, cloning or checking out at first setup.

Both resources should be available in a dir deps/ in each language, so that the path to the build resources will always be: $(top_srcdir)/deps/giella-core/am-shared/*, and similar for giella-shared.

Alternatively could both resources be added as dirs directly within the repo/project root dir (using symlink, submodule or subtree, see discussion below), and then directly processed as an Autotools nested package. This will make packaging, distribution and version checking almost invisible, since everything will just work as one entity.

Submodule vs subtree vs scripting

Most operations seem easier using git subtree. The main issue for the GiellaLT use cases seems to be that with git subtree the subtree is always included, for all users. That does not go well for users working with many languages at the same time, where the desired behavior is that the subproject code is NOT cloned, but instead cloned as an entirely separate repo parallel to all languages. In this case the place of the submodule should be a symbolic link to the independent repo. The main point of a separate single repo is to avoid code duplication.

git submodule on the other hand seems to allow this by opting NOT to clone submodules. This leaves the deps/ subdir open for setting up symlinks instead.

If the regular user is by default not cloning submodules, and instead relying on ./, we can get the desired behavior for all users: they can cd into the giella-shared dir, make changes and commit + push (since it is a completely independent repo). And for CI and other build systems it is easy to enforce cloning of submodules, so that these read-only usages get all the code in one go.

Summary: there are three ways of handling the inclusion of the dependency repos:

  • git submodule
  • git subtree
  • scripted using

The three alternatives will be commented below for each usage scenario and the core operations needed.

Usage scenarios

One language

Using git

If cloned with submodules, everything will be in place, and nothing more needs to be done.

If cloned without submodules, running ./ will clone the required resources and make them available in the correct place.

If we're using git subtree instead, everything will also be in place, and nothing more needs to be done.

Operation Submodule Subtree Script
checkout/clone off by default always included separate repo
commit/push impossible->script transp., mixed history separate repo
pull/update impossible->script transp., subpr. push hard separate repo/action
branching hard to do automatic/transparent separate repo/action

Using svn

The svn interface of GitHub does not give access to submodules. Instead the resources will be checked out by ./ and made available in the correct place.

Operation Submodule Subtree Script
checkout/clone does not work transparent separate repo
commit/push impossible->script transp., mixed history separate repo
pull/update impossible->script transp., subpr. push hard separate repo/action
branching hard to do automatic/transparent separate repo/action

Multiple languages

If many languages are cloned or checked out in parallel (and without the submodule feature of git), running ./ will make a simple check to detect this, and then clone/checkout the two resources parallel to all language repos (if not already available). It will then make a symlink from the expected location in dest/ to the resources one dir level up.

Operation Submodule Subtree Script
checkout/clone off by default 1 copy for each lang 1 shared repo
commit/push hard to do transp. for each lang separate repo
pull/update update sep., hard transp. for each lang separate repo/action
branching hard to do transp. for each lang separate repo/action


See One language, git above. If the source code is fetched in other ways, it is the responsibility of the builder to make sure that it is available as expected at autoreconf time.

Operation Submodule Subtree Script
checkout/clone transparent transparent req . extra steps before config
commit/push N/A N/A N/A
pull/update N/A N/A N/A
branching N/A N/A N/A


All include statements in files are processed before tarballs are made, which means that there is no pre autoreconf processing requirements. The tarballs can thus be built independently of the above concerns.

Operation Submodule Subtree Script
checkout/clone transparent transparent transparent
build tarball transparent transparent transparent
commit/push N/A N/A N/A
pull/update N/A N/A N/A
branching N/A N/A N/A

Summary: submodule vs subtree vs scripting


  • too much hassle for people to get commits and pushes right
  • hard to keep tied to HEAD (explicit setting to newest revision all the time)
  • can be ok for giella-core, but won't work for giella-shared
  • thus disregarded, since we want the same solution for both


  • looks good on the surface
  • mixed history is not nice
  • pushing back to origin is hard
  • can be ok for giella-core, but won't work for giella-shared
  • thus disregarded, since we want the same solution for both


(ie ./ in project/repo root)

  • all repos are separate
  • easy to commit and push to (both svn and git)
  • not mixing history
  • works for all except some CI stuff, which can be made to work in any case

Version checks

  • giella-core will switch to use a flat incrementing version number, instead of semantic versioning as is used now
  • (and related files) check that the available version of both resources are the correct one, as usual

All-encompassing updates to required versions can easily be done using the dadmin tool.