The language model is downloaded by worker.loadLanguage()
and you need to pass the langs to worker.initialize()
During the downloading of language model, Tesseract.js will first check if *.traineddata already exists. (browser: IndexedDB, Node.js: fs, in the folder you execute the command) If the *.traineddata doesn't exist, it will fetch *.traineddata.gz from tessdata, ungzip and store in IndexedDB or fs, you can delete it manually and it will download again for you.
For tesseract.js v2, check TrainingTesseract 4.00
For tesseract.js v1, check Training Tesseract 3.03–3.05
Starting from 2.0.0-beta.1, you can get all these information in the final result.
import { createWorker } from 'tesseract.js';
const worker = createWorker({
logger: m => console.log(m)
(async () => {
await worker.load();
await worker.loadLanguage('eng');
await worker.initialize('eng');
await worker.setParameters({
tessedit_create_box: '1',
tessedit_create_unlv: '1',
tessedit_create_osd: '1',
const { data: { text, hocr, tsv, box, unlv } } = await worker.recognize('');