There are things that you don't know how to do, and you aren't even aware of that yet. (new stuff that sounds important.) Stuff to research or ask about.
- Interface (Still not entirely sure what this is)
There are things you don't know how to do yet, but you know you need to learn it.
Effectively using ternary operator for efficiency
SOLID Principles
Try, Catch, Finally (Understand how it works but not why/how to implement)
Integration Tests
Not entirely sure when to PascalCase vs camelCase (Are variables the only thing that is camelCase for C#?)
There are things that you are pretty good at, but it takes some thought and effort (might need to google a few things)
C# and .Net's rules and syntax (Both are new Languages for me)
Unit Testing
Some things are just second nature for you. They are like "muscle memory" - stuff in this list usually graduates from the Conscious Competence list over time.
- Git