PyHSPF is in need of further development. The following are specific features and exampes that will be added in the future. Other suggestions are welcome.
- Examples of snow simulations and time series integration
- Examples of sediment transport simulations
- Examples of Upper Mississippi HydrologyCalibrator application
- More Special Actions added to existing functions
- Addition of HSPF temperature modules
- Addition of utility modules to improve memory allocation (HSPF COPY module)
- Addition of other HSPF quality modules for the HSPFModel and associated classes
- Additional HSPF nitrogen, phosphorous, and pesticide modules
- Integration with other watershed delineation tools (e.g., TauDEM)
- Variable land use with time
- Open Source GIS Integration
- Pandas integration for time series management
- Data-based FTABLE development
- NCDC 15-minute precipitation database/15-minute time step