This chapter contains a bunch of real shell scripts written by me or other engineers I know that are worth studying, along with accompanying descriptions.
# lookup and return a summary of the aws metadata for either a given InstanceID, or a partial (case sensitive) Tag
function usage {
echo "findinstance: lookup and return a summary of the aws metadata for either a given InstanceID, or a partial (case sensitive) Tag"
echo "usage: findinstance (<tag>|<InstanceId)"
exit 42
[ "${1}" ] || usage
if echo ${1} | grep -q '^i-'
aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids ${1} --filters Name=instance-state-name,Values=${STATES} | jq ".[][].Instances[]|{\"----------------Instance-------------------\",InstanceId, ImageId, Tags, InstanceType, LaunchTime, PublicIpAddress, PrivateIpAddress, PublicDnsName, PrivateDnsName, SecurityGroups}"
aws ec2 describe-instances --filters Name=instance-state-name,Values=${STATES} | jq ".[][].Instances[]| select(.Tags[]?.Value? | index(\"${1}\")) | {\"----------------Instance-------------------\",InstanceId, ImageId, Tags, InstanceType, LaunchTime, PublicIpAddress, PrivateIpAddress, PublicDnsName, PrivateDnsName, SecurityGroups}"