Musical Musings is a tool for users to create and tell stories through playlists they create using the Spotify API.
- sign up, log in, log out
- search songs via Spotify by song title or artist
- create new playlists based on search results
- create new stories thematically related to playlist songs
- view other stories
- comment on stories
- Create playlists and stories using Spotify
- Utilize CRUD functionality for my profile
- View other posts and comment on playlists/stories
- name
- password_digest
- bio
- has_many :playlists
- has_many :comments
- has_many :playlists, through: :comments
- description/story
- belongs_to :user
- has_many :playlist_songs
- has_many :songs, through: :playlist_songs
- has_many :comments
- has_many :users, through: :comments
- title
- artist
- genre
- image
- preview
- has_many :playlist_songs
- has_many :playlists, through: :playlist_songs
- playlist_id
- song_id
- belongs_to :playlist
- belongs_to :song
- text content
- user_id
- playlist_id
- belongs_to :user
- belongs_to :playlist
#MVP (Minimum viable product)
- Users can sign up, create a profile, log in/out, view and create their own playlists/stories, view other playlists/stories and comment on others' work
- A lot of this feels like a stretch at the moment, so stay tuned...