This is an overview of the capabilities of gnuplotlib
. The documentation
provides a complete API reference.
First, a trivial plot: let’s plot a sinusoid
import numpy as np
import gnuplotlib as gp
th = np.linspace(-2.*np.pi, 2.*np.pi, 100)
This was a trivial plot, and was trivially-easy to make: we called plot()
one argument, and we got a plot.
Here each point we plotted was 2-dimensional (has an x value an a y value), but
we passed in only one number for each point. gnuplotlib
noted the missing
value and filled in sequential integers (0, 1, 2, …) for the x coordinate.
If we pass in two arrays, gnuplotlib
will use one for the x, and the other for
the y. Let’s plot sin(theta)
vs. cos(theta)
, i.e. a circle:
import numpy as np
import gnuplotlib as gp
th = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 100)
gp.plot(np.cos(th), np.sin(th))
Hmmm. We asked for a circle, but this looks more like an ellipse. Why? Because gnuplot is autoscaling the x and y axes independently to fill the plot window. If we ask for the autoscaling to scale the axes together, we get a circle:
import numpy as np
import gnuplotlib as gp
th = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 100)
gp.plot(np.cos(th), np.sin(th),
square = True)
Here we used the square
plot option. More on those later. We just plotted
something where each point is represented by 2 values: x and y. When making 2D
plots, this is the most common situation, but others are possible. What if we
want to color-code our points using another array to specify the colors? You
pass in the new array, you tell gnuplotlib
that you now have 3 values per
point (the tuplesize
), and you tell gnuplot
how you want this plot to be
import numpy as np
import gnuplotlib as gp
th = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 100)
gp.plot(np.cos(th), np.sin(th),
# The angle (in degrees) is shown as the color
th * 180./np.pi,
tuplesize = 3,
_with = 'linespoints palette',
square = True)
is a curve option that indicates how this dataset should be plotted.
It’s _with
and not with
because the latter is a built-in keyword in Python.
treats all _xxx
options identically to xxx
, so plot(..., _with
= 'xxx')
and plot(..., **{'_with': 'xxx'})
and plot(..., **{'with': 'xxx'})
are identical.
Styles in _with
are strings that are passed on to gnuplot
verbatim. So the
full power of gnuplot
is available, and there’s nothing gnuplotlib
to learn. gnuplot
has plenty of documentation about styling details.
Earlier we saw that a missing x array can be automatically filled-in with integers 0, 1, 2, … This is available with fancier plots also. The rule is:
- Normally we should be given exactly
arrays - If we are given exactly
arrays, use 0, 1, 2, … for the x - If we are given exactly
arrays, use a regularly spaced xy grid with 0, 1, 2, … in x and in y
These are the only allowed mismatches between tuplesize
and how much data is
received. This allows flexibility in the passing of data, and some level of
validation of input. Example. Let’s color-code the sinusoid by passing in two
arrays. The tuplesize
is still 3, but we have an implicit x.
import numpy as np
import gnuplotlib as gp
th = np.linspace(-2.*np.pi, 2.*np.pi, 100)
# use the cosine as the color
tuplesize = 3,
_with = 'linespoints palette')
Finally, so far we have been passing in each dimension in a separate array. But
it is often far more convenient to pass in a single array where each point is
represented in a row corresponding to the last dimension in that array. This is
specifiable by passing in a negative tuplesize
, and most easily explained with
an example. The circle plot from earlier can be made in this way:
import numpy as np
import numpysane as nps
th = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 100)
points = nps.transpose(, np.sin(th)))
(100, 2)
I.e. we have 100 rows, each one of length 2.
import numpy as np
import numpysane as nps
import gnuplotlib as gp
# shape (100,)
th = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 100)
# shape (100, 2)
points = nps.transpose(, np.sin(th)))
tuplesize = -2,
square = True)
# instead of
# gp.plot(points[:,0], points[:,1],
# tuplesize = 2,
# square = True)
So far we were plotting a single dataset at a time. However, often we want to plot multiple datasets in the same plot, together. Note that the code and documentation uses the terms “dataset” and “curve” interchangeably.
As before, the whole plot is made with a single call to plot()
. In its most
explicit form, each dataset is specified as a tuple. plot options apply to
the whole plot, and are given as kwargs to the plot()
call. curve options
apply to each dataset, and are passed as a dict
in the last element of each
dataset tuple. So each plot
command looks like
plot( curve, curve, ..., plot_options )
where each curve
is a tuple
curve = (array, array, ..., curve_options)
The data in each dataset is interpreted as described in the previous section.
Let’s plot a sine and a cosine together, using the default styling for one, and a specific styling for another. And let’s set some common options.
import numpy as np
import gnuplotlib as gp
th = np.linspace(-2.*np.pi, 2.*np.pi, 100)
gp.plot( (
th, np.sin(th),
th, np.cos(th),
dict(_with = "points pt 7",
legend = "cosine")
xlabel = "Angle (rad)",
title = "Sine and cosine",
unset = 'grid')
The plot()
kwargs are the plot options, but curve options are allowed there as
well. These will be used as the default curve options for all curves that omit
those specific options. For instance, if I want to plot lots of things with
lines, except one, I can do this:
import numpy as np
import gnuplotlib as gp
th = np.linspace(-2.*np.pi, 2.*np.pi, 100)
gp.plot( ( np.sin(th), ),
( np.cos(th), ),
( th, ),
( -th, dict(_with = 'points ps 0.5') ),
_with = 'lines')
If we have just one dataset, each tuple can be inlined, which is why something
like gp.plot(x, y)
Unlike matplotlib
, here we make a single plot()
call instead of making a
separate call for each dataset and for each format setting. You can still
construct the plot piecemeal, however, but you use normal Python directives to
do that. For instance, the previous plot can be created instead like this:
datasets = []
th = np.linspace(-2.*np.pi, 2.*np.pi, 100)
datasets.append(( np.sin(th), ),)
datasets.append(( np.cos(th), ),)
datasets.append(( th, ),)
datasets.append(( -th, dict(_with = 'points ps 0.5') ),)
plot_options = dict()
plot_options['with'] = 'lines'
gp.plot(*datasets, **plot_options)
Finally, broadcasting is fully supported here, and can be used to simplify the
call. Previously we plotted two sinusoids together using a tuple for
each dataset. With broadcasting, we can avoid that:
import numpy as np
import numpysane as nps
import gnuplotlib as gp
th = np.linspace(-2.*np.pi, 2.*np.pi, 100)
gp.plot( th,,
legend = np.array( ("sin", "cos"), ) )
I passed in an aray of shape (100,)
for the x, and an array of shape
for the y. The broadcasting logic kicks in, and we get a plot of two
separate datasets, one for each row of y. The curve options broadcast as well:
the legend
is expecting a scalar, but I gave it an array of shape (2,)
, so
it uses a different legend for each of the two plotted datasets.
If we want multiple plot windows, the object-oriented gnuplotlib
provides this. Each gnuplotlib
object represents a separate gnuplot
and a separate plot window. All the one-call plot()
commands shown so far
reuse a single global gnuplotlib
object for convenience. So if we want
multiple simultaneous plot windows, we explicitly create and use separate
objects. The general sequence is:
plot1 = gp.gnuplotlib(plot_options_and_default_curve_options)
plot2 = gp.gnuplotlib(plot_options_and_default_curve_options)
A trivial example:
import numpy as np
import gnuplotlib as gp
th = np.linspace(-2.*np.pi, 2.*np.pi, 100)
plot1 = gp.gnuplotlib( title = 'sinusoid',
xlabel = 'Angle (rad)')
plot1.plot(th, np.sin(th),
_with = 'lines',
legend = 'sine')
Or if we want one plot window containing multiple plots, we can use the multiplot interface. This extends the previous structure where
- a plot (configured with plot options) contains datasets (configured with curve options)
so that we instead have
- a process (configured with process options) contains plots (configured with plot options) contains datasets (configured with curve options)
In the usual non-multiplot case, process options are lumped into the larger set
of plot options. When making a multiplot, we still have a single plot()
command, but now each plot lives in a separate tuple. We have similar
semantics as before: default plot options can be given together with the process
options. Plot options can be given as a dict
in the last element of that
plot’s tuple. Example. Two sinusoids together, in a multiplot:
import numpy as np
import gnuplotlib as gp
th = np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, 30)
gp.plot( (th, np.cos(th), dict(title="cos",
_xrange = [0,2.*np.pi],
_yrange = [-1,1],)),
(th, np.sin(th), dict(title="sin",
_xrange = [0,2.*np.pi],
_yrange = [-1,1])),
multiplot='title "multiplot sin,cos" layout 2,1',)
We get a multiplot if we pass in a multiplot
process option. The value of this
option is given directly to gnuplot
in a set multiplot
command. As before,
see the gnuplot
documentation for all the details: run
gnuplot -e 'help multiplot'
This is a good overview of the syntax. Now let’s demo some fancy plots to serve as a cookbook.
Since the actual plotting is handled by gnuplot
, its documentation and demos
are the primary reference on how to do stuff.
Most often, we’re plotting lines or points. The most common styling keywords are:
(or equivalentlypointtype
(or equivalentlypointsize
(or equivalentlylinetype
(or equivalentlylinewidth
(or equivalentlylinecolor
(or equivalentlydashtype
For details about these and all other styles, see the gnuplot
For instance, the first little bit of the docs about the different line widths:
gnuplot -e 'help linewidth' | head -n 20
Each terminal has a default set of line and point types, which can be seen by using the command `test`. `set style line` defines a set of line types and widths and point types and sizes so that you can refer to them later by an index instead of repeating all the information at each invocation. Syntax: set style line <index> default set style line <index> {{linetype | lt} <line_type> | <colorspec>} {{linecolor | lc} <colorspec>} {{linewidth | lw} <line_width>} {{pointtype | pt} <point_type>} {{pointsize | ps} <point_size>} {{pointinterval | pi} <interval>} {{pointnumber | pn} <max_symbols>} {{dashtype | dt} <dashtype>} {palette} unset style line show style line `default` sets all line style parameters to those of the linetype with
gnuplot has a test
command, which produces a demo of the various available
styles. This documentation uses the svg
terminal (what gnuplot calls a
“backend”). So for the svg
terminal, the various styles look like this:
So for instance if you plot something with linespoints pt 4 dt 2 lc 7
get a red dashed line with square points. By default you’d be using one of the
interactive graphical terminals (x11
or qt
), which would have largely
similar styling.
Let’s make a plot with some variable colors and point sizes:
import numpy as np
import gnuplotlib as gp
x = np.arange(21) - 10
gp.plot( ( x**2, np.abs(x)/2, x*50,
dict(_with = 'points pointtype 7 pointsize variable palette',
tuplesize = 4) ),
( 3*x + 30,
dict(_with = 'lines lw 3 lc "red" dashtype 2')),
cbrange = '-600:600',)
Let’s now plot two datasets, one with variable color, the other with variable
size. We have tuplesize=3
for both, but I’m passing in one array. So the xy
domain is a regular grid of the appropriate size.
import numpy as np
import numpysane as nps
import gnuplotlib as gp
y,x = np.mgrid[-10:11, -8:2]
r = np.sqrt(x*x + y*y)
gp.plot(,r / 5.),
tuplesize = 3,
_with = np.array(('points palette pt 7',
'points ps variable pt 6')),
square = True)
To see a sampling of all the availble line and point styles, run the test
command in gnuplot
As before, the gnuplot
documentation has the styling details:
gnuplot -e 'help xerrorbars'
gnuplot -e 'help yerrorbars'
gnuplot -e 'help xyerrorbars'
For brevity, I’m not including the contents of those help pages here. These tell us how to specify errorbars: how many columns to pass in, what they mean, etc. Example:
import numpy as np
import gnuplotlib as gp
x = np.arange(21) - 10
y = x**2 * 10 + 20
gp.plot( ( x + 1,
y + 20,
dict(_with = 'lines') ),
( x + 1,
y + 20,
dict(legend = "using the 'x y xdelta ydelta' style",
_with = 'xyerrorbars',
tuplesize = 4) ),
( x,
x - x**2/80,
x + x**2/40,
y - x**2/4,
y + x**2/4 / 2,
dict(legend = "using the 'x y xlow xhigh ylow yhigh' style",
_with = 'xyerrorbars',
tuplesize = 6)),
( x, x*20 + 500., np.ones(x.shape) * 40,
dict(legend = "using the 'x y ydelta' style; constant ydelta",
_with = 'yerrorbars',
tuplesize = 3)),
xmin = 1 + x[0],
xmax = 1 + x[-1],
set = 'key box opaque')
gnuplot -e 'help polar'
Let’s plot the Conchoids of de Sluze using broadcasting:
import numpy as np
import gnuplotlib as gp
rho = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 1000) # dim=( 1000,)
a = np.arange(-4,3)[:, np.newaxis] # dim=(7,1)
gp.plot( rho,
1./np.cos(rho) + a*np.cos(rho), # broadcasted. dim=(7,1000)
_with = 'lines',
set = 'polar',
square = True,
xrange = [-5,5],
yrange = [-5,5],
legend = np.array(["a = {}".format(_) for _ in a.ravel()]) )
import numpy as np
import gnuplotlib as gp
x = np.linspace(0.1, 100, 100)
gp.plot( x,
_with = 'linespoints',
set = 'logscale y' )
gnuplot -e 'help labels'
gnuplot -e 'help set label'
Basic example:
import numpy as np
import gnuplotlib as gp
x = np.arange(5)
y = x+1
gp.plot(x, y,
np.array( ['At x={}'.format(_) for _ in x], dtype=str),
_with = 'labels',
tuplesize = 3,
unset = 'grid')
More complex example:
import numpy as np
import gnuplotlib as gp
x = np.arange(5, dtype=float)
y = x+1
gp.plot(x, y,
np.array( ['At x={}'.format(_) for _ in x], dtype=str),
x / 4 * 90, # Angles, in degrees
x, # Mapped to colors
_with = 'labels rotate variable textcolor palette',
tuplesize = 5,
unset = 'grid')
We can plot in 3D by passing in the plot option _3d = True
or by calling
instead of plot()
. The latter is simply a convenience function to
set the _3d
plot option. When plotting interactively, you can use the mouse to
rotate the plot, and look at it from different directions. Otherwise, the
viewing angle can be set with the view
setting. See
gnuplot -e 'help set view'
In general there’re lots of ways to plot images, meshes, contours, and so on.
Please see the gnuplot
Let’s plot a sphere:
import numpy as np
import gnuplotlib as gp
th = np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, 30)
ph = np.linspace(-np.pi/2, np.pi*2, 30)[:,np.newaxis]
x = (np.cos(ph) * np.cos(th)) .ravel()
y = (np.cos(ph) * np.sin(th)) .ravel()
z = (np.sin(ph) * np.ones( th.shape )) .ravel()
gp.plot3d( x, y, z,
_with = 'points',
title = 'sphere',
square = True)
A double-helix with variable color and variable pointsize
import numpy as np
import numpysane as nps
import gnuplotlib as gp
th = np.linspace(0, 6*np.pi, 200)
z = np.linspace(0, 5, 200)
size = 0.5 + np.abs(np.cos(th))
color = np.sin(2*th)
gp.plot3d( np.cos(th) * nps.transpose(np.array((1,-1))),
np.sin(th) * nps.transpose(np.array((1,-1))),
legend = np.array(('spiral 1', 'spiral 2')),
tuplesize = 5,
_with = 'points pointsize variable pointtype 7 palette',
title = 'Double helix',
squarexy = True)
Both of these are plots of discrete 3D points. If we pass in exactly
arrays, then we will use an implicit grid as our xy domain. Let’s
create a mesh, and plot it:
import numpy as np
import numpysane as nps
import gnuplotlib as gp
N = 60
# shape (N+1,N+1,2). Linear values from -1 to 1
xy =[0:N+1,0:N+1], 0, -1)/(N/2.) - 1.
# shape (N+1,N+1)
r = nps.mag(xy)
z = np.exp(-r * 2.) * np.sin(xy[...,0]*6) * np.sin(xy[...,1]*6)
squarexy = True)
By default we plot with lines (meaning “wireframe” here) and points. Probably just the wireframe would be nicer. And let’s use variable colors to encode z. And let’s rotate it
import numpy as np
import numpysane as nps
import gnuplotlib as gp
N = 60
# shape (N+1,N+1,2). Linear values from -1 to 1
xy =[0:N+1,0:N+1], 0, -1)/(N/2.) - 1.
# shape (N+1,N+1)
r = nps.mag(xy)
z = np.exp(-r * 2.) * np.sin(xy[...,0]*6) * np.sin(xy[...,1]*6)
gp.plot3d(z, z,
_with = 'lines palette',
tuplesize = 4,
set = ('view 50,30', 'view equal xy')
Let’s add some contours beneath
import numpy as np
import numpysane as nps
import gnuplotlib as gp
N = 60
# shape (N+1,N+1,2). Linear values from -1 to 1
xy =[0:N+1,0:N+1], 0, -1)/(N/2.) - 1.
# shape (N+1,N+1)
r = nps.mag(xy)
z = np.exp(-r * 2.) * np.sin(xy[...,0]*6) * np.sin(xy[...,1]*6)
_with = 'lines',
set = ('view 60,30', 'view equal xy',
'contour base')
When looking at contour plots I generally find them to be much more legible as a top-down view, without the 3D component. So I usually do something like this instead:
import numpy as np
import numpysane as nps
import gnuplotlib as gp
N = 60
# shape (N+1,N+1,2). Linear values from -1 to 1
xy =[0:N+1,0:N+1], 0, -1)/(N/2.) - 1.
# shape (N+1,N+1)
r = nps.mag(xy)
z = np.exp(-r * 2.) * np.sin(xy[...,0]*6) * np.sin(xy[...,1]*6)
_with = np.array(('image', 'lines lw 2 nosurface')),
legend = np.array(('surface', '')),
set = ('key outside',
'view 0,0',
'view equal xy',
'contour base',
'cntrparam bspline',
'cntrparam levels 15'),
unset=('grid', 'colorbox') )
This is technically a 3D plot, but we’re looking at it straight down, from the top. The 3D plot processing is required to make contours. If we just want to draw a colormapped grid, we can do this as a 2D plot. Let’s do that, and also use a grayscale colormap
import numpy as np
import numpysane as nps
import gnuplotlib as gp
N = 60
# shape (N+1,N+1,2). Linear values from -1 to 1
xy =[0:N+1,0:N+1], 0, -1)/(N/2.) - 1.
# shape (N+1,N+1)
r = nps.mag(xy)
z = np.exp(-r * 2.) * np.sin(xy[...,0]*6) * np.sin(xy[...,1]*6)
_with = 'image pixels',
tuplesize = 3,
set = 'palette grey',
unset = 'grid',
square = True)
This is very useful for annotating images. Note that above I used the image
instead of image
. This is a compabilitity mode that is required to
work around a bug in github’s .svg display. Usually you’d use the normal image
Finally, in these few examples we used an implicit 2D grid as our domain. This implicit grid is regular, and uses integers 0, 1, 2, … in each dimension. What if this grid isn’t exactly what we want?
One method is to set up a transformation in the using
directive. Here the
style works properly only when a linear transformation is involved. With
a nonlinear transformation, the pm3d
style is needed. It resamples the input
in a grid, so it’s able to handle this.
Linear transformation:
import numpy as np
import numpysane as nps
import gnuplotlib as gp
N = 60
# shape (N+1,N+1,2). Linear values from -1 to 1
xy =[0:N+1,0:N+1], 0, -1)/(N/2.) - 1.
# shape (N+1,N+1)
r = nps.mag(xy)
z = np.exp(-r * 2.) * np.sin(xy[...,0]*6) * np.sin(xy[...,1]*6)
_with = np.array(('image', 'lines nosurface')),
set = ('view 0,0',
'view equal xy',
'contour base',
'cntrparam bspline',
'cntrparam levels 15'),
using = '(100+$1+$2):($1-$2):3',
ascii = True,
unset = 'grid' )
Nonlinear transformation:
import numpy as np
import numpysane as nps
import gnuplotlib as gp
N = 60
# shape (N+1,N+1,2). Linear values from -1 to 1
xy =[0:N+1,0:N+1], 0, -1)/(N/2.) - 1.
# shape (N+1,N+1)
r = nps.mag(xy)
z = np.exp(-r * 2.) * np.sin(xy[...,0]*6) * np.sin(xy[...,1]*6)
_with = 'pm3d',
set = ('view 0,0',
'contour base',
'cntrparam bspline',
'cntrparam levels 15'),
using = '($1*$1):2:3',
ascii = True,
unset = 'grid' )
Some other techniques are possible using linked axes or passing in discrete points, but I’m not going into those here.
What if we want multiple sets of contours in one plot? gnuplot
directly allow that. But you can use multiplot
to draw the multiple contours
on top of one another, resulting in the plot we want:
import numpy as np
import gnuplotlib as gp
x,y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-5,5,100),
z0 = np.sin(x) + y*y/8.
z1 = np.sin(x) + y*y/10.
z2 = np.sin(x) + y*y/12.
commonset = ( 'origin 0,0',
'size 1,1',
'view 60,20,1,1',
'xrange [0:100]',
'yrange [0:100]',
'zrange [0:150]',
'contour base' )
gp.plot3d( (z0, dict(_set = commonset + ('xyplane at 10',))),
(z1, dict(_set = commonset + ('xyplane at 80', 'border 15'), unset=('ztics',))),
(z2, dict(_set = commonset + ('xyplane at 150', 'border 15'), unset=('ztics',))),
_with = np.array(('lines nosurface',
'labels boxed nosurface')),
(and gnuplotlib
) has support for histograms. So we can give it data,
and have it bin it for us. Or we can compute the histogram with numpy
, and
just use gnuplotlib
to plot the resulting bars. Let’s sample a normal
distribution, and do it both ways. And let’s compute the expected and observed
probability-density-functions, and plot those on top (as equations, evaluated by
). With gnuplotlib
import numpy as np
import numpysane as nps
import gnuplotlib as gp
from scipy.special import erf
N = 500
x = np.random.randn(N)
binwidth = 0.5
def equation_gaussian(N = 0, mean = 0, sigma = 0, title = ''):
k = N * np.sqrt(2.*np.pi) * sigma * erf(binwidth/(2.*np.sqrt(2)*sigma))
return '{k}*exp(-(x-{mean})*(x-{mean})/(2.*{sigma}*{sigma})) / sqrt(2.*pi*{sigma}*{sigma}) title "{title}" with lines lw 2'. \
format(k = k,
mean = mean,
sigma = sigma,
title = title)
histogram = True,
binwidth = binwidth,
equation_above = \
( equation_gaussian( mean = 0,
sigma = 1.0,
N = N,
title = 'Expected PDF',),
equation_gaussian( mean = np.mean(x),
sigma = np.std(x),
N = N,
title = 'Observed PDF',)))
With numpy
import numpy as np
import numpysane as nps
import gnuplotlib as gp
from scipy.special import erf
N = 500
x = np.random.randn(N)
hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(x, bins = 10)
binwidth = bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0]
bin_centers = bin_edges[1:] - binwidth/2.
def equation_gaussian(N = 0, mean = 0, sigma = 0, title = ''):
k = N * np.sqrt(2.*np.pi) * sigma * erf(binwidth/(2.*np.sqrt(2)*sigma))
return '{k}*exp(-(x-{mean})*(x-{mean})/(2.*{sigma}*{sigma})) / sqrt(2.*pi*{sigma}*{sigma}) title "{title}" with lines lw 2'. \
format(k = k,
mean = mean,
sigma = sigma,
title = title)
gp.plot(bin_centers, hist,
_with = 'boxes fill solid 1 border lt -1',
_set = 'boxwidth {}'.format(binwidth),
equation_above = \
( equation_gaussian( mean = 0,
sigma = 1.0,
N = N,
title = 'Expected PDF',),
equation_gaussian( mean = np.mean(x),
sigma = np.std(x),
N = N,
title = 'Observed PDF',)))
If we want multiple histograms drawn on top of one another, the styling should be adjusted so that they both remain visible. For instance:
import numpy as np
import numpysane as nps
import gnuplotlib as gp
x1 = np.random.randn(1000)
x2 = np.random.randn(1000) / 2.0
binwidth = 0.2
histogram = True,
binwidth = binwidth,
_with = \
np.array(('boxes fill transparent solid 0.3 border lt -1',
'boxes fill transparent pattern 1 border lt -1')))
Documentation in gnuplot available like this:
gnuplot -e 'help vectors'
The docs say that in 2D we want 4 columns: x, y, xdelta, ydelta
and in 3D we
want 6 columns: x, y, z, xdelta, ydelta, zdelta
. And we can have a variable
arrowstyle. A vectorfield in 2D:
import numpy as np
import numpysane as nps
import gnuplotlib as gp
# shape (2, 100)
xy = nps.clump( *np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-5,5,10),
np.linspace(-5,5,10)) ),
n = -2 )
# each one has shape (100,)
x,y = xy
# shape (100,)
r = nps.mag( nps.transpose(xy) )
gp.plot( x, y, y/np.sqrt(r+0.1)*0.5, -x/np.sqrt(r+0.1)*0.5,
tuplesize = 4,
_with = 'vectors filled head',
Let’s say we have a bunch of points with covariance matrices associated with each one. We can plot each point and its 1-sigma ellipses. Let’s do it two ways:
- with ellipses (possible only in 2D)
- with points sampled around the edge of the ellipse (possible in 2D and 3D)
The documentation for ellipses is available with
gnuplot -e 'help ellipses'
The docs say that our options are
2 columns: x y 3 columns: x y major_diam 4 columns: x y major_diam minor_diam 5 columns: x y major_diam minor_diam angle
Let’s do it by plotting ellipses
import numpy as np
import numpysane as nps
import gnuplotlib as gp
N = 8
# The center of my ellipses
# shape (2, N*N)
xy = nps.clump( *np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-5,5,N),
np.linspace(-5,5,N)) ),
n = -2 )
# each one has shape (N*N,)
x,y = xy
# I want repeatable random numbers
# Let's make up some covariances
th = np.random.random((N*N,))
v0 = nps.transpose(, np.cos(th)))
v1 = nps.transpose(, -np.sin(th)))
l = (np.random.random((N*N,2)) + 0.2) / 4
# shape (N*N, 2,2)
C = \
nps.outer(v0*l[:,(0,)], v0*l[:,(0,)]) + \
nps.outer(v1*l[:,(1,)], v1*l[:,(1,)])
# Got covariances C (let's pretend I didn't make them up). For gnuplot I need to
# compute the major and minor axis lengths, and the angle off horizontal.
# np.linalg.eig and np.arctan2 support broadcasting, so I can use them directly
l,v = np.linalg.eig(C)
major_diam = np.sqrt(l[:,0]) * 2.0
minor_diam = np.sqrt(l[:,1]) * 2.0
v_major = v[:,:,0]
angle = np.arctan2(v_major[:,1], v_major[:,0]) * 180./np.pi
gp.plot( ( x, y, major_diam, minor_diam, angle,
dict(tuplesize = 5,
_with = 'ellipses')),
( x, y,
dict(_with = 'points ps 0.5')),
_set = ('xrange [-6:6]', 'yrange [-6:6]'),
square = True)
And again, by sampling the angles, and plotting points. This is more work, but can work in 3D too (we can remap a sphere). I’m using the same data here, so the points should trace the same shape as the ellipses I just computed
import numpy as np
import numpysane as nps
import gnuplotlib as gp
N = 8
# The center of my ellipses
# shape (2, N*N)
xy = nps.clump( *np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-5,5,N),
np.linspace(-5,5,N)) ),
n = -2 )
# each one has shape (N*N,)
x,y = xy
# I want repeatable random numbers
# Let's make up some covariances
th = np.random.random((N*N,))
v0 = nps.transpose(, np.cos(th)))
v1 = nps.transpose(, -np.sin(th)))
l = (np.random.random((N*N,2)) + 0.2) / 4
# shape (N*N, 2,2)
C = \
nps.outer(v0*l[:,(0,)], v0*l[:,(0,)]) + \
nps.outer(v1*l[:,(1,)], v1*l[:,(1,)])
# Got covariances C (let's pretend I didn't make them up). I use this matrix to
# remap a circle, and plot the resulting points
l,v = np.linalg.eig(C)
# A = V sqrt(diag(l)) Vt
# numpy diag() function is weird, so I'm doing that myself here
A = nps.matmult(v * nps.dummy(np.sqrt(l), -2), nps.transpose(v))
th = np.linspace(0, 2.*np.pi, 20)
# shape (Nangles, 2)
v = nps.transpose(, np.sin(th)))
# shape (Nangles, N*N, 1, 2)
v = nps.matmult(, -2, -4), A)
# shape (Nangles, N*N, 2)
xy_1sigma = nps.transpose(xy) + v[..., 0, :]
# shape (Nangles*N*N, 2)
xy_1sigma = nps.clump(xy_1sigma, n=2)
gp.plot( ( xy_1sigma,
dict(tuplesize = -2,
_with = 'dots')),
( x, y,
dict(_with = 'points ps 0.5')),
_set = ('xrange [-6:6]', 'yrange [-6:6]'),
square = True)