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File metadata and controls

533 lines (398 loc) · 18.2 KB

SMP Files

SMP files are the successor format to SLP files. Like SLP files, they contain animations, shadows and outlines for units. SMPs were introduced with Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition.

The Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition almost exclusively stores sprites in a compressed version of the format that is called SMX. You can read more about SMX files here.

SMP File Format

SMPs share a lot of structural similarities to SLPs. However, all of the drawing commands have changed, so the formats are not compatible to each other.


The SMP file starts with a header:

Length Type Description Example
4 bytes string Signature SMP$
4 bytes uint32 Version 0x00000100
4 bytes uint32 Number of frames 721, 0x000002D1
4 bytes uint32 Number of facets 1, 0x0000001 (almost always 0x00000001)
4 bytes uint32 Frames per facet 721, 0x000002D1
4 bytes uint32 possibly checksum 0x8554F6F3
4 bytes uint32 File size in bytes 0x003D5800
4 bytes uint32 Source format 0x0B (SLP) or 0x0C (PSD)
32 bytes string Comment Apparently the file path on FE's machines
struct smp_header {
  char   signature[4];
  uint32 version;
  uint32 num_frames;
  uint32 num_animations;
  uint32 frames_per_animation;
  uint32 checksum;
  uint32 file_size;
  uint32 source_format;
  char   comment[32];

Python format: Struct("< 4s 7I 32s")


  • Source format refers to the format of the file used as input for the official asset conversion tool DEAssetTool.exe when creating the SMP.

SMP Frame Offsets

SMP frames can have up to 3 layers.

  • main graphic layer
  • shadow layer (optional)
  • outline layer (optional)

After the file header, there are num_frames entries of smp_frame_offset. Every smp_frame_offset stores the offset to a frame within the SMP file.

struct smp_frame_offset {
  uint32 offset;

Python format: Struct("< I")

SMP Frame Header

At every smp_frame_offset there is a 32 bytes long frame header that stores the number of layers for the frame in a 4 byte length field at the end.

struct smp_frame_header {
  28 bytes unused; # stores frame header info for source_format = 0x0B
  uint32   length;

SMPs converted from SLPs (source format 0x0B), the frame header has the same structure as the layer headers (see below), except that outline_table_offset and cmd_table_offset are set to zero. For SMPs created from PSD files, all fields except the length field are set to zero.

SMP Layer Header

After the frame header, there are length entries of smp_layer_header. These struct are similar to the SLP Frame Info struct in that they store metadata about the frame.

Length Type Description Example
4 bytes uint32 Width of image 168, 0x000000A8
4 bytes uint32 Height of image 145, 0x00000091
4 bytes uint32 Centre of sprite (X coord) 88, 0x00000058
4 bytes uint32 Centre of sprite (Y coord) 99, 0x00000063
4 bytes uint32 Layer type 0x02, 0x04 or 0x08
4 bytes uint32 Outline table offset 600, 0x00000258
4 bytes uint32 Command table offset 0, 0x00000000
4 bytes uint32 Flags 0x01, 0x02, 0x80 or 0xA0
struct smp_layer_header {
  uint32 width;
  uint32 height;
  uint32 hotspot_x;
  uint32 hotspot_y;
  uint32 layer_type;
  uint32 outline_table_offset;
  uint32 cmd_table_offset;
  uint32 flags;

Python format: Struct("< 8I")


  • Layer types can be 0x02 (main graphic), 0x04 (shadow) or 0x08 (outline). In SMPs with source format 0x0B, outlines use a different layer type: 0x10.
  • Outline and command table offsets are always relative to the frame offset.

SMP Layer Row Edge

At outline_table_offset (after the smp_layer_header structs), an array of smp_layer_row_edge (of length height) structs begins.

Length Type Description Example
2 bytes uint16 Left spacing 20, 0x0014
2 bytes uint16 Right spacing 3, 0x0003
struct smp_layer_row_edge {
  uint16 left_space;
  uint16 right_space;

Python format: Struct("< H H")

For every row, left_space and right_space specify the number of transparent pixels, from each side to the center. For example, in a 50 pixels wide row, with a smp_layer_row_edge of { .left_space = 20, .right_space = 3 }, the leftmost 20 pixels will be transparent, the rightmost 3 will be transparent and there will be 27 pixels of graphical data provided through some number of commands.

If the right or left value is 0xFFFF, the row is completely transparent. Note that there are no command bytes for these rows, so it has to be skipped "manually".

width - left_space - right_space = number of pixels in this line.

SMP Command Table

At smp_layer_header.cmd_table_offset, an array of uint32 (of length height) begins:

struct smp_command_offset {
  uint32 offset;

Python format: Struct("< I")

Each offset defines the offset (beginning) of the first command of a row. The first offset in this array is the first drawing command for the image. All offsets are relative to their respective smp_frame_offset.

These are not actually necessary to use (but obviously are necessary to read), since the commands can be read sequentially, although they can be used for validation purposes.

SMP Drawing Commands

The image is drawn line by line, a line is finished with the End of Row command (0x03). A command is a one-byte number (cmd_byte), followed by command-specific data with a length (number of pixels) varying depending on the command. The next command immediately follows the previous command's data.

In contrast to SLPs, the SMP format uses a much more simplified command set that only contains four commands: Skip, Draw, Player Color Draw and End of Row. The type of command is stored in the 2 least significant bits of the command byte. The 6 most significant bytes define the length of the command.

Each command triggers a drawing method for n = "Count" pixels.

For examples of drawing commands, see the Examples section.

Full Command List

An X signifies that the bit can have any value. These bits are used for storing the length (pixel count) of the command.

The commands works slightly different for each layer type.

Main Graphics type

Command Name Byte value Pixel Count Description
Skip 0bXXXXXX00 (cmd_byte >> 2) + 1 Count transparent pixels should be drawn from the current position.
Draw 0bXXXXXX01 (cmd_byte >> 2) + 1 An array of length pixel_count * 4 bytes filled with 4-byte SMP pixels follows (see SMP Pixel)
Playercolor Draw 0bXXXXXX10 (cmd_byte >> 2) + 1 An array of length pixel_count * 4 bytes filled with 4-byte SMP pixels follows (see SMP Pixel)
End of Row 0bXXXXXX11 0 End of commands for this row. If more commands follow, they are for the next row.
  • When converting the main graphics, the alpha values from the palette are ignored by the game.

Shadow type

Command Name Byte value Pixel Count Description
Skip 0bXXXXXX00 (cmd_byte >> 2) + 1 Count transparent pixels should be drawn from the current position.
Draw 0bXXXXXX01 (cmd_byte >> 2) + 1 An array of length pixel_count * 4 bytes filled with 1-byte alpha values follows.
End of Row 0bXXXXXX11 0 End of commands for this row. If more commands follow, they are for the next row.
  • Shadow layers (layer type 0x04) sometimes do not explicitely draw the last pixel in a row. If that happens, the openage converter draws the last Draw command again.

Outline type

Command Name Byte value Pixel Count Description
Skip 0bXXXXXX00 (cmd_byte >> 2) + 1 Count transparent pixels should be drawn from the current position.
Draw 0bXXXXXX01 (cmd_byte >> 2) + 1 Count player color pixels should be drawn from the current position.
End of Row 0bXXXXXX11 0 End of commands for this row. If more commands follow, they are for the next row.
  • SMP files do not specify a color from a palette for outlines. The openage converter always uses the color from index 0 in the player color palette for these Draw commands.

SMP Pixel

SMP pixels store a palette index, palette number and section as well as a modifier for darkening the pixel if the corresponding unit is damaged.

Length Type Description Example
1 byte uint8 Palette index 20, 0x0014
1 byte uint8 Palette number and section 7, 0x0007
2 byte uint16 Damage modifier 0x29D0 (bits [0,1] and [12,15] are unused)
struct smp_pixel {
  uint8  px_index;
  uint8  px_palette;
  uint16 px_damage_modifier;

Python format: Struct("< B B H")

Palette Info

Colors are stored in JASC palettes with 1024 colors. The palettes are assigned an index which is stored in a palette.conf file. To find the encoded color of a SMP pixel, the palette index and palette section have to be determined from the px_palette value. The palette index is stored in the 6 most significant bits, while the palette section is stored in the 2 least significant bits.

palette_index = px_palette >> 2

palette_section = px_palette & 0b00000011

px_index has to be added to 256 * palette_section to retrieve the actual index for the palette. This index can then be used to get the color value from the palette with the index palette_index.

Damage Info

The last two bytes of the pixel (read with little endian byte order) contain a modifier value that is internally used to calculate the darkening effect of units. From this modifier and the current damage percentage, the game internally calculates a multiplier that is applied to the RGB values of the pixel. More on how that works is described further below.

The modifier only effectively uses 10 of the uint16's bits (bits with index [2,11]). Of these 10 bits, the most significant bit seems to be a usage flag that indicates whether the modifier should be applied to the pixels. The other 9 bits contain the modifier value. You can calculate the effective value by shifting px_damage_modifier by 4 to the right and then masking with 0x01FF to get rid of the usage flag.

damage_modifier = (px_damage_modifier >> 4) & 0x01FF

This yields a value between 0 and 511. From this value, the game creates an approximation of a sigmoid curve ("S"-shaped curve) that, given the current damage percentage, returns a multiplier which is then applied to the RGB values of the retrieved palette color. Visually this means that the darkening effect is small at first, then rapidly increases until 50% damage has been reached. Afterwards, the increase will slow down until it levels off at a maximum value.

You can retrieve the multiplier by using this function:

def calculate_rgb_multiplier(damage_modifier, current_damage_percent):
    damage_window_99_to_50 = current_damage_percent * 2
    damage_window_74_to_25 = damage_window_99_to_50 - 0.5
    damage_window_49_to_0 =  damage_window_74_to_25 - 0.5

    damage_window_99_to_50 = min(max(damage_window_99_to_50, 0.0), 1.0)
    damage_window_74_to_25 = min(max(damage_window_74_to_25, 0.0), 1.0)
    damage_window_49_to_0 = min(max(damage_window_49_to_0, 0.0), 1.0)

    a = math.floor(damage_modifier / 64)
    temp = damage_modifier - 64 * a + 0.5
    b = math.floor(temp / 8)
    c = temp - 8 * b

    a = a * damage_window_99_to_50
    b = b * damage_window_74_to_25
    c = c * damage_window_49_to_0

    sigmoid_result = (a + b + c) / 7
    sigmoid_result = min(max(sigmoid_result, 0.0), 0.65)

    rgb_multiplier = 1 - sigmoid_result

    return rgb_multiplier


  • Pixel's RGB values can at maximum get 65% darker than their original color. This behaviour is hardcoded into the game and cannot be changed.
  • Adding 0.5 to temp is not strictly necessary, but will solve problems with floating point rounding errors.
  • The three damage_window_X_Y values represent how far health of a building has gone down relative to a health interval between X and Y (both representing percentages of health left). For example, if the building is currently at 70% health, then we have progressed by 60% in the health interval that monitors 99% to 50% health. Therefore, damage_window_99_to_50 would be 0.6.


Retrieving a color value from a SMP pixel

Let's assume we have a single SMP pixel and want to find the correct palette for it.

SMP pixel example: 0xEF 0x57 0x50 0x20

The second byte value 0x57 contains the palette information.

We can retrieve the palette index by shifting 0x57 by 2 to the right. Alternatively, you can also divide the value by 4 and floor the result.

palette_index = 0x57 >> 2 = 0b01010111 >> 2 = 0b00010101 = 21

The palette index is 21 which maps to the palette b_west.pal in the palettes.conf of Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition.

Now we have to determine the section of the palette that is used for the pixel. To do that, we can either look at the 2 most significant or calculate px_palette mod 4.

palette_section = 0x57 & 0b00000011 = 0b01010111 & 0b00000011 = 0b00000011 = 3

Here, the palette section is 3 which would cover the indexes 512 to 767 in b_west.pal. From the retrieved values we can now determine the actual index in the palette by adjusting px_index = 0xEF to the palette section.

color_index = px_index + 256 * palette_section
            = 0xEF + 256 * 0x03
            = 239  + 256 * 3
            = 1007

Finally, we can use this index to look up the color value in b_west.pal. In our example, the RGBA value is (5,19,4,255).

Calculating an RGB damage modifier value for an SMP pixel

We will calculate the RGB modifier for an SMP pixel of a building that has 70% of its HP left.

SMP pixel example: 0x90 0x56 0x30 0x33

The two latter bytes are relevant for our calculation. We have to read them as a 16-Bit unsigned integer with little endian byte order.

px_damage_modifier = 0x3330

To get the actual modifier value we have to shift the value by 4 to the right and then mask the result with 0x01FF.

damage_modifier_value = (px_damage_modifier >> 4) & 0x01FF
                      = (0x3330 >> 4) & 0x1FF
                      = 0x0333 & 0x1FF
                      = 0x233
                      = 307

The result should always be a value between 0 and 511.

In the next step we have to determine the variables damage_window_99_to_50, damage_window_74_to_25, damage_window_49_to_0. The values of these variables depends on the current percentage of HP the unit has left or the current percentage of damage to its HP, respectively.

Since we know the building is currently at 70% HP (= 30% damage), we can derive the following values for the variables. The current percentage of damage is represented as a float between 0.0 (= 0% damage) and 1.0 (= 100% damage).

damage_window_99_to_50 = current_damage_percent * 2
                       = 0.3 * 2
                       = 0.6
damage_window_74_to_25 = damage_window_99_to_50 - 0.5
                       = 0.6 - 0.5
                       = 0.1
damage_window_49_to_0 =  damage_window_74_to_25 - 0.5
                       = 0.1 - 0.5
                       = -0.4 (has to be clamped between 0.0 and 1.0)
                       = 0.0

As described in the Damage Info section, you can also visualize the result as a progression in three intervals. We have prepared a figure for this example.

Damage Windows Visualization

The three variables are three overlapping progress intervals within the overarching HP interval of the building. The red marker labelled with 70% shows the current HP percentage. You can see that we have progressed 60% into the top (green) interval, therefore the value for its variable is 0.6. Simultaneously, we have progressed 10% into the middle (blue) interval and will assign its variable the value 0.1 as a result. The bottom interval has not been encountered yet, so its variable gets assigned the value 0.0 for 0% progression.

Now that we know all relevant values, we can input them into the sigmoid function.

First, we calculate the results for the temporary values a, b and c.

a = math.floor(damage_modifier / 64)
  = math.floor(307 / 64)
  = math.floor(4.796875)
  = 4

temp = damage_modifier - 64 * a + 0.5
     = 307 - 64 * 4 + 0.5
     = 51.5

b = math.floor(temp / 8)
  = math.floor(51.5 / 8)
  = math.floor(6.4375)
  = 6

c = temp - 8 * b
  = 51.5 - 8 * 6
  = 3.5

In the next step, we multiply the values with the damage window variables.

a = a * damage_window_99_to_50 = 4 * 0.6   = 2.4
b = b * damage_window_74_to_25 = 6 * 0.1   = 0.6
c = c * damage_window_49_to_0 = 3.5 * 0.0  = 0.0

Then we can divide by 7 and clamp the resulting value to the interval [0.0,0.65].

sigmoid_result = (a + b + c) / 7
               = 3 / 7
               = 0.429

The RGB multiplier is retrieved by subtracting the sigmoid result from 1.

rgb_multiplier = 1 - sigmoid_result
               = 0.571

Finally, the RGB multiplier can be applied to the RGB color value of the pixel. In our case the unmodified value is (85,80,71). Every one of these values is multiplied with rgb_multiplier and floored.

floor(85 * 0.571) = 48
floor(80 * 0.571) = 45
floor(71 * 0.571) = 40

In the game the pixel will therefore be shown with the color (48,45,40).