- If you already have Maude 2.4 installed, then go to the next step. Otherwise,
- if you work on a Linux platform, then go to Maude 2.4 download page download page and follow the steps written there for downloading and installing Maude 2.4;
- if you work on a Windows platform, then download Maude for Windows;
- if you have Eclipse, then you also may download Maude Development Tools; this include a set of plug-ins embedding the Maude system into the Eclipse environment.
- Download CIRC 1.4: Circ.zip. The archive includes documentation, a set of examples, and the tool circ.maude.
- Copy the file circ.maude in the folder including Maude tools (e.g., full-maude.maude, model-checker.maude and so on).
- Follow the instructions from the manual in order to use the Circ tool.