C# .NET port of,
Install-Package Cats.CertificateTransparency
The library is designed to be dependency injection friendly, every service class has a matching interface. However, to get things up and running quickly there is also a static Instance
class which will construct lazy singletons for both ILogListService
and CertificateTransparencyVerifier
If you want to provide a custom list of included and excluded domains to these static instances you must first call Instance.InitDomains
. By default validation will be enabled for all TLS secured domains.
Instance.InitDomains(new [] { "*.google.com", "microsoft.com" }, new [] { "nuget.org" });
var client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler()
ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = (request, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) =>
var certificateChain = chain.ChainElements.OfType<X509ChainElement>().Select(i => i.Certificate).ToList();
var certificateVerifier = Cats.CertificateTransparency.Instance.CertificateTransparencyVerifier;
var ctValueTask = certificateVerifier.IsValidAsync(request.RequestUri.Host, certificateChain, CancellationToken.None);
var ctResult = ctValueTask.IsCompleted
? ctValueTask.Result
: ctValueTask.AsTask().Result;
return ctResult.IsValid;
bool VerifyCtResult(string hostname, IList<DotNetX509Certificate> certificateChain, CtVerificationResult result)
// any extra checks or logging you might want to add
return result.IsValid;
// optionally pass in a function to manually handle the transparency result
var httpHandler = new Cats.CertificateTransparency.CatsAndroidClientHandler(VerifyCtResult);
var client = new HttpClient(httpHandler);
There is currently no platform specific implementation for iOS. Certificate transparency is already enabled since iOS 12.1.1, however, it can be disabled per domain via a property list setting NSRequiresCertificateTransparency.
If you are keen you could use the CertificateVerifier
to build your own HttpClientHandler
, similar to the included Android implementation.
Any contributions are welcome! Especially extra test cases!