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Ability to detect cars in any KITTI rosbag using PointRCNN detections. Able to visualize in image and LiDAR space.

PointRCNN dets


  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Pytorch 1.0
  • ROS Melodic
  • Python 3+
  • Rosbag
  • Pre - trained model

Prepare environment

It is recommended to create a virtual environment.

python3 -m venv path/to/virtual/env/name

source path/to/virtual/env/name/bin/activate

Create catkin workspace.

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src

cd ~/catkin_ws/src

Clone repo, and include the submodules

git clone --recursive

Once you have the venv setup, install python 3 requirements, in the root folder(/pointrcnn_detector_ros)

pip install -r requirements.txt

Additionally, you need to build extra PointRCNN libraries (iou3d, pointnet2, roipool3d)

cd src/PointRCNN/


Then run the script to build the environment with cv bridge and python3.

cd ~/catkin_ws

sh src/pointrcnn_detector_ros/ path/to/virtual/env/name/bin/python

source devel/setup.bash

Data Preparation

  • ROSBAG: In order to convert a KITTI raw data to a rosbag, check out kitti2bag. Although you can download the one I used here.

    Place the rosbag in pointrcnn_detector_ros/data/kitti_2011_09_26_drive_0011_synced.bag

    For now, I have hardcoded the launch of this specific rosbag, but you can just modify the roslaunch file and change it to your own rosbag. If you use a different rosbag, make sure you also change the calibration file to match that specific rosbag.

  • Pre-trained model: You can obtained pre - trained model from the PointRCNN repo here.

    Place the pre-trained model in pointrcnn_detector_ros/src/PointRCNN/tools/PointRCNN.pth


Launch visualization with

roslaunch prcnn_ros kitti_car_det.launch


PointRCNN for the amazing object detector and their publicly available pre-trained model and code.

Kitti2bag for tool to convert KITTI raw data to rosbag