Overview | Features | Setup | Privacy | Contributing | Wiki | Credits | License
Group 11 final project for Software Engineering at the University of MIssouri - Columbia. The goal of our project was to recreate LinkedIn to the best of our abilities within a small team of five individuals. We had to heavily focus on requirements management, since we would eventually be unable to recreate the vast majority of the features LinkedIn offers, and instead focus on the core features we would like to implement. We would continue to design and begin developing our code through 4 weekly sprints, gathering quick feedback from our instructors. Finally, what we have here is a very rough prototype of our project.
####Link to the final project application#### Group 11 - LinkedIn Application
- Registration / Login - To gain access to the system (Currently in Development)
- Edit User Profile - To personalize your profile page (Currently in Development)
- Connecting - With other Users in order to grow your network (Currently in Development)
- Search - Other users by their first name (Currently in Development)
- Messaging - Between two users who are connected(Currently in Development)
- My Network - Viewing one's connected network (Currently in Development)
- Wiki - A full fledged wiki dedicated to this project, which documents the development of the application (Currenly in Development)
- We ask that you first setup a LAMP stack on a dedicated server. You can find out more about how to set up a LAMP stack at this great DigitalOcean Article
- In our case we used Microsoft Azure as a service for hosting our Ubuntu machine during development. There are other options for cloud computing such as DreamHost or AWS.
- Either download a ZIP of our Repo, or use GIT command line to bring all of the files to your machine.
- Import the tables defined in the DDL of the project to provide the necessary table structure.
While the current system does encrypt your registration password and does not publicly show your email address on your profile, we still highly recommend to not use your real name, email address, and/or your commonly used password(s) when registering for our service. We cannot guarantee a high level of security, due to the early stages of development. Thank you for your understanding.
## ContributingPlease use the issue tracker to report any bugs or file any feature reqeusts.
## WikiIf you wish to learn more about the development process of this application, we have used the wiki to document our progress. Link: SWE-Group11 Wiki
## Credits####Group 11 Members####
- Robert Fink
- Kenny Clark
- Dale Brauer
- Xiang Li
- Gaofei Zhao
####Class Instructors####
- Dr. Sean P. Goggins
- Justin Schuyler
- Joe Trammel (PLA)
- Our application look/functionality is heavily based on LinkedIn
- Our
top link layout and credits section based on @b4b4r07's README.md - Our
general layout based on @jxons's README.md - Our
contributing section based on @karan's README.md - There are probably a lot more credits we're forgetting, but at the current state of this prototype we have decided to not focus on this section.
At the current state of this prototype we have decided to not focus on this section.