# https://www.macports.org/install.php
$ sudo port install oath-toolkit
- pass
- gpg
- expect
Setup your gpg if not already known
$ gpg --list-secret-key
sec rsa3072 2022-08-01 [SC] [expires: 2024-07-31]
uid [ultimate] David O Neill <dmz.oneill@gmail.com>
ssb rsa3072 2022-08-01 [E] [expires: 2024-07-31]
Setup password store with that gpg key
$ pass init 0774BB9B2B5052B6244977F49FC1F6C979869721
mkdir: created directory '/home/daoneill/.password-store/'
Password store initialized for 0774BB9B2B5052B6244977F49FC1F6C979869721
$ pass insert redhat.com/hotp-secret
$ pass insert redhat.com/associate-password
$ pass show
Password Store
└── redhat.com
├── associate-password
└── hotp-secret
Fall back is file, but this is not secure and shouldn't be used
$ echo "<< secret >>" > hotp-secret
if you dont known how hotp works and what this number is then create a new key on token.redhat.com, and start from 1
$ echo "1" > hotp-counter
Verify oathtool is the $PATH
$ oathtool -b -c $(cat ./hotp-counter) $(cat ./hotp-secret)
Go into viscosity preferences and click allow unsafe commands
$ ./vpn-connect
On Login
$ mkdir ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
$ cp .config/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/