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Protocol Documentation

The protocol uses Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key exchange, HMAC-based extract-and-expand key derivate (HKDF) and SHA-1 + SHA-256 cryptographic hash functions and AES block cipher with CBC-MAC (AES-CCM) for encryption/decryption.


  1. Alice generates a ECDH key pair using SECP256R1 curve

  2. Alice (client) exchanges keys with the Bob/Jay (server)


  1. Alice generates the ciphertext (simplified)
did, token, bind = HKDF(ECDH(jay_public_key, alice_private_key))
ct = AESCCM(alice_key, did, jay_remote_info)

The token has to be saved for later usage!

  1. Alice sends the ciphertext to Jay and Bob responds register2


  1. Alice generates a key (random bytes) and exchanges keys with Jay login1

  2. Alice hashes the token twice, salting it with the keys (simplified)

salt = alice_random_key + jay_random_key
alice_key, jay_key, alice_iv, jay_iv = HKDF(token, salt)
info = HMAC(alice_key, salt)

Alls Keys and IV's need to be saved for later usage!

  1. Alice sends the hashed token to Jay and Bob responds login1


If all above succeeds, Alice is given rights to access the UART service.

Using the keys generated in step 2 of the login Alice can now encode/decode UART message

  1. Message encoding (simplified)
nonce = alice_iv + '0000' + message_counter
ct = AESCCM(alice_key, message, nonce)
  1. Message decoding (simplified)
nonce = jay_iv + '0000' + message_counter
ct = AESCCM(jay_key, message, nonce)