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Dziezyk, Peter edited this page Aug 5, 2023 · 119 revisions
<API> Description db.txt se.txt
A-Z 0-9 ~
[ ] \
; ' ,
. / -
= 🕷
Press key
(dnaspider.exe will simulate ⌨)

test-><API>Output Goes Here    ...
Ignore_A-Z: 0
Ignore_0-9: 0
⌨ Hold key test-><alt><f4><alt->
⌨ Release key <test-<ctrl>v<ctrl->
<ctrl 1>
<shift 1>
<alt 1>
<win 1>
⌨ Press key test:<bs4>Test
<key+> ⌨ Variable press <test-><+:1><down+> Assume: 1
<key++> ⌨ Auto increment 1 <test-><down++>
<up*2> ⌨ Multi Press test><bs4><up*2><down 2>
<menu> ⌨ Press Menu key
<pause> ⌨ Press PAUSE_BREAK
<pu> ⌨ Press PG UP/Page Up
<pd> ⌨ Press PG DN/Page Down
<ins> ⌨ Press INS/Insert
<ps> ⌨ Press PRT SC/Print Screen
<f1> ⌨ Press F1 (F1-F12)
<caps> ⌨ Press CAPS_LOCK
<xy:0 0> 🖱️ Move pointer to x y position

Press P + ESC to get and print <xy:>
test:<xy:0 0><rc>v<right><down>d<rp>
<x:> 🖱️ Move pointer X test:<x:7><'Current X coordinate + 7>
<y:> 🖱️ Move pointer Y test:<y:-7><'Current Y coordinate - 7>
<rp> 🖱️ Return pointer test-><'rp is auto set in beginning><xy:0 0><,1000><rp>
<XY> 🖱️ Move pointer to <XY: X Y> coordinates test-><XY: 0 0><yesno: Press yes to move 🖱 pointer to XY coordinates.><XY>
<XY:> 🖱️ Set <XY: X Y> in background for <XY> or <RGB:>

Press CAPS_LOCK then P + ESC to get and print <XY:>
test-><XY: 0 0><RGB: 255 255 255><'found><yesno: Press yes to move 🖱 to rp:0 0><XY>
<xy> ⌨ Print 🖱️ X Y <test-><xy>
<~> 🖱️ Get cursor X Y position
<~~> 🖱️ Set cursor X Y position
<lc> 🖱️ Left click
<rc> 🖱️ Right click
<mc> 🖱️ Middle click
<lh> 🖱️ Left hold
<rh> 🖱️ Right hold
<mh> 🖱️ Middle hold
<lr> 🖱️ Left release
<rr> 🖱️ Right release
<mr> 🖱️ Middle release
<sl> 🖱️ Scroll left
<su> 🖱️ Scroll up
<sr> 🖱️ Scroll right
<sd> 🖱️ Scroll down
⌛ Sleep test-<sleep:1000>1<ms:1000>2<,1000>3
<,> ⌛ Dynamic sleep

PAUSE/ESCAPE loop option: <,*2>
<test->1<,>2<,*7>3 CommaSleep: 150
<speed:> ⌛ Output speed

Reverts to 0 when finished
<app:> Show and set app to foreground via TITLE

Select an app then select db.txt and press
A + ESC for <app:TITLE>
test1-><app:Untitled.txt - Visual Studio Code>1

test2-><app: untitled.txt - Visual Studio Code, 10, 555, else:>1

test3-><app: ● database_name.txt - Visual Studio Code, 10, 555, <else:>1


test4-><app: ● database_name.txt - Visual Studio Code, 1, 555, :>1

test5-><app: ● database_name.txt - Visual Studio Code,>1
<App:> Continue if app in foreground <test-><App: db.txt - Visual Studio Code | ● db.txt - Visual Studio Code, 1, 1000, true: false:>
<test-><App: db.txt - Visual Studio Code | ● db.txt - Visual Studio Code, 1, 1000, <true: <false:>2
Use < in the last slot to reconnect. <true: <false:
<app> ⌨ Print app title

Select window, then jump back into db.txt and run or press A + ESC.
<'> db.txt comments test:<'comments>
<''> db.txt ignore right test:<''comment out>ignored
<'''> db.txt ignore below

Place <'''block> in the beginning of a line
<yesno:> Verify message test:<yesno:Continue?>
<beep> Alert sound
<a:> test-<a:<shift\g<shift-\g><left8>
⌨ Calc. test-<+:1> Assume: 0
<+> ⌨ Total <test-><+:1> <*:7> <+> Assume: 0
CtrlKey: 145
<if+:> If calc total, stop

== != < <= g g=

Use   to run <true-> option
e.g., <if+!=:0 true->

Use < to reconnect
e.g., <if+==:1 <true->x

°<re-> <*:0>

Assume			1
DbMultiLineDelimiter °
CloseCtrlMode 1

<se> Load settings <se:<se> ShowSettings: 1
<db> Print database <db:<db>
<v> Toggle visibility <v:<v>
<rgb:> Continue running code if <rgb:> data found in <xy:> location
<rgb:red green blue X Y,*,ms,true- else-> (X Y optional)

Press P + ESC then R + ESC to get and print <xy:><rgb:>

DPI: Display settings -> Scale and layout -> 100%
test1-><xy:0 0><rgb:255 255 255><+:1>

test2-><xy:0 0><rgb:255 255 255,3,1000,else-><+:1>

test3-><xy:0 0><rgb:255 255 255,3,1000,<else->1


test4-><rgb: 255 255 255, 1, 1000, ->1
RgbScaleLayout: 1.00
<RGB:> Continue running code if <RGB:> data is found in <XY:> location.

Place cursor in db.txt and press (CAPS_LOCK) P + ESC then R + ESC while over desired pixel to get and print <XY:><RGB:>

Display settings -> Scale and layout -> 100%
test1-><XY:0 0><RGB:255 255 255>1

test2-><RGB:255 255 255 0 0>1
RgbScaleLayout: 1.00
<RGB~:> If RGB is true, goto its XY <test-><RGB~: 0 0 0 0 0 | 1 1 1 0 0,><rc>
<rgb> ⌨ Print rgb <test-><lt:>rgb:<rgb> <xy>>
⌨ RGBXY to cb <test-><RGB&3><ctrl>v<ctrl-> (3 seconds)
<rgbxy> <RGB: R G B X Y,> to cb
(3 Second delay)
<rand:> ⌨ Print random number test-><rand:>
<rand:> ⌨ Print random number in range test-><rand:0,1>
<rand> ⌨ Print random lowercase letter test-><rand>
<Rand> ⌨ Print random uppercase letter test-><Rand>
<Rand:> ⌨ Print random lowercase or uppercase letter test-><Rand:>
<cb:> Set clipboard (⌨ Auto CTRL + V if CAPS) test-><cb:Test>
<replace:> Regex replace cb test-><app:dnaspider.exe><replace:T,t><app:TITLE><ctrl>v<ctrl->

<ifcb:> Continue running if clipboard is equal to:

== != < <= g g=
test-><ifcb: test>1
<ifcb!:> Continue if cb not equal to:
<ifcbg:> Continue if cb greater than:
<ifcbge:> Continue if cb greater than or equal to:
<ifcbl:> Continue if cb less than:
<ifcble:> Continue if cb less than or equal to:
<ifcbf:> Continue if cb find: (regex_search) test-><'search once><ifcbf: ^https>1

<test-><'search loop><br><ifcbf: ^https, 1, 1000, test->1
<ifcbF:> Continue if cb find:
<ifcbS:> Continue if cb starts with:
<ifcbE:> Continue if cb ends with:
<ifcba:> Continue if cb substr: <test-><ifcba:0 1 x>1
<ifcbA:> Continue if cb find + offset: <test-><ifcbA:1 x>1
<cl> ⌨ Cb length to cb <t-><cl><,><ctrl>v<ctrl->
<time> ⌨ Output the time
<time:> ⌨ Output timestamp
<ift:> Continue if time

== != < <= g g=

<ifh:> Continue if hour

== != < <= g g=
<ifm:> Continue if minute

== != < <= g g=
<test-><'in one minute (ESC: Stop)...><ifm+:1>1
<ifs:> Continue if second (+5 option)

== != < <= g g=
<test-><'+ sec wait option (ESC: Stop)><ifs:+5,>1

<test1-><'hard five sec wait><ifs+:5>1
<<:> Static output message

\n Newline
\t TAB
\T Time
\g ">"
\a Beep
\c Clipboard
\1 1-9 Color
\' Blank
\d Run calc.
\+ Print calc.
\m Print <ml>

<ifcblen:> Continue if clipboard length:

== != < <= g g=
<ifcblen!:> Continue if cb length not equal to:
<ifcbleng:> Continue if cb length greater than:
<ifcblenge:> Continue if cb length greater than or equal to:
<ifcblenl:> Continue if cb length less than:
<ifcblenle:> Continue if cb length less than or equal to:
<upper> uppercase cb contents
<lower> lowercase cb
<~m> se.txt MultiStrand: 0
<~~m> se.txt Multistrand: 1
<db:> Switch Database
Uppercase: auto comment
<test-><DB: C:\dna\database.txt> Database: C:\dna\database.txt
<se:> Switch Settings <test-><se: C:\dna\settings.txt> Settings: C:\dna\settings.txt
<r:> Switch ReplacerDb database
Default: db.txt
<test-><R: C:\dna\r.txt><'{test}>{test:}{test-}{test>}
test: 1
ReplacerDb: C:\dna\r.txt
<ml> ⌨ Print DbMultiLineDelimiter
°<test->	<ml>

DbMultiLineDelimiter	°
Unicode 1
CloseCtrlMode 1

<!> No clear strand after run +++:<<:+++\n>

(F12, F12, F12)
StrandLengthMode: 1
<!:> Set strand after run <t-<!:<test> CloseCtrlMode: 0
CtrlScanOnlyMode: 0
Ignore_F1-F12: 0
<!!:> Multi run in background

<!!: connect: ms>

connect: will connect to <2:>

ms (milliseconds) spacer will be 2222
<!!: <2: 2222> CloseCtrlSpacer: 120
(Default ms)
<!!!:> Set repeat; end <t->1<!!:<2:><!!:<2:>3<!!!:<t->
<dna> ⌨ Run @ startup <dna><<:\nWelcome to dnaSpider\nH+ESC\t\tToggle Visibility\nX+ESC\t\tExit>
{} ⌨ Replacer <test->{test:}
Replacer: 1
ReplacerDb: c:\dna\db.txt
{'} {'ignore} <test->0{'comment}1 Replacer: 1
<dna:> Change program title <test-><dna: Program>
<ifxy:> 🖱️ Continue if xy
Use . instead of actual x or y for current position
Use < in the true or false slot for continue
z <t->
<t-><ifxy:. 0,1,1, <U: <><ifxy:0 .,1,1, <L: <><ifxy:1638 .,1,1, <R: <><ifxy:. 864,1,1, <D: <><,333><<:🖱️><t->
<L:><xy:1637 .>
<U:><xy:. 863>
<R:><xy:1 .>
<D:><xy:. 1>
CtrlKey: 163
CloseCtrlMode: 1
CtrlScanOnlyMode: 0
StrandLengthMode: 1
RgbScaleLayout 2.5

🖥️ Display settings
Scale [250%]
Resolution [4096 x 2160]
<~~esc> Enable ESC and PAUSE_BREAK NoEscapeOrPause: 0
<~esc> Disable ESC and PAUSE_BREAK NoEscapeOrPause: 1
<#:> ASCII Calculator (to cb) <test-><#: x>
<repeat> ⌨ Repeat previous <test-><repeat> ManualRepeat: 1
<audio:> 🔊 Play audio <test-><audio: play c:\dna\1.mp3>
<Audio:> 🔊 Play .wav <test-><Audio: c:\dna\1.wav>

<a:> <alt> <alt-> <app> <app:> <App:> <audio:> <Audio:> <bs> <caps> <cb:> <ctrl> <ctrl-> <db> <db:> <delete> <dna> <dna:> <down> <enter> <end> <esc> <f1> <f2> <f3> <f4> <f5> <f6> <f7> <f8> <f9> <f10> <f11> <f12> <home> <if+:> <ifcb:> <ifcblen:> <ifhour:> <ifminute:> <ifsecond:> <iftime:> <ifxy:> <ins> <lc> <lh> <lr> <left> <menu> <ml> <mc> <mh> <mr> <ms:> <pause> <pd> <ps> <pu> <r:> <rand:> <rand> <Rand> <Rand:> <replace:> <rc> <rh> <rr> <rp> <right> <repeat> <rgb:> <rgb> <RGB:> <RGB~:> <RGB|> <RGB&> <rgbxy> <se> <se:> <shift> <shift-> <sleep:> <sl> <su> <sr> <sd> <space> <speed:> <tab> <time> <time:> <up> <v> <win> <win-> <xy> <xy:> <XY:> <x:> <y:> <yesno:> <~> <~~> <~esc> <~~esc> <~m> <~~m> <+> <+:> <-:> <*:> </:> <%:> <,*> <'> <''> <'''> <<:> <!> <!:> <!!:> <!!!:> <#:> {} {'} 👽dnaspider.exe

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