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Achilles Custom Types

DuyHai DOAN edited this page Aug 17, 2014 · 31 revisions

To support all Cassandra specific but powerful features such as tunable consistency levels or counters, Achilles introduces custom Java types:

#### ConsistencyLevel It is an enum exposing all existing consistency levels in Cassandra:
  • ANY
  • ONE
  • TWO
  • ALL

See Consistency Level for more details

#### Counter This type represents a **Cassandra** counter column. It exposes the following methods:
	public Long get();

	public void incr();

	public void incr(Long increment);

	public void decr();

	public void decr(Long decrement);

For more details on counters, see Counter type

#### CounterBuilder

The above Counter type can be retrieved only from a managed entity. If you want to insert a transient entity having counter fields, you should use the CounterBuilder type provided by Achilles and call the get() method to have a handle on the counter proxy.

The builder exposes the following static methods:

    public static Counter incr() 

    public static Counter incr(Long incr) 

    public static Counter decr() 

    public static Counter decr(Long decr) 

The only sensible usage for CounterBuilder is for transient entity persistence. Example:

public class UserEntity
    private Long userId;

    private Counter 

    private UserEntity(Long userId,.....,Counter popularity)
        this.userId = userId;
        this.popularity = popularity;

 // Creating a new user with initial popularity value set to 100
 manager.insert(new UserEntity(10L,....,CounterBuilder.incr(100L));

#### Options

An Options is just a holder object for Cassandra specific TTL, Timestamp, Consistency level and other parameters

class Options {

    ConsistencyLevel consistency;

    Integer ttl;

    Long timestamp;

    boolean ifNotExists;

    List<CasCondition> casConditions;

    Optional<CASResultListener> casResultListenerO = Optional.absent();
    Optional<com.datastax.driver.core.ConsistencyLevel> serialConsistencyO = Optional.absent();

    public Optional<ConsistencyLevel> getConsistencyLevel() 		{
        return Optional.fromNullable(consistency);

    public Optional<Integer> getTtl() {
        return Optional.fromNullable(ttl);

    public Optional<Long> getTimestamp() {
        return Optional.fromNullable(timestamp);

    public boolean isIfNotExists() {
        return ifNotExists;

    public List<CasCondition> getCasConditions() {
        return casConditions;

    public boolean hasCasConditions() {
        return CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(casConditions);

    public Optional<CASResultListener> getCasResultListener() {
        return casResultListenerO;
    public Optional<com.datastax.driver.core.ConsistencyLevel> getSerialConsistency() {
       return serialConsistencyO;

Options are used in conjunction with common Persistence Manager operations insert(), update(), find(), getProxy() and remove().

Normally you cannot instantiate an Options object yourself, you need to use the OptionsBuilder instead, check below.

#### OptionsBuilder

Main builder to create Options.

The exposed methods are:

Options options;

// Consistency
options = OptionsBuilder.withConsistency(QUORUM);

// TTL
options = OptionsBuilder.withTtl(10);

// Timestamp 
options = OptionsBuilder.withTimestamp(100L);

options = OptionsBuilder.ifNotExists();

// CAS update conditions
options = OptionsBuilder.ifConditions(Arrays.asList(
		new CASCondition("name","John"),
		new CASCondition("age_in_years",33L));
// CAS result listener
options = OptionsBuilder.casResultListener(listener);

// CAS LOCAL_SERIAL instead of the default SERIAL value
options = OptionsBuilder.casLocalSerial();

// Multiple options
options = OptionsBuilder.withTtl(11)

#### IndexCondition

This class defines an index condition necessary for Indexed Query

Below is the public constructor of an IndexCondition instance.

	 * Shortcut constructor to build an EQUAL index condition
	 * @param columnName
	 *            name of indexed column
	 * @param columnValue
	 *            value of indexed column
	public IndexCondition(String columnName, Object columnValue) {
		this.columnName = columnName;
		this.indexRelation = IndexRelation.EQUAL;
		this.columnValue = columnValue;

As you can notice, the support for secondary index is limited to EQUALITY clause. Inequalities on secondary indices do not provide predictable performance so Achilles does not support it by default.

#### TypedMap

The native query API used to return a Map<String,Object> as result. It is not very user-friendly because it forces you do manual type casting. Example:

	Map<String,Object> columns = manager.nativeQuery("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userId = 10").getFirst();
	String name = (String)columns.get("name");  // BAD !
	Long age = (Long)columns.get("age"); // BAD !

TypedMap is just an extension of Map<String,Object> offering two extras methods for convenience:

	public <T> T getTyped(String key) {
		T value = null;
		if (super.containsKey(key) && super.get(key) != null) {
			value = (T) super.get(key);
			return value;
		return value;

	public <T> T getTypedOr(String key, T defaultValue) {
		if (super.containsKey(key)) {
			return getTyped(key);
		} else {
			return defaultValue;

Of course there is no magic, the dirty casting you no longer do, getTyped() will do it for you. The target type is passed at runtime while calling the method. getTypedOr() lets you provide a fall-back value.

Example of usage:

	TypedMap columns = manager.nativeQuery("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userId = 10").first();
	// Explicit type (String) is passed to method invocation
	String name = columns.<String>getTyped("name");
	// No need to provide explicit type. The compiler will infer type in this case
	Long age = columns.get("age");

#### Interceptor

This is an interface defining the contract for a lifecycle interceptor. For more details, please check Interceptors

public interface Interceptor<T> 
	public void onEvent(T entity);

	public List<Event> events();

#### CASCondition

This class defines a CAS condition for conditional update

Below is the public constructor of a CasCondition instance.

public CasCondition(String columnName, Object value) {
            this.columnName = columnName;
            this.value = value;

The columnName parameter represents the CQL3 column name, not the field name of the entity.

Let's consider the following mapping:

  @Column(name = "age_in_years")
  private Long age;

  private String name;
  • CAS condition for age: new CasCondition("age_in_years",...)
  • CAS condition for name: new CasCondition("name",...)

For more details on CAS operations, please refer to Distributed CAS

#### CASResultListener

For all CAS operations, Cassandra returns an [applied] boolean column telling whether the operation has been successful or not. If a CAS update operation failed, Cassandra also returns the current values that differ from the ones used by the CAS update.

To intercepts the CAS operation result and current values, you can register a CASResultListener using the Options API (see above)

The signature of the CASResultListener is:

public interface CASResultListener {

    public void onCASSuccess();

    public void onCASError(CASResult casResult);

The CASResult type is defined as:

public class CASResult {
        private final Operation operation;
        private final TypedMap currentValues;

        public CASResult(Operation operation, TypedMap currentValues) {
            this.operation = operation;
            this.currentValues = currentValues;


        public static enum Operation {INSERT, UPDATE}

For more details on CAS operations, please refer to Distributed CAS

#### InsertStrategy

Define the insert strategy on an entity. Right now only 2 values are possible:

  1. info.archinnov.achilles.type.InsertStrategy.NOT_NULL_FIELDS
  2. info.archinnov.achilles.type.InsertStrategy.ALL_FIELDS

Upon call to insert(), depending on the chosen strategy Achilles will

  1. insert all fields on the entity, even if they are null
  2. insert only non null fields of the entity

Check here for more details on the Insert strategy

#### Encoding

Define the encoding type for enum values. 2 choices are available:

  1. info.archinnov.achilles.annotations.Enumerated.Encoding.NAME encode enum using their name()
  2. info.archinnov.achilles.annotations.Enumerated.Encoding.ORDINAL encode enum using their ordinal()

More details on Enum type


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