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Toolchain that helps with installation and configuration of MantisBT using Docker.

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MantisBT Docker toolchain

The toolchain that simplifies the configuration and deployment of MantisBT using Docker.

It supports both MantisBT major versions 1.x.x and 2.x.x.


  • linux
  • GNU make
  • envsubst
  • docker >= 20.10.11
  • docker-compose >= 2.2.2


The toolchain contains several config files: - the main configuration file
.env.tmpl - the docker-compose configuration file
.mt_config.env.tmpl - MantisBT configuration file

Files with .tmpl extension may contain evnironment variables in bash style (see man envsubst).
All such variables will be subsituted using the envsubst utility during make execution. As the result the files .env.tmpl and .mt_config.env.tmpl will be used as templates to create .env and .mt_config.env ones.

Choose MantisBT source for installation

You are able too choose what repository and branch to use for installation. It is done through the file:

MANTIS_GIT_URL - path to the MantisBT git repository
MANTIS_BRANCH - branch name

Set up domain name

The file also contains configuration variable NGINX_SERVER_NAME that is used to specify a domain name that one would like to use for Mantisbt.

MySQL configuration

This toolchain uses MySQL for MantisBT.

To configure database credentials the file contains the following variables:

MYSQL_DATABASE - database name to be used for MantisBT
MYSQL_USER - database user name
MYSQL_PASSWORD - database user password
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD - database root password

MantisBT configuration

All the configuration variables available in MantisBT can be set using the .mt_config.env.tmpl file. The configuration vairiable must follow the following format:
MT_G_ + variable_name
Thus, the allow_signup option ($g_allow_signup PHP variable) should be set as MT_G_allow_singup in the .mt_config.env.tmpl file.

After installation the whole source code of MantisBT will be available on the host through the directory named mantisbt_src.

Note! Use the .mt_config.env.tmpl file only for the intial configuration. All further configurations must be done throught the mantisbt_src/config/config_inc.php file.


MantisBT can be started using the make start command. This command will build/rebuild everyting if needed and start/recreate containers.

After installation the default user is:
login: administrator
password: root


Use make stop to stop MantisBT.

This command just stops containers and does not delete anything.


To remove the current installation one can use the make remove command. This command will remove all the existing containers, but leave all generated config files, built images and created docker volumes. To remove everything and clean up the environment use the make clear command. This command will remove everything that was created during installation.


To backup the current MantisBT state one can use the make backup command. This command will create backup in the BACKUP_DIR directory configured in the file.

To restore the state from a backup use the make restore command should be used.


Toolchain that helps with installation and configuration of MantisBT using Docker.







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