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Task - Install Universal Control Plane


Students should have the following:

  1. An understanding of the Linux command line and how to SSH into a cloud based Linux VM

  2. An understanding of basic Docker commands

  3. A pre provisioned set of VM's in the cloud. There should be 3 VM's with the following names / tags:

    • ucp-controller
    • ucp-node-0
    • ucp-node-1

    Instructors will provide students with their VM details.

  4. Each VM should be pre setup as follows:

    Operating SystemUbuntu 14.04
    Linux kernel4.2.0-30-generic or later
    Docker Engine version1.12.30-cs4 or any variant of 1.12 CS Engine

Step 1 - Check your environment

  1. SSH into your ucp-controller VM

  2. Run docker version and check the output. You should see the following

    ubuntu@ucp-controller:~$ docker version
     Version:      1.12.3-cs4
     API version:  1.24
     Go version:   go1.6.3
     Git commit:   65c6c4c
     Built:        Fri Nov 11 16:02:12 2016
     OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
     Version:      1.12.3-cs4
     API version:  1.24
     Go version:   go1.6.3
     Git commit:   65c6c4c
     Built:        Fri Nov 11 16:02:12 2016
     OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

    The important thing to check here is that the Docker Engine is 1.12 CS Engine as CS Engine is a requirement for installing UCP.

    If your environment does not have CS Engine installed, please consult with your instructor and also follow the instructions at to install CS Engine. Note, that you will need to remove the existing Docker Engine installation by running $ sudo apt-get remove docker-engine

  3. Repeat this process for all VMs you have been given.

Step 2 - Install UCP

In the following steps, pay very close attention to your command line prompts when running these commands.

  1. Switch back into your ucp-controller VM terminal

  2. Run the following command to install UCP $ docker run --rm -it --name ucp -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock docker/ucp install -i

  3. Specify the username and password for the default "admin" account when prompted.

    ubuntu@ucp-controller:~$ docker run --rm -it --name ucp -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock docker/ucp install -i
    INFO[0000] Verifying your system is compatible with UCP
    INFO[0000] Your engine version 1.12.3-cs4, build 65c6c4c (4.2.0-30-generic) is compatible
    Admin Username: admin
    Admin Password:
    Confirm Admin Password:
  4. You will then be prompted for addtional aliases (SANs). This is an important step and if not done correctly, will lead to certificate x509 errors later on. Here we need to specify the public IP address and/or public domain of our ucp-controller VM. Depending on your cloud provider, you may or may not have a public domain. In the following example, we are using AWS and all nodes have a public IP and domain. In this example our ucp-controller VM's public IP is and the domain is You can separate the both of them with a space.

    INFO[0013] All required images are present
    WARN[0013] None of the hostnames we'll be using in the UCP certificates [ucp-controller] contain a domain component.  Your generated certs may fail TLS validation unless you only use one of these shortnames or IPs to connect.  You can use the --san flag to add more aliases
    You may enter additional aliases (SANs) now or press enter to proceed with the above list.   
    Additional aliases:
  5. At the end of the command, run docker ps and check that the UCP containers are running. You should see the following:

     ubuntu@ucp-controller:~$ docker ps
     CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                             NAMES
     bf3141fc003c        docker/ucp-controller:2.0.1   "/bin/controller serv"   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes>8080/tcp                                                             ucp-controller
     31037f6a14f0        docker/ucp-swarm:2.0.1        "/swarm manage --tlsv"   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes>2375/tcp                                                            ucp-swarm-manager
     f6aa678f7438        docker/ucp-auth:2.0.1         "/usr/local/bin/enzi "   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes>4443/tcp                                                           ucp-auth-api
     3e61dd6ccc26        docker/ucp-auth:2.0.1         "/usr/local/bin/enzi "   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes>4443/tcp                                                           ucp-auth-worker
     2e7ccaf48019        docker/ucp-auth-store:2.0.1   "rethinkdb --bind all"   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes>12383-12384/tcp                                              ucp-auth-store
     4a96888d85eb        docker/ucp-etcd:2.0.1         "/bin/etcd --data-dir"   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes        2380/tcp, 4001/tcp, 7001/tcp,>12380/tcp,>2379/tcp   ucp-kv
     6842246b46d0        docker/ucp-cfssl:2.0.1        "/bin/ucp-ca serve -a"   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes>12382/tcp                                                          ucp-client-root-ca
     df11fd810788        docker/ucp-cfssl:2.0.1        "/bin/ucp-ca serve -a"   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes>12381/tcp                                                          ucp-cluster-root-ca
     d247c7c278be        docker/ucp-agent:2.0.1        "/bin/ucp-agent proxy"   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes>2376/tcp                                                           ucp-proxy
     0acc8f6fbfe7        docker/ucp-agent:2.0.1        "/bin/ucp-agent agent"   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes        2376/tcp                                                                          ucp-agent.0.5w7kq4d6ty7ejx2u26y5yj27i

Step 3 - License the installation

  1. Open you browser and enter the public IP or domain to your ucp-controller VM. Make sure to specify HTTPS in the address field. The UCP web console is not accessible over standard HTTP. You should see the login page.

    Note: Most browsers will display some sort of warming message regardin the connection. This is because we are using the default self signed certificates as opposed to a certificate from a trusted source. You can tell the browser to ignore the warning and proceed.

  2. Login to your Admin account.

  3. Once logged in you will see a prompt screen asking you to upload a license. Click the Upload License button and find the license file on your PC.

    Note: Your instructor will provide you with details on how to obtain a trial license.

Step 4 - Add additional worker nodes

Now that we have installed UCP, it's time to add additional worker nodes so that we can begin deploying Services and containers on them.

  1. Click the Resources link on the top navigation bar and then click on Nodes on the left navigation panel. You should see a page listing all the nodes in your UCP cluster. At the moment, you should have one node, which is the ucp-controller

  2. Click on the Add Node button on the page.

  3. Take note of the docker swarm join command that is listed. Keep your browser here for the time being.

  4. Open two new SSH terminals into your ucp-node-0 and ucp-node-1 VMs.

  5. Switch back to your browser and copy the docker swarm join command from the Add Node Page.

  6. Paste the command into the terminal of your ucp-node-0 and ucp-node-1 VM. You should see similar output to the following, on both VM's.

     ubuntu@ucp-node-0:~$ docker swarm join \
     >   --token SWMTKN-1-5h63yo71fu8wczmw1hdrtx1cr3kdwvbrlkk6gq5jcr53jm0d01-2ezkoswsoxopiy923pzl1b79u \
     This node joined a swarm as a worker.
  7. Click on the Nodes page and check that you have 3 nodes in your cluster.


Congratulations, you have now setup a UCP cluster with 3 nodes, one node as a manager and two nodes as workers.