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Dockstore Standard Operating Procedures

This document contains an overview of the entire Dockstore project, and instructions for setting up and maintaining the staging and production servers for hosting Dockstore. More specfic information can be found in the respective GitHub repositories of each subcomponent and in the official documentation.

Table of Contents

Dockstore Components

The Dockstore project consists of three major components: the dockstore-webservice, the dockstore-client and the dockstore-ui.


Project Link GitHub
Maintainers denis-yuen
Description The central REST API providing all the functions of Dockstore, including user accounts and token-based authentication, Docker image registration, synchronization and management, and publication controls. It is written in Java 8 using the Dropwizard Framework for the REST API and Swagger for endpoint documentation/interactive testing.
URLs Dockstore API (Staging), Dockstore API (Production)


Project Link GitHub
Maintainers denis-yuen
Description A command line interface client for the dockstore-webservice, supported on Linux and Mac OS X. It is part of the dockstore repository on GitHub, and is written in Java 8 with shell scripts.
URLs [...]


Project Link GitHub
Maintainers None
Description A single-page web application written in AngularJS and Bootstrap (with a lot of plugins) that interfaces with the dockstore-webservice. At a minimum, users must register through this portal to acquire a dockstore authentication token and link accounts from GitHub, BitBucket, and/or Docker Hub. Docker images may be published on this site after registration to share with other users.
URLs Dockstore Website (Staging) (Only accessible in OICR subnet.), Dockstore Website (Production)


Term Definition
Image A Docker image, containing an OS and prespecified software, built from a specific version of a Dockerfile.
Container* An instance of a Docker image, possibly running a workflow on a set of inputs.
GitHub A service for hosting Git Repositories, used to host the Dockstore project, issues tracking and Docker images.
BitBucket Another service for hosting Mercurial/Git Repositories A registry for building and hosting public and private Docker images.
Docker Hub The official Docker registry for building and hosting Docker images, API is closed.
Re-sync Calls the /refresh endpoint to pull new data and cache files from GitHub, Bitbucket and to all the images administrated by a user.
Publish Makes an image visible on Dockstore to the public, this function does not alter anything on its image registry.
* Images are currently called Containers on Dockstore, a heroic renaming effort is underway to correct this. In the context of dockstore-ui however, what are currently known as Containers is actually a collection of Images, but Images will be used in the absence of a more appropriate term.

Third-Party API Integration

Dockstore supports integration with GitHub, Bitbucket and through Oauth 2.0. An 'OAuth application' must be registered for each of these services, this will provide you with a Client ID/Secret key pair and the ability to request users' permission to generate scope-restricted API tokens on their behalf. This linking process only needs to be performed once (unless the token is revoked, expires or otherwise becomes invalid), it is done through the Web UI upon login (in the Onboarding Wizard), the secret key is only kept and used by the Dockstore API.

Token Scopes and Permissions

For security and privacy reasons, Dockstore should only request the minimum set of permissions required for it to perform its operations. The table below lists the current scopes/permissions for each provider:

Provider Scopes/Permissions
GitHub read:org,user:email
Bitbucket Account(Email, Read), Team Membership (Read), Repositories (Read), Pull Requests (Read), Issues (Read*), Wikis (Read*, Write*), Snippets (Read*) repo:read,user:read
* Probably don't need these, should test without them before removing.

Redirect URLs

After authenticating, per the OAuth 2.0 flow, the user is redirected to a pre-determined page given by the 'Redirect URL', for dockstore-production, they should be configured as:

Provider Redirect URL

Authorization Flows

GitHub uses the Authorization Code Grant flow for obtaining access tokens, GitHub is also currently the sole authentication provider for Dockstore:

  1. From the login screen of the Web UI, a pop-up appears to a GitHub login page. This is a special page configured with the GitHub Client ID parameter.
  2. Upon completion, an Access Code is returned to Web UI, this is passed to the Dockstore API through an AJAX call.
  3. The Dockstore API makes an API call to GitHub, with the Access Code and Secret Key, it receives an Access Token in return. If a Dockstore user with the GitHub username does not exist, a new user account will be created. A Dockstore token is then generated and/or returned.
  4. From the Web UI side, the Dockstore API call with the Access Code finishes and returns a Dockstore Token, this is stored in the browser's Local Storage (as defined by HTML5) for the domain, and sent with every subsequent HTTP call in the header as the Bearer token.
  5. The logout action will cause the Dockstore token to be deleted from Local Storage, no action is taken on the Dockstore API side to invalidate neither the GitHub token nor the Dockstore token.

Bitbucket and use the simplified Implicit Grant flow:

  1. From the Onboarding Wizard or Accounts page on the Web UI, a user may link their Bitbucket and accounts by clicking the respective 'Link Account' button.
  2. The user is taken to the provider's site (with the Client ID, redirect URI and scope information as parameters) to login and authorize the Dockstore application.
  3. The user is then redirected back to the Web UI, with a new Access Token in the URL as GET parameters, this is parsed in AngularJS and sent to the Dockstore API through an AJAX call.
  4. If this is a token, all of the user's Dockstore images will be refreshed immediately before continuing.
  5. Finally, the Web UI goes to the Onboarding Wizard page, the 'Link Account' button be replaced by a green 'Linked' label to indicate that the linking process was completed successfully.

Satellizer and JSON Web Tokens

The Dockstore Web UI currently only supports authentication through GitHub (and soon: Bitbucket, Google, ...), native authentication via Username and Password login will eventually be supported. The authentication mechanism is provided by Satellizer, an AngularJS plugin.

The Dockstore API does not return a token in the JSON Web Token (JWT) format through a POST request as expected by Satellizer, this necessitated a small modification to the code. The modified library can be found in: app/scripts/libs/satellizer/satellizer-ds.js of the dockstore-ui project.

Configuration Parameters

Dockstore API

At runtime, the dockstore-webservice configuration is read from the dockstore.yml file passed as the second argument.

This is the template for the dockstore-staging configuration file, with TLS encryption (the certificates are in

template: Hello, %s!
scheme: https
port: 8443

authenticationCachePolicy: maximumSize=10000, expireAfterAccess=10m

  timeout: 5500ms
  connectionTimeout: 5500ms
  timeToLive: 1h
  cookiesEnabled: false
  maxConnections: 1024
  maxConnectionsPerRoute: 1024
  keepAlive: 0ms
  retries: 0

    - type: https
      port: 8443
      keyStorePassword: <KEYSTORE_PASSWORD>
      validateCerts: false

authenticationCachePolicy: maximumSize=10000, expireAfterAccess=10m

  # the name of your JDBC driver
  driverClass: org.postgresql.Driver

  # the username
  user: webservice

  # the password
  password: iAMs00perSecrEET

  # the JDBC URL
  url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/webservice

  # any properties specific to your JDBC driver:
    charSet: UTF-8
    hibernate.dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
    # create database as needed, disable in production create

  # the maximum amount of time to wait on an empty pool before throwing an exception
  maxWaitForConnection: 1s

  # the SQL query to run when validating a connection's liveness
  validationQuery: "/* MyApplication Health Check */ SELECT 1"

  # the minimum number of connections to keep open
  minSize: 8

  # the maximum number of connections to keep open
  maxSize: 32

  # whether or not idle connections should be validated
  checkConnectionWhileIdle: false


  • On dockstore-staging and dockstore-production, the Dockstore API is binded to port 8443, with TLS configured. On local development environments, it is binded to port 8080.
  • quayRedirectURI and githubRedirectURI are only used for the development of the web service, when the Web UI is bypassed, their values are ignored otherwise
  • can be set to:
    • create: Clears the database on restart
    • update: Keeps existing database contents, performs in-place updates to table structure
    • validate: Validates the schema, does not alter the database
    • create-drop: Clears database on termination
    • The dockstore-production instance must always be set to use update or validate!!

Dockstore Web UI

All configuration settings for the Web UI is done in the app/scripts/services/webservice.js file. This file is compiled along with the rest of the application, it must be set before running grunt.

Replace <LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS> with the workstation's IP address in the LAN, if localhost is used, Bitbucket authentication will fail due to browser redirection domain security policies.

  1. For development, the server name should be http://<LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS>:9000, on a production environment, replace this URI with a fully-qualified domain name (e.g.
API_URI: 'http://<LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS>:8080',
API_URI_DEBUG: 'http://<LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS>:8090/tests/dummy-data',
  1. Replace GITHUB_CLIENT_ID with the client id for your GitHub Dockstore application.
GITHUB_SCOPE: 'read:org',
  1. Replace QUAYIO_CLIENT_ID with the client id for your Dockstore application. Use http://<LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS>:9000 only for development.
QUAYIO_SCOPE: 'repo:read,user:read'
  1. Replace BITBUCKET_CLIENT_ID with the client id for your Bitbucket Dockstore application.

Environment Setup


PostgreSQL is used as the datastore for Dockstore, to install it on Ubuntu Linux 14.04 (substitute these instructions for Mac OS X ones if applicable):

  1. In a terminal, run:
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
  1. Create the two dockstore-webservice databases:
sudo su - postgres
  1. webservice: Required in all setups. (Check the Dockstore.yml file for configuration changes. Change the database password, obviously.)

    CREATE USER webservice WITH PASSWORD 'iAMs00perSecrEET';
    CREATE DATABASE webservice;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE webservice to webservice;
  2. webservice_test: This one is for integration tests, it is only necessary if you wish to compile dockstore and run tests on the local environment (i.e. not required on Production):

    CREATE USER dockstore WITH PASSWORD 'dockstore';
    ALTER USER dockstore WITH superuser;
    CREATE DATABASE webservice_test WITH owner=dockstore;

Dockstore API

  1. Install a Java 8 JDK, follow the instructions and installer prompts for Ubuntu Linux 14.04:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
echo "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle" >> ~/.profile
  1. Make sure that other build tools are installed:
sudo apt-get install git maven3
  1. In a directory (e.g. ~/workspace/ga4gh):
git clone --recursive ''
  1. To build the project from the command line, go to the root directory of the repository and run:
mvn clean install

The output JARs are in their respective target folders in dockstore-client/ and dockstore-webservice/.

  1. The project may be imported into an IDE such as Eclipse or NetBeans for easier development.

Dockstore Web UI

  1. Install Node.js and NPM on your workstation, specific instructions will vary depending on the operating system distribution. The use of nvm is encouraged in supported environments. On Mac OS X, brew may alternatively be used to install Node.js.

  2. Install the principal build dependencies globally:

npm install --global grunt-cli bower yo generator-karma generator-angular toaster
  1. Install Compass, on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS run (use brew on Mac OS X):
sudo apt-get install -y ruby ruby-dev
gem install compass
  1. In a workspace directory (e.g. ~/workspace/ga4gh/), clone the dockstore-ui repository from GitHub:
git clone --recursive ''
  1. Update the NPM and Bower packages as described in the project's configuration files:
npm update
bower update
  1. Attempt to build the project by running: grunt from the root directory of the dockstore-ui repository. On Mac OS X, use NPM to install any missing dependencies indicated by the output of the build tool until it succeeds (it may be necessary to install some packages locally).

  2. Run grunt serve to open the UI on a web browser, the page will automatically reload or recompile the SASS stylesheets whenever a file changes or is added in the project directory. If you receive an error message about too many open files, increase the watch limit with:

sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=20480

Normal Workflow

Server Deployment

This section describes the structure of the Dockstore server environments, and recommended instructions on how to maintain the server, perform backups, update the Dockstore builds and publish new releases.

Dockstore Servers

Name IP Address (Public) Hostname Location Details
dockstore-staging us-east-1 AWS EC2 Instance, Ubuntu Linux 14.04.03
dockstore-production us-east-1 AWS EC2 Instance, Ubuntu Linux 14.04.03

Setting Up a Server

The dockstore-webservice requires a Java 8 VM to run, but is otherwise standalone, and has no additional dependencies or need for application servers. The dockstore-ui produces compiled static HTML/CSS/JS code, it only requires an HTTP server, with minor configuration settings to support HTML5-style URLs. NGINX is used for serving the files and providing TLS encryption to the client.

The following instructions will assume that the server is provisioned with an Ubuntu Linux 14.04 image.

  1. Install Java 8, installing the full JDK will allow Dockstore to be built on the server:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
echo "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle" >> ~/.profile
  1. Install other programs and utilities through the package manager:
sudo apt-get install nginx postgres postgres-contrib python3 awscli
  1. Set up the database:
sudo su - postgres
  1. webservice: Required in all setups. (Check the Dockstore.yml file for configuration changes.)

    CREATE USER webservice WITH PASSWORD 'iAMs00perSecrEET';
    CREATE DATABASE webservice;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE webservice to webservice;
  2. webservice_test: This one is for integration tests, it is only necessary if you wish to compile dockstore and run tests on the local environment (i.e. not required on Production):

    CREATE USER dockstore WITH PASSWORD 'dockstore';
    ALTER USER dockstore WITH superuser;
    CREATE DATABASE webservice_test WITH owner=dockstore;
  3. Configure NGINX with URL redirection and TLS certificates:

  4. Create a virtual host file in /etc/nginx/sites-available/.

  5. This is an example NGINX server host file, replace the variables in the <> brackets accordingly:

## Dockstore Staging Server

# HTTP Redirect
server {
        listen 80;
        return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;

# HTTPS server
server {
        listen 443 ssl;

        root /srv/www/;
        index index.html index.htm;

        ssl on;
        ssl_certificate <PATH_TO_TLS_CERT>;
        ssl_certificate_key <PATH_TLS_KEY>;

        ssl_session_timeout 5m;

        ssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
        ssl_ciphers "HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5 or HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5:!3DES";
        ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

        location / {
                try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html =404;

        error_page 404 /index.html;
  1. After saving the file, create a symlink to it in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled:
ln -s '/etc/nginx/sites-available/<filename>' '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/<filename>'
  1. Reload the NGINX process to let the new configuration take effect:
sudo service nginx reload
  1. The same TLS certificates used in the previous step can be used to create a Java Keystore file for use with dockstore-webservice.

  2. Nightly back-ups of the database are performed on the dockstore-production server, this can be set up on any other server:

  3. Login as the postgres user with: sudo su - postgres

  4. Set an AWS access key pair for the account, the database dump will be backed-up to an Amazon S3 bucket:

$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: <AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID>
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <AWS_ACCESS_SECRET_KEY>
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]: JSON
  1. Create a simple back-up script and save it in ~/cron/, set the variables accordingly:
#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e

s3_url_db_backup='s3://oicr.backups/'`date +%Y-%m-%d`
temp_dir=`mktemp -d`
output_file=ds-webservice_${2:-prod}_`date +%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S%z`.sql

pg_dump ${1:-webservice} > $temp_dir/$output_file

aws s3 cp $temp_dir/$output_file $s3_url_db_backup/

echo "Dumped database ${1:-webservice} and uploaded to $s3_url_db_backup/$output_file."
  1. Add a Cron entry to back-up the Dockstore database every night at 11:55 pm.
$ crontab -e

Append the following to the end of the file:

55 23 * * * echo '['`date`'] Nightly Back-up' >> /var/lib/postgresql/cron/ds_backup.log && /var/lib/postgresql/cron/ 2>&1 >> /var/lib/postgresql/cron/ds_backup.log
  1. After verifying that the script and cron configuration works as expected, make the final changes and logout.

Deploying to Staging

The staging server should be set up to build the respective develop branches of dockstore and dockstore-ui.

  1. The local Git repositories are located in /home/ubuntu/workspace/, they are set up so that the server can be easily updated with new changes.

  2. To update the dockstore-webservice:

  3. Attach to the active tmux session: tmux attach.

  4. Press CTRL+C to to end dockstore-webservice process, this is typically in the first tab.

  5. Pull the latest version of the develop branch: git pull in the /home/ubuntu/workspace/dockstore directory.

  6. Build the project: mvn clean install

  7. Start the new dockstore-webservice in the same directory:

java -jar dockstore-webservice/target/dockstore-webservice-*.jar server ~/.dockstore/dockstore.yml 2>&1 | tee ~/.dockstore/dockstore-webservice.log

The server output will be saved in `~/.dockstore/dockstore-webservice.log`.
  1. Press CTRL+B and then d to detach from the tmux session.

  2. To update the dockstore-ui:

  3. Change directory to /home/ubuntu/workspace/dockstore-ui.

  4. Pull the latest version of the develop branch: git pull

  5. Select the stable version of Node.js in this terminal session: nvm use stable

  6. Build/compile the project: grunt

  7. The compiled Web UI is now in the dist folder, the NGINX configuration is set up to link to this folder, so the changes are immediately served. Refresh the Dockstore page(s) and cache in the browser on your local computer.

Deploying to Production

The production server is set up similarly to staging, except the files are not served directly from the /home/ubuntu/workspace directory.

  1. Perform a back-up of the production database, this may simply be triggering the normal back-up script. Also save a copy of the dockstore-webservice log: /srv/dockstore/dockstore-webservice.log.

  2. To update dockstore-webservice:

  3. Terminate the active dockstore-webservice instance with your favourite process-killing program:

ps aux | grep java
kill <PID>
  1. Replace the dockstore-webservice production JAR file in /srv/dockstore/ with the newly-built one (wget from Artifactory or use scp to upload it).

  2. Start the new dockstore-webservice:

nohup java -jar /srv/dockstore/dockstore-webservice-<VERSION>.jar server /srv/dockstore/dockstore.yml &> dockstore-webservice.log &
  1. To update the dockstore-ui:

  2. Change the directory to /srv/www/ Delete the all the files in the directory.

  3. Build the dockstore-ui release locally, with the webservice.js file configured with the dockstore-production Client ID/Secret key pairs and other settings.

  4. Upload the dockstore-ui production build to this folder.

  5. Change the files' owner to the webserver group/user:

chown -R www-data:www-data /srv/www/*
  1. Refresh your browser/caches to make the changes take effect locally.


Database/ORM Issues

  • dockstore-webservice
    • Errors on start-up when dockstore.yml configuration set with update
      • Read the error message
      • Columns may not have been created if they were set to NOT NULL, and a default value was not specified with it in Hibernate, this will cause the web service to malfunction:
        1. Login as the postgres user and manually create the missing column(s)
        2. Copy/migrate data to the new column(s) as necessary
        3. Perform a refresh/re-sync of the Docker images

Authentication Issues

  • dockstore-ui
    • Pop-up appears and disappears, redirects to a blank page or shows message about an invalid redirect URI
      • Verify the server's response by examining the AJAX call log in the browser's Network tab
      • Check that the correct Client ID/Secret key pair are used, and are set to the correct application (Development, Staging and Production all use distinct applications)
      • The Redirect URI in the third-party application configuration must be identical to the one in the dockstore-ui configuration (in app/scripts/services/webservice.js)