Release Date : 2019-03-25
Version : 0.94.0
New Features
- Support streaming connection recovery from network interruption. If there is a network interruption, the system will automatically re-subscribe when the network is reconnected.
- Send sub tasks between nodes in batch mode, which improves the execution performance of jobs containing large number of sub tasks.
- Improve the performance of SQL statement with GROUP BY clause which generates a large number of groups.
- Boost the performance of symbol function and loadText function.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug of function addValuePartition. After adding value partitions to the same database for a large number of times, opening the database may throw an out-of-memory exception.
(2019-04-01 0.94.2 Linux binary | Windows binary ) - Subscription to a persisted streaming table may fail when parameter offset is set to -1. This is a bug introduced in version 0.94.0. It did not exist in earlier versions.
(2019-03-27 0.94.1 Linux binary | Windows binary )
- Add new functions and keywords to autocompletion.
- Show query log in reverse chronological order.
- Add "maxPartitionNumPerQuery" option to the panel of node configuration.
- Add C# API for Streaming.
Python API
- Add encryption of user login info when connecting to the DolphinDB server.
- The session object can use setInitScript/getInitScript method to specify a script to be executed automatically when reconnecting.
Java API
- Improve vector reading speed when downloading data.
- Fixed a bug of java streaming API. On some machines, the ip address of the machine will be incorrectly judged as, resulting in streaming subscribe and unsubscribe failure.
Updated plugin header files
Updated plugin binary files