Have a look at the handy git aliases. In addition, visual-studio-code is opening as diff-tool and for commit-messages.
is alias for git
(see above).
alias | note |
g h |
helps using git help more often ;) (g h ALIAS shows the replacement for the alias). |
g s |
is alias for git status and one of the most used aliases. |
g hash |
is alias for git rev-parse --verify HEAD and returns the commit-hash, where HEAD is pointing at. |
g unstage FILES |
removes all changes from the index with respect to the given FILES (but keeps the changes in workspace). Simply spoken, all green FILES in git status become red again. |
g discard FILES |
removes all changes from the workspace with respect to the given FILES. Simply spoken, all red FILES in git status disappear. (ATTENTION! Obviously, those changes will be lost.) |
g undo |
removes the last commit from history, but keeps its changes in the index. ATTENTION! This alias can be very handy but it is recommended using this only for local commits, since removing pushed commits messes up the history. |
g a FILES |
adds the given files. |
g aa |
adds all changes and executes git status afterwards. |
g c |
commits. |
g ca |
commits after g aa . |
g cm "commits a commit lol" |
commits with a message. |
g cam "commits a commit lol" |
is g ca with a message. |
g tags |
is just another name for git tag , since it lists all tags, not only one. |
g tl |
git tag , which is same as git tag --list |
g ta |
git tag --annotate , opening an editor to add a tag with a (commit-like) message. |
g twm |
stands for tag with message and is an alias for git tag --message='See CHANGELOG.md' --annotate |
g td TAG |
git tag --delete TAG |
g m BRANCH |
git merge BRANCH |
g squash BRANCH/COMMIT |
merges content without merging the git history. So the resulting commit looks like it has cherry-picked all commits of BRANCH/COMMIT. Very nice, if you want to keep some, but not all changes of a branch and merging this branch is not wished. |
g squeeze BRANCH/COMMIT |
is a different name for g squash ... . |
git checkout BRANCH/COMMIT |
g cob BRANCH |
git checkout -b BRANCH |
g b |
git branch |
g ba |
git branch --list -a |
g bv |
git branch --list -v |
g bav |
git branch --list -av |
g last N |
logs the last N commit messages. Default for N is 1. |
g l |
shows the history of currently HEADed commit as a graph. |
g la |
shows the global history as a graph. So it extends g l by, e.g., parallel histories. |
g l
usesgit log
andg la
adds the flag--all
. TLDR: With--all
, also commits are shown, that are in parallel to the current HEAD. Due togit help log
, this flag refers to stored references in.git/refs