Simple and Clean Video Cropper made by SwiftUI.
Available above iOS 16.
The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift
Once you have your Swift package set up, adding DGVideoCropper
as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift or the Package list in Xcode.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))
Normally you'll want to depend on the DGVideoCropper target:
.product(name: "DGVideoCropper", package: "DGVideoCropper")
import SwiftUI
import DGVideoCropper
struct ContentView: View {
let model: DGCropModel = .init(url: {`valid file path url`} ) // if you input remote url, then fail to crop video.
var body: some View {
DGVideoCropper(model: model)
let croppedVideoFilePath = try await model.crop()
All Properties are declared as @Published variables so that you can observe them.
Property | Type | Description |
currentTime | TimeInterval | The current time of the video. |
duration | TimeInterval | Total play time of the video. |
percentage | Double | currentTime / duration. Min value 0, Max value 1. |
isPlaying | Bool | Indicates the video is playing now. |
startPosition | Double | Left handle bar's position percentage. Min value 0, Max value 1. |
endPosition | Double | Right handle bar's position percentage. Min value 0, Max value 1. |
Function | Description |
play() | Play the video. You can replace this model. |
pause() | Pause the video. |
crop() | If success, return cropped video's file path. |
moveLeftHandler(percentage: Double) | You can adjust left handle bar. From 0 to 1. Percentage should be range in (0~1) and smaller than right percentage. If not, it will not work. |
moveRightHandler(percentage: Double) | You can adjust right handle bar. From 0 to 1. Percentage should be range in (0~1) and bigger than left percentage. If not, it will not work. |