All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.0.12 (2023-05-13)
- generix: Update documentation
- generix: Update package metadata
0.0.11 (2023-05-13)
- generix: Add combination with repetition method (6d7eade)
- generix: Add default parameter to combination without repetition (6c9533d)
- generix: Add named export from package (4ed64f7)
- generix: Add permutation without repetition (31ab34b)
- generix: Add a combination class for combination generation (8d05e55)
- generix: Add a combinations package (542b7ab)
- generix: Add a combinations package (3a64522)
- core: Check if the compared node exist in the isEqual method (8113f53)
0.0.10 (2023-02-02)
- _specs: init features files for base operation, exponent & parenthesis (13649c5)
- _specs: init the specifications project using cucumber (a924e14)
- _specs: negative test case (8a99355)
- core: Add Equal & Variable Math Node (7d100a5)
- documentation: Update documentation (3238af9)
- documentation: update documention (ffc6e07)
- parser: Parse equation (54f89f3)
- specs: add exponents specifications (e066192)
- specs: add isometric constraints to specifications (73339ce)
- specs: add specifications for normalization syntaxe (44eb4fe)
- specs: add specifications for parenthesis (c8381cd)
- specs: move fractions tests to specs project (e307083)
- specs: move negative tests to specs project (59882b5)
- specs: negative specifications (99c1b9d)
- specs: specifications tests (7ae8e6c)