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File metadata and controls

311 lines (215 loc) · 17 KB

Style Guide

Please read all the sections below before writing a single line of code.

JavaScript Style Guide

While our build system should automatically detect most deviations from JS Standard, it might not catch all (especially in .vue files).

If you notice any files not properly linted by standard, this means there's a bug, and you're welcome to help fix it!

It is still on you to ensure your code conforms to the standard spec, whether or not the linter catches everything.

Vue.js Style Guide

Since this is a Vue.js project, any pull requests must follow Priority A rules mentioned in the Vue.js Style Guide, and should follow the Priority B rules. Please take the time to read at least those two sections.

CSS Style Guide

When writing CSS specific to a Vue component, use the prefix c-. This makes it easier to debug the CSS (where to find the CSS code) and understand the dependencies. All other classes are global, written at frontend/assets/style and should be kept to a minimum for simplicity and to avoid conflicts.


We strive to keep semantics (HTML) decoupled from styling (CSS). For example, when it comes to headings, we use classes .is-title-[n] instead of styling directly the heading tag h1, h2 .... Read this explanation to know more about this approach.

There should not be headings gap in the page. So for example, h3 can be present only if there is an h2 tag. But sometimes a title look better in the page if h2 is the size of h3. In that case we will use

    <!-- We can easily distinguish global classes from component's classes -->
    <h1 class="is-title-1 c-title">Hello world</h1>
    <h2 class="is-title-3 c-title">I look better smaller</h1>

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.c-title {
    margin-bottom: 1rem;

When writing the markup make sure its semantics are complete. For example, if there's a page section but no visual heading is needed, add .sr-only to the element so screen readers can read it to the users.

    <h2 class="sr-only">Page details</h2>

Accessibility Style Guide

We are committed to ensuring digital accessibility for all people, including those with low vision, blindness, hearing impairments, cognitive impairments, motor impairments or situational disabilities. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone, and applying the relevant accessibility standards.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. We will be conformant with WCAG 2.0 Level AA and trying or best to reach Level AAA in some areas of the application.

In a summarized and practical way of putting this, when designing or developing any part of the user interface, keep in mind these requirements:

  • Users with diverse abilities can navigate and understand the UI.
  • Any essential action can be performed using only the keyboard.
  • The content is understandable by assistive technologies (ex: screen reader).
  • The website is functional in modern browsers.

References to help you:

Submitting a Form

When performing an async action that requires data to be sent, the application UI should be updated to reflect this "loading state". The most common scenario is adding a "spin" animation to the submit button. Use ButtonSubmit component to do it:

  ) Login

All the needed logic to toggle the spinning information is handled by ButtonSubmit based on @click handler event. Read the source code for further explanation.

Testing Style Guide

We use Mocha for the unit tests and Cypress for end-to-end (E2E) tests. All new functionality must have corresponding tests!

When developing any new feature, make sure to add or update the respective tests.

When writing E2E tests, follow Cypress Best Practices.

Feedback Messages

When the user performs an action (ex: submiting a form), it's expected to show them some type of feedback, on success or failure. There are 3 types of messages we want to display to the user:

Type 1 - while filling a form

These messages (mostly errors) are displayed whenever the user makes a mistake when filling out a form input. Examples:

A {fieldname} is required. —— Ex: A password is required.
A {fieldname} cannot {action}. —— Ex: A username cannot contain spaces.

Because we do inline validations, the error message is shown whenever the input is invalid. To avoid showing the error too earlier, this is, when the user is still typing their answer, we delay the error validation a bit, to make sure the user has finished typing.

  i18n.label Email
    :class='{error: $$error}'
    v-error:email='{ attrs: { "data-test": "badEmail" } }'
import { validationMixin } from 'vuelidate'
import validationsDebouncedMixins from '@view-utils/validationsDebouncedMixins.js'

mixins: [
  validationsDebouncedMixins // include debounceField and updateField
validations: {
  form: {
    email: {
      [L('An email is required.')]: required,
      [L('Please enter a valid email.')]: email,
  • Use v-error to automatically show the error message on the correct place. Read vError.js for more examples.
  • With debounceField, the error message (ex: 'Please enter a valid email.') is only shown when the user stopped typing. updateField shows the error when the user changed the focus no another input (on blur).

Using the "debounce approach" isn't needed in all inputs. Usually it's recommended when a message error doesn't make sense while the user is still typing their answer, such as an e-mail.

Type 2 - User action

These banners let the user know that a certain action was completed successfully OR that an error occurred, and what they can do about it. These errors are more general than form errors, because they concern the action as a whole. If there was an error, we should tell what's wrong whenever possible, what action should be done and ask them to try again.

import L, { LError } from '@view-utils/translations.js'
import BannerScoped from '@components/banners/BannerScoped.vue'

submit () {
  // If everything went right...
  this.$refs.formMsg.success(L('Changes saved!'))

  // If something wen't wrong... Try to be more specific whenever possible.
  this.$refs.formMsg.danger(L('Failed to upload the group picture. {reportError}', LError(error)))

Type 3 - App Error

This banner informs the user that there's something going on with the app itself, or with something that is not related with a user action. Example:

<!-- index.html -->
<banner-general ref="bannerGeneral"></banner-general>
// main.js
import BannerGeneral from './views/components/banners/BannerGeneral.vue'

this.$'Trying to reconnect...'), 'wifi')

NOTE: this type of banner is under construction and will change soon.

Folder Structure Style Guide

Naming Conventions

  • The folders are kebab-case
  • Vue files are PascalCase.vue - follow Vue Style Guide
  • JS files are camelCase.js


└─ main.js # App entry point
└─ assets/ # Any static file including Styles.
└─ controller/
└─ model/
└─ utils/ 
└─ views/ # where Vue components live
    └─ components/ # Vue components reused across the app places.
    └─ containers/ # Vue components related to a specific part of the app, not reusable.
    └─ pages/ # Vue components connected to a route
    └─ utils/ # Utils used only within /frontend/views

Group Income Data Model Rules

Group Income adds additional rules for how to write .vue components.

These rules come out of many lessons learned. All new pull requests must follow these rules. The sections below first describe the Group Income data model, and then describe the actual rules in "How to organize data ()".

Note: some old code unfortunately does not follow these rules, and we encourage contributors to help clean it up so that it does.


If you're familiar with Ethereum smart contracts, you'll be somewhat familiar with how Group Income structures its data, however, many of the terms you're familiar with will have slightly different meanings and implementations in Group Income.

For example, in Group Income, data is synchronized between users through "blockchains" and "smart contracts", but these chains and contracts have more in common with git than they do with Ethereum.

Here are the primary differences:

  • In Group Income, "blockchains" are smart contracts. Each contract is its own private chain of events called a contract chain.
  • Each contract is identified by the hash of the transaction that created it, which is also the start of its contract chain.
  • All contract chains created by Group Income are private and can only be accessed to by those authorized to. For example, a GroupContract can only be read and written to by current group members.
  • Data is synchronized between clients through a central node. Each group member has the ability to turn their client into this coordinating node, but every group uses a single always-online node to transmit and sync changes to logs. There is no consensus process beyond this node because no consensus process is needed since everyone already trusts each other.

Since every contract represents a log of events, you can run through the actions/events in the log to build up a state for the contract object represented by that event log.

In Group Income, the client runs chains through Vuex to build up the application state via the handleEvent() function in frontend/simple/state.js.

There is a direct 1-to-1 mapping between the contract event logs, and Vuex mutations and actions. The contracts are defined in shared/GIMessage.js, and their Vuex mappings are defined in frontend/simple/model/contracts/events.js.

Persistent State vs. Ephemeral State

There are two primary kinds of state in Group Income:

  • Persistent state refers primarily to the Vuex state that gets serialized to disk, and in general it also refers to everything that creates that state. This includes the contracts and the transactions that create them. In other words, persistent state is the state that is at some point sent over the Internet, and it is the data that persists between application launches.
    • When the application starts, it loads data from disk (via localStorage) into the Vuex store.
    • The state for every contract we're subscribed to exists as a unique module in Vuex, the key for which is the hash of the first transaction that created the contract.
    • Almost everything in the vuex state is serialized to disk to the local "database" (i.e. localStorage) so that it's available the next time the application starts.
    • Events for each contract we're subscribed to pass through the handleEvent() function in state.js. Whenever we (the client) send out a transaction that modifies the group state, we first send it to the server, and only update the Vuex state when the server echoes the transaction back to us (and then it gets processed like all the others by handleEvent()).
  • Ephemeral state refers to everything else. Much of the data in Group Income does not need to be saved to disk or sent over the Internet. For example, none of the metadata related to validating forms needs to be saved to disk or kept around between application launches. And although some state might exist in contract chains (for example, the URL to a profile picture), that does not mean Group Income will persist every contract a user interacts with.
    • The latestContractState() function in state.js should be used in situations where data from a contract chain is needed momentarily, but might not need to be saved forever. It will fetch all of the events in a contract and use them to build up a final state for that contract. For example, latestContractState() is used in Join.vue to show avatars for group members in a group the user is considering joining. Since the user might decide not to join a group, we do not subscribe to the IdentityContracts of any of those users and do not persist any of that information (until the user actually joins the group).
    • All ephemeral state should be stored in a Vue component's data () section. There is almost no exception to this.

How to organize data ()

Having components keep track of their own state is considered poor practice. It makes the application difficult to reason about and maintain.

Therefore, components should be "purely functional" in the sense that virtually all of their state is derived from the vuex store, computed properties based on that store, or props that are passed in to the component from a parent component.

There are three exceptions, and all of them have to do with different types of ephemeral state (see above).

The object returned by data () should have only these keys:

  1. form — the data to be validated by vuelidate and bound using v-model to a form.
  2. config — some Vue.js components require bindings to config data (for example, the sliderConfig for <vue-slider> in TimeTravel.vue and steps for helpers/StepAssistant.js in CreateGroup.vue or Vue Provide).
  3. ephemeral — any data we might not care to save beyond the life of the view (unless some other action is performed) should be placed here. There shouldn't be much that fits in this category (as, for example, most error handling stuff should be handled by form and in the <template> section). However, it might be useful to cache some data temporarily (like a profile picture or URL) here.

Remember: if you can use a computed property based on the vuex store, it means you probably should.


Virtually everything in this project is going to be converted to SBP ("selector-based programming", see shared/sbp.js).

In SBP everything works based on selectors. A selector is a string composed by two parts: a domain and an action. For example, in '', the domain is and the action is /set. The first argument of sbp is always a selector you registered before and the rest of the arguments are parameters to be later processed by the function assigned to the selector.

sbp(selector, ...args)

You can think about it has calling a normal function, but with more advantages. One of them is to access any selector from anywhere in the project by just importing sbp itself.

// Using SBP:
import sbp from '~/shared/sbp.js'

// - call any selector registered
sbp('', { login: true })
sbp('', 'CLOSE_MODAL')
// Using standard functions:

// - import each function individually
import okTurtlesDataSet from 'path/to/method/data-set.js'
import okTurtlesEventsEmit from 'path/to/method/events-emit.js'

okTurtlesDataSet({ login: true })

More details about SBP will be written in a blog post soon. In the meantime, you are encouraged to adopt this paradigm wherever possible for your own code.

Search the project for sbp( for examples, and speak with @taoeffect about it before diving in (at least until the docs for SBP are still waiting to be written).

Caught a mistake or want to contribute to the documentation? Edit this page on GitHub!