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First Class Structs


Primary Objectives

  • Avoid forcing structs to the stack if they are only assigned to/from, or passed to/returned from a call or intrinsic
    • Including SIMD types as well as other pointer-sized-or-less struct types
  • Enable enregistration of structs that have no field accesses
  • Optimize struct types as effectively as primitive types
    • Value numbering, especially for types that are used in intrinsics (e.g. SIMD)
    • Register allocation

Secondary Objectives

  • No “swizzling” or lying about struct types – they are always struct types
  • No confusing use of GT_LCL_FLD to refer to the entire struct as a different type

Normalizing Struct Types

We would like to facilitate full enregistration of structs with the following properties:

  1. Its fields are infrequently accessed, and
  2. The entire struct fits into a register, and
  3. Its value is used or defined in a register (i.e. as an argument to or return value from calls or intrinsics).

In RyuJIT, the concept of a type is very simplistic (which helps support the high throughput of the JIT). Rather than a symbol table to hold the properties of a type, RyuJIT primarily deals with types as simple values of an enumeration. When more detailed information is required about the structure of a type, we query the type system, across the JIT/EE interface. This is generally done only during the importer (translation from MSIL to the RyuJIT IR), during struct promotion analysis, and when determining how to pass or return struct values. As a result, struct types are generally treated as an opaque type (TYP_STRUCT) of unknown size and structure.

In order to treat fully-enregisterable struct types as "first class" types in RyuJIT, we created new types to represent vectors, in order for the JIT to support operations on them:

  • TYP_SIMD8, TYP_SIMD12, TYP_SIMD16 and (where supported by the target) TYP_SIMD32.
  • These types already exist, and represent some already-completed steps toward First Class Structs.

We had previously proposed to create additional types to be used where struct types of the given size are passed and/or returned in registers:

  • TYP_STRUCT1, TYP_STRUCT2, TYP_STRUCT4, TYP_STRUCT8 (on 64-bit systems)

However, further discussions have suggested that this may not be necessary. Rather, storage decisions should largely be deferred to the backend (Lowering and register allocation).

The following transformations need to be supported effectively for all struct types:

  • Optimizations such as CSE and assertion propagation
    • Depends on being able to discern when instances of these types are equivalent.
  • Passing and returning these values to and from methods
    • Avoiding unnecessarily copying these values between registers or on the stack.
    • Allowing promoted structs to be passed or returned without forcing them to become ineligible for register allocation.

Correct and effective code generation for structs requires that the JIT have ready access to information about the shape and size of the struct. This information is obtained from the VM over the JIT/EE interface. This includes:

  • Struct size
  • Number and type of fields, especially if there are GC references

With the changes from @mikedn in #21705 Pull struct type info out of GenTreeObj this information is captured in a ClassLayout object. This will make it possible to retain this shape information on all struct-typed nodes, without impacting node size.

Current Representation of Struct Values

Importer-Only Struct Values

These struct-typed nodes are created by the importer, but transformed in morph, and so are not encountered by most phases of the JIT:

  • GT_INDEX: This is transformed to a GT_IND
    • Currently, the IND is marked with GTF_IND_ARR_INDEX and the node pointer of the GT_IND acts as a key into the array info map.
    • Proposed: This should be transformed into a GT_OBJ when it represents a struct type, and then the class handle would no longer need to be obtained from the array info map.
  • GT_FIELD: This is transformed to a GT_LCL_FLD or a GT_IND
    • Proposed: A struct typed field should be transformed into a GT_OBJ.
  • GT_MKREFANY: This produces a "known" struct type, which is currently obtained by calling impGetRefAnyClass() which is a call over the JIT/EE interface. This node is always eliminated, and its source address used to create a copy. If it is on the rhs of an assignment, it will be eliminated during the importer. If it is a call argument it will be eliminated during morph.
    • The presence of any of these in a method disables struct promotion. See case CEE_MKREFANY in the Importer, where it is asserted that these are rare, and therefore not worth the trouble to handle.

Struct “objects” as lvalues

  • The lhs of a struct assignment is a block node or local
    • GT_OBJ nodes represent the “shape” info via a struct handle, along with the GC info (location and type of GC references within the struct).
      • These are currently used only to represent struct values that contain GC references (although see below).
    • GT_BLK nodes represent struct types with no GC references, or opaque blocks of fixed size.
      • These have no struct handle, resulting in some pessimization or even incorrect code when the appropriate struct handle can't be determined.
      • These never represent lvalues of structs that contain GC references.
      • Proposed: When a class handle is available, these would remain as GT_OBJ since after #21705 they are no longer large nodes.
    • GT_STORE_OBJ and GT_STORE_BLK have the same structure as GT_OBJ and GT_BLK, respectively
      • Data() is op2
    • GT_DYN_BLK and GT_STORE_DYN_BLK (GenTreeDynBlk extends GenTreeBlk)
      • Additional child gtDynamicSize
      • Note that these aren't really struct types; they represent dynamically sized blocks of arbitrary data.
    • For GT_LCL_FLD nodes, we don't retain shape information, except indirectly via the FieldSeqNode.
    • For GT_LCL_VAR nodes, theClassLayout is obtained from the LclVarDsc.

Struct “objects” as rvalues

Structs only appear as rvalues in the following contexts:

  • On the RHS of an assignment

  • As a call argument

    • In this context, it must be one of: GT_OBJ, GT_LCL_VAR, GT_LCL_FLD or GT_FIELD_LIST
  • As an operand to a hardware or SIMD intrinsic (for TYP_SIMD* only)

    • In this case the struct handle is generally assumed to be unneeded, as it is captured (directly or indirectly) in the GT_SIMD or GT_HWINTRINSIC node.

After morph, a struct-typed value on the RHS of assignment is one of:

  • GT_IND: in this case the LHS is expected to provide the struct handle
    • Proposed: GT_IND would no longer be used for struct types
    • Proposed: GT_LCL_FLD would never be used to represent a reference to the full struct (e.g. as a different type).
  • GT_OBJ nodes can also be used as rvalues when they are call arguments
    • Proposed: GT_OBJ nodes can be used in any context where a struct rvalue or lvalue might occur, except after morph when the struct is independently promoted.

Struct IR Phase Transitions

There are three phases in the JIT that make changes to the representation of struct nodes and lclVars:

  • Importer

    • Vector types are normalized to the appropriate TYP_SIMD* type. Other struct nodes have TYP_STRUCT.
    • Struct-valued nodes that are created with a class handle will retain either a ClassLayout pointer or an index into the ClassLayout cache.
  • Struct promotion

    • Fields of promoted structs become separate lclVars (scalar promoted) with primitive types.
      • This is currently an all-or-nothing choice (either all fields are promoted, or none), and is constrained in the number of fields that can be promoted.
      • Proposed: Support additional cases. See Improve Struct Promotion
  • Global morph

    • Some promoted structs are forced to stack, and become “dependently promoted”.

    • Call args

      • If the struct has been promoted it is morphed to GT_FIELD_LIST

        • Currently this is done only if it is passed on the stack, or if it is passed in registers that exactly match the types of its fields.
        • Proposed: This transformation would be made even if it is passed in non-matching registers. The necessary transformations for correct code generation would be made in Lowering.
      • If it is passed in a single register, it is morphed into a GT_LCL_FLD node of the appropriate type.

        • This may involve making a copy, if the size cannot be safely loaded.
        • Proposed: This would remain a GT_OBJ and would be appropriately transformed in Lowering, e.g. using GT_BITCAST.
      • If is passed in multiple registers

        • A GT_FIELD_LIST is constructed that represents the load of each register using GT_LCL_FLD.
        • Proposed: This would also remain GT_OBJ (or GT_FIELD_LIST if promoted) and would be transformed to a GT_FIELD_LIST with the appropriate load, assemble or extraction code as needed.
      • Otherwise, if it is passed by reference or on the stack, it is kept as GT_OBJ or GT_LCL_VAR

        • Currently, if passed by reference, the value is either forced to the stack or copied.
        • Proposed: This transformation would also be deferred until Lowering, at which time the liveness information can provide lastUse information to allow a dead struct to be passed directly by reference instead of being copied.

It is proposed to add the following transformations in Lowering:

  • Transform struct values that are passed to or returned from calls by creating one or more of the following:
    • GT_FIELD_LIST of GT_LCL_FLD when the struct is non-enregisterable and is passed in multiple registers.
    • GT_BITCAST when a promoted floating point field of a single-field struct is passed in an integer register.
    • A sequence of nodes to assemble or extract promoted fields
  • Introduce copies as needed for non-last-use struct values that are passed by reference.

Work Items

This is a preliminary breakdown of the work into somewhat separable tasks. These work items are organized in priority order. Each work item should be able to proceed independently, though the aggregate effect of multiple work items may be greater than the individual work items alone.

This includes all copies and IR transformations that are only required to pass or return the arguments as required by the ABI.

Other transformations would remain:

  • Copies required to satisfy ordering constraints
  • Transformations (e.g. GT_FIELD_LIST creation) required to expose references to promoted struct fields.

This would be done in multiple phases:

  • First, move transformations other than those listed above to Lowering, but retain any "pessimizations" (e.g. marking nodes as GTF_DONT_CSE or marking lclVars as lvDoNotEnregister)
  • Add support for passing vector types in the SSE registers for x64/ux
    • This will also involve modifying code in the VM. See #23675 Arm64 Vector ABI for a general idea of the kinds of VM changes that may be required.
  • Defer retyping of struct return types (Compiler::impFixupStructReturnType() and Compiler::impFixupCallStructReturn())
    • This is probably the "right" way to fix #26491.
  • Next, eliminate the "pessimizations".
    • For cases where GT_LCL_FLD is currently used to "retype" the struct, change it to use either GT_LCL_FLD, if it is already address-taken, or to use a GT_BITCAST otherwise.
      • This work item should address issue #1161 (test is JIT\Regressions\JitBlue\GitHub_1161) and #8828.
    • Add support in prolog to extract fields, and remove the restriction of not promoting incoming reg structs that have more than one field. Note that SIMD types are already reassembled in the prolog.
    • Add support in Lowering and CodeGen to handle call arguments where the fields of a promoted struct must be extracted or reassembled in order to pass the struct in non-matching registers. This includes producing the appropriate IR.
    • Add support for extracting the fields for the returned struct value of a call (in registers or on stack), producing the appropriate IR.
    • Add support for assembling non-matching fields into registers for call args and returns.
    • For arm64, add support for loading non-promoted or non-local structs with ldp
    • The removal of each of these pessimizations should result in improved code generation in cases where previously disabled optimizations are now enabled.
  • Other ABI-related issues:
    • #8289 - code generation for x86 promoted struct args.

Related issues: #1133 (maybe), #4766, #23675, #23129

Fully Enable Struct Optimizations

Most of the existing places in the code where structs are handled conservatively are marked with TODO-1stClassStructs. This work item involves investigating these and making the necessary improvements (or determining that they are infeasible and removing the TODO). Some of these, such as the handling of TYP_SIMD8 in LSRA, may be addressed by other work items.

Related: #2003, #18542 (maybe), #19733 (maybe)

Support Full Enregistration of Struct Types

This would be enabled first by Defer ABI-specific transformations to Lowering. Then the register allocator would consider them as candidates for enregistration.

  • First, fully enregister pointer-sized-or-less structs only if there are no field accesses and they are not marked lvDoNotEnregister.

  • Next, fully enregister structs that are passed or returned in multiple registers and have no field accesses.

  • Next, when there are field accesses, but the struct is more frequently accessed as a full struct (e.g. assignment or passing as the full struct), Lowering would expand the field accesses as needed to extract the field from the register(s).

    • An initial investigation should be undertaken to determine if this is worthwhile.
  • Related: #11407, #17257

  • Support recursive (nested) struct promotion, especially when struct field itself has a single field (#10019, #9594, #7313)
  • Support partial struct promotion when some fields are more frequently accessed.
  • Aggressively promote lclVar struct incoming or outgoing args or returns whose fields match the ABI requirements.
  • Aggressively promote pointer-sized fields of structs used as args or returns
  • Allow struct promotion of locals that are passed or returned in a way that doesn't match the field types.
  • Investigate whether it would be useful to re-type single-field structs, rather than creating new lclVars. This would complicate type analysis when copied, passed or returned, but would avoid unnecessarily expanding the lclVar data structures.
  • Allow promotion of 32-byte SIMD on 16-byte alignment #24368
  • Related: #6839, #9477, #16887
  • Also, #11888, which suggests adding a struct promotion stress mode.
  • fgMorphOneAsgBlockOp should probably be eliminated, and its functionality either moved to Lowering or simply subsumed by the combination of the addition of fixed-size struct types and the full enablement of struct optimizations. Doing so would also involve improving code generation for block copies. See #21711 Improve init/copy block codegen.

  • This also includes cleanup of the block morphing methods such that block nodes needn't be visited multiple times, such as fgMorphBlkToInd (may be simply unneeded), fgMorphBlkNode and fgMorphBlkOperand. These methods were introduced to preserve old behavior, but should be simplified.

  • Somewhat related is the handling of struct-typed array elements. Currently, after the GT_INDEX is transformed into a GT_IND, that node must be retained as the key into the ArrayInfoMap. For structs, this is then wrapped in OBJ(ADDR(...)). We should be able to change the IND to OBJ and avoid wrapping, and should also be able to remove the class handle from the array info map and instead used the one provided by the GT_OBJ.

Struct-Related Issues in RyuJIT

The following issues illustrate some of the motivation for improving the handling of value types (structs) in RyuJIT:

struct foo { public byte b1, b2, b3, b4; }
static foo getfoo() { return new foo(); }

Other Struct-related Issues

  • #17207

    • This suffers from pessimization due to poor handling of conversion (Unsafe.As) from Quaternion to Vector4. It's not immediately clear what's the best way to improve this.
  • #7740

    • Addressing mode expression optimization for struct fields

Sample IR

*** Note: These IR samples have not been updated to correspond to the current state of the IR ***

Bug 11407


The getfoo method initializes a struct of 4 bytes. The dump of the (single) local variable is included to show the change from struct (8) to struct4, as the "exact size" of the struct is 4 bytes. Here is the IR after Import:

;  V00 loc0           struct ( 8)

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x000...  ???)
   │  ┌──▌  const     int    4
   └──▌  initBlk   void
      │  ┌──▌  const     int    0
      └──▌  <list>    void
         └──▌  addr      byref
            └──▌  lclVar    struct V00 loc0

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
   └──▌  return    int
      └──▌  lclFld    int    V00 loc0         [+0]

This is how it currently looks just before code generation:

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x000...0x003)
   │  ┌──▌  const     int    0 REG rax $81
   │  ├──▌  &lclVar   byref  V00 loc0         d:3 REG NA
   └──▌  storeIndir int    REG NA

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...0x009)
   │  ┌──▌  lclFld    int    V00 loc0         u:3[+0] (last use) REG rax $180
   └──▌  return    int    REG NA $181

And here is the resulting code:

  push     rax
  xor      rax, rax
  mov      qword ptr [V00 rsp], rax
  xor      eax, eax
  mov      dword ptr [V00 rsp], eax
  mov      eax, dword ptr [V00 rsp]
  add      rsp, 8


Here is the IR after Import with the prototype First Class Struct changes. Note that the fixed-size struct variable is assigned and returned just as for a scalar type.

;  V00 loc0          struct4

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x000...  ???)
   │  ┌──▌  const     int    0
   └──▌  =         struct4 (init)
      └──▌  lclVar    struct4 V00 loc0

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
   └──▌  return    struct4
      └──▌  lclVar    struct4    V00 loc0

And Here is the resulting code just prior to code generation:

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...0x009)
   │  ┌──▌  const     struct4    0 REG rax $81
   └──▌  return    struct4    REG NA $140

Finally, here is the resulting code that we were hoping to achieve:

  xor      eax, eax

Issue 1133:


Here is the IR after Inlining for the TestValueTypesInInlinedMethods method that invokes a sequence of methods that are inlined, creating a sequence of copies. Because this struct type does not fit into a single register, the types do not change (and therefore the local variable table is not shown).

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x000...0x003)
   │  ┌──▌  const     int    16
   └──▌  initBlk   void
      │  ┌──▌  const     int    0
      └──▌  <list>    void
         └──▌  addr      byref
            └──▌  lclVar    struct V00 loc0

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
   │  ┌──▌  const     int    16
   └──▌  copyBlk   void
      │  ┌──▌  addr      byref
      │  │  └──▌  lclVar    struct V00 loc0
      └──▌  <list>    void
         └──▌  addr      byref
            └──▌  lclVar    struct V01 tmp0

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
   │  ┌──▌  const     int    16
   └──▌  copyBlk   void
      │  ┌──▌  addr      byref
      │  │  └──▌  lclVar    struct V01 tmp0
      └──▌  <list>    void
         └──▌  addr      byref
            └──▌  lclVar    struct V02 tmp1

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
   │  ┌──▌  const     int    16
   └──▌  copyBlk   void
      │  ┌──▌  addr      byref
      │  │  └──▌  lclVar    struct V02 tmp1
      └──▌  <list>    void
         └──▌  addr      byref
            └──▌  lclVar    struct V03 tmp2

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
      ├──▌  const     long   0x7ff918494e10
      └──▌  const     int    1

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
   │  ┌──▌  const     int    16
   └──▌  copyBlk   void
      │  ┌──▌  addr      byref
      │  │  └──▌  lclVar    struct V03 tmp2
      └──▌  <list>    void
         │  ┌──▌  const     long   8 Fseq[#FirstElem]
         └──▌  +         byref
            └──▌  field     ref    s_dt

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x00E...  ???)
   └──▌  return    void

And here is the resulting code:

sub      rsp, 104
xor      rax, rax
mov      qword ptr [V00 rsp+58H], rax
mov      qword ptr [V00+0x8 rsp+60H], rax
xor      rcx, rcx
lea      rdx, bword ptr [V00 rsp+58H]
vxorpd   ymm0, ymm0
vmovdqu  qword ptr [rdx], ymm0
vmovdqu  ymm0, qword ptr [V00 rsp+58H]
vmovdqu  qword ptr [V01 rsp+48H]ymm0, qword ptr
vmovdqu  ymm0, qword ptr [V01 rsp+48H]
vmovdqu  qword ptr [V02 rsp+38H]ymm0, qword ptr
vmovdqu  ymm0, qword ptr [V02 rsp+38H]
vmovdqu  qword ptr [V03 rsp+28H]ymm0, qword ptr
mov      rcx, 0x7FF918494E10
mov      edx, 1
mov      rax, 0x1FAC6EB29C8
mov      rax, gword ptr [rax]
add      rax, 8
vmovdqu  ymm0, qword ptr [V03 rsp+28H]
vmovdqu  qword ptr [rax], ymm0
add      rsp, 104


After fginline: (note that the obj node will become a blk node downstream).

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x000...0x003)
   │  ┌──▌  const     int    0
   └──▌  =         struct (init)
      └──▌  lclVar    struct V00 loc0

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
   │  ┌──▌  lclVar    struct V00 loc0
   └──▌  =         struct (copy)
      └──▌  lclVar    struct V01 tmp0

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
   │  ┌──▌  lclVar    struct V01 tmp0
   └──▌  =         struct (copy)
      └──▌  lclVar    struct V02 tmp1

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
   │  ┌──▌  lclVar    struct V02 tmp1
   └──▌  =         struct (copy)
      └──▌  lclVar    struct V03 tmp2

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
      ├──▌  const     long   0x7ff9184b4e10
      └──▌  const     int    1

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
   │  ┌──▌  lclVar    struct V03 tmp2
   └──▌  =         struct (copy)
      └──▌  obj(16)   struct
         │  ┌──▌  const     long   8 Fseq[#FirstElem]
         └──▌  +         byref
            └──▌  field     ref    s_dt

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x00E...  ???)
   └──▌  return    void

Here is the IR after fgMorph: Note that copy propagation has propagated the zero initialization through to the final store.

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x000...0x003)
   │  ┌──▌  const     int    0
   └──▌  =         struct (init)
      └──▌  lclVar    struct V00 loc0

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
   │  ┌──▌  const     struct 0
   └──▌  =         struct (init)
      └──▌  lclVar    struct V01 tmp0

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
   │  ┌──▌  const     struct 0
   └──▌  =         struct (init)
      └──▌  lclVar    struct V02 tmp1

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
   │  ┌──▌  const     struct 0
   └──▌  =         struct (init)
      └──▌  lclVar    struct V03 tmp2

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
      ├──▌  const     long   0x7ffc8bbb4e10
      └──▌  const     int    1

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
   │  ┌──▌  const     struct 0
   └──▌  =         struct (init)
      └──▌  obj(16)   struct
         │  ┌──▌  const     long   8 Fseq[#FirstElem]
         └──▌  +         byref
            └──▌  indir     ref
               └──▌  const(h)  long   0x2425b6229c8 static Fseq[s_dt]

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x00E...  ???)
   └──▌  return    void

After liveness analysis the dead stores have been eliminated:

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
      ├──▌  const     long   0x7ffc8bbb4e10
      └──▌  const     int    1

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x008...  ???)
   │  ┌──▌  const     struct 0
   └──▌  =         struct (init)
      └──▌  obj(16)   struct
         │  ┌──▌  const     long   8 Fseq[#FirstElem]
         └──▌  +         byref
            └──▌  indir     ref
               └──▌  const(h)  long   0x2425b6229c8 static Fseq[s_dt]

   ▌  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL 0x00E...  ???)
   └──▌  return    void

And here is the resulting code, going from a code size of 129 bytes down to 58.

sub      rsp, 40
mov      rcx, 0x7FFC8BBB4E10
mov      edx, 1
xor      rax, rax
mov      rdx, 0x2425B6229C8
mov      rdx, gword ptr [rdx]
add      rdx, 8
vxorpd   ymm0, ymm0
vmovdqu  qword ptr [rdx], ymm0
add      rsp, 40