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Solomon Systech Ssd1351 - CMOS OLED

The SSD1351 is a single-chip CMOS OLED driver with controller for organic/polymer light emitting diode dot-matrix graphic display system. It consists of 384 segments and 128 commons. This IC is designed for Common Cathode type OLED panel.


Adafruit SSD1351 Arduino Library

Device Family

Related Devices



This uses AdaFruit breakount board that is wired to a Raspberry Pi as below

Function Raspberry Pi SSD 1351
5v Power Pin2 - 5v +
Ground Pin4 - Gnd G
SPI Output Pin19 - MOSI_0 SI
SPI Clock Pin23 - SCLK_0 CL
/Data Code Pin16 - GPIO23 DC
/Reset Pin18 - GPIO24 R
SPI Enable Pin24 CEO_0 OC


using System.Device.Spi;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Iot.Device.Ssd1351;

const int pinID_DC = 23;
const int pinID_Reset = 24;

using Bitmap dotnetBM = new(128, 128);
using Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(dotnetBM);
using SpiDevice displaySPI = SpiDevice.Create(new SpiConnectionSettings(0, 0) { Mode = SpiMode.Mode3, DataBitLength = 8, ClockFrequency = 12_000_000 /* 12MHz */ });
using Ssd1351 ssd1351 = new(displaySPI, pinID_DC, pinID_Reset);

while (true)
    foreach (string filepath in Directory.GetFiles(@"images", "*.png").OrderBy(f => f))
        using Bitmap bm = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(filepath);
        g.DrawImageUnscaled(bm, 0, 0);

void InitDisplayForAdafruit(Ssd1351 device)
    device.Unlock();  // Unlock OLED driver IC MCU interface from entering command
    device.MakeAccessible(); // Command A2,B1,B3,BB,BE,C1 accessible if in unlock state
    device.SetDisplayOff(); // Turn on sleep mode
    device.SetDisplayClockDivideRatioOscillatorFrequency(0x01, 0x0F); // 7:4 = Oscillator Frequency, 3:0 = CLK Div Ratio (A[3:0]+1 = 1..16)
    device.SetMultiplexRatio(); // Use all 128 common lines by default....
    device.SetSegmentReMapColorDepth(ColorDepth.ColourDepth65K, CommonSplit.OddEven, Seg0Common.Column127); // 0x74 Color Depth = 64K, Enable COM Split Odd Even, Scan from COM[N-1] to COM0. Where N is the Multiplex ratio., Color sequence is normal: B -> G -> R
    device.SetColumnAddress(); // Columns = 0 -> 127
    device.SetRowAddress(); // Rows = 0 -> 127
    device.SetDisplayStartLine(); // set startline to to 0
    device.SetDisplayOffset(0); // Set vertical scroll by Row to 0-127.
    device.SetGpio(GpioMode.Disabled, GpioMode.Disabled); // Set all GPIO to Input disabled
    device.SetVDDSource(); // Enable internal VDD regulator
    device.SetPreChargePeriods(2, 3); // Phase 1 period of 5 DCLKS,  Phase 2 period of 3 DCLKS
    device.SetNormalDisplay(); // Reset to Normal Display
    device.SetVcomhDeselectLevel(); // 0.82 x VCC
    device.SetContrastABC(0xC8, 0x80, 0xC8); // Contrast A = 200, B = 128, C = 200
    device.SetMasterContrast(); // No Change = 15
    device.SetVSL(); // External VSL
    device.Set3rdPreChargePeriod(0x01); // Set Second Pre-charge Period = 1 DCLKS
    device.SetDisplayOn(); //--turn on oled panel

Binding Notes

This binding currently only supports commands and raw data. Eventually, the plan is to create a graphics library that can send text and images to the device.

The following connection types are supported by this binding.

  • SPI