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Move static helpers to managed (#108167)
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Move the statics helpers from native code, occasionally using a HELPER_METHOD_FRAME, to managed code using QCalls for P/Invoke transition

Particularly notable parts of the change:

- Thread static lookup relies on the jit thread static optimization pathway. I needed to build a parallel helper call enum value for the case where we need to use the optimized helper path, but didn't actually have the ability to optimize in the JIT.
- This change maintains the volatile read of the normal static values, through a custom JIT intrinsic used only in this codepath.
  • Loading branch information
davidwrighton authored Oct 30, 2024
1 parent 5ca9043 commit 26612c8
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Showing 39 changed files with 590 additions and 377 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -195,10 +195,12 @@
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Reflection\RuntimePropertyInfo.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Reflection\TypeNameResolver.CoreCLR.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Reflection\Metadata\RuntimeTypeMetadataUpdateHandler.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Runtime\BypassReadyToRunAttribute.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Runtime\CompilerServices\CastHelpers.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Runtime\CompilerServices\GenericsHelpers.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Runtime\CompilerServices\InitHelpers.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Runtime\CompilerServices\RuntimeHelpers.CoreCLR.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Runtime\CompilerServices\StaticsHelpers.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Runtime\CompilerServices\VirtualDispatchHelpers.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Runtime\ControlledExecution.CoreCLR.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Runtime\DependentHandle.cs" />
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.

namespace System.Runtime
// Use to disable ReadyToRun compilation for a method.
internal sealed class BypassReadyToRunAttribute : Attribute
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Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ internal static unsafe partial class InitHelpers

private static void InitClassSlow(MethodTable* mt)
internal static void InitClassSlow(MethodTable* mt)
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Expand Up @@ -879,6 +879,45 @@ public TypeHandle GetArrayElementTypeHandle()
public extern MethodTable* GetMethodTableMatchingParentClass(MethodTable* parent);

internal unsafe ref struct DynamicStaticsInfo
internal const int ISCLASSNOTINITED = 1;
internal IntPtr _pGCStatics; // The ISCLASSNOTINITED bit is set when the class is NOT initialized
internal IntPtr _pNonGCStatics; // The ISCLASSNOTINITED bit is set when the class is NOT initialized

/// <summary>
/// Given a statics pointer in the DynamicStaticsInfo, get the actual statics pointer.
/// If the class it initialized, this mask is not necessary
/// </summary>
internal static ref byte MaskStaticsPointer(ref byte staticsPtr)
fixed (byte* p = &staticsPtr)
return ref Unsafe.AsRef<byte>((byte*)((nuint)p & ~(nuint)DynamicStaticsInfo.ISCLASSNOTINITED));

internal unsafe MethodTable* _methodTable;

internal unsafe ref struct GenericsStaticsInfo
// Pointer to field descs for statics
internal IntPtr _pFieldDescs;
internal DynamicStaticsInfo _dynamicStatics;

internal unsafe ref struct ThreadStaticsInfo
internal int _nonGCTlsIndex;
internal int _gcTlsIndex;
internal GenericsStaticsInfo _genericStatics;

// Subset of src\vm\methodtable.h
internal unsafe struct MethodTableAuxiliaryData
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -939,6 +978,18 @@ public RuntimeType? ExposedClassObject
public bool IsClassInited => (Volatile.Read(ref Flags) & enum_flag_Initialized) != 0;

public bool IsClassInitedAndActive => (Volatile.Read(ref Flags) & (enum_flag_Initialized | enum_flag_EnsuredInstanceActive)) == (enum_flag_Initialized | enum_flag_EnsuredInstanceActive);

public ref DynamicStaticsInfo GetDynamicStaticsInfo()
return ref Unsafe.Subtract(ref Unsafe.As<MethodTableAuxiliaryData, DynamicStaticsInfo>(ref this), 1);

public ref ThreadStaticsInfo GetThreadStaticsInfo()
return ref Unsafe.Subtract(ref Unsafe.As<MethodTableAuxiliaryData, ThreadStaticsInfo>(ref this), 1);

/// <summary>
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@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.

using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
internal static unsafe partial class StaticsHelpers
private static partial void GetThreadStaticsByIndex(ByteRefOnStack result, int index, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool gcStatics);

private static partial void GetThreadStaticsByMethodTable(ByteRefOnStack result, MethodTable* pMT, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool gcStatics);

private static ref byte VolatileReadAsByref(ref IntPtr address) => ref VolatileReadAsByref(ref address);

private static ref byte GetNonGCStaticBaseSlow(MethodTable* mt)
return ref DynamicStaticsInfo.MaskStaticsPointer(ref VolatileReadAsByref(ref mt->AuxiliaryData->GetDynamicStaticsInfo()._pNonGCStatics));

private static ref byte GetNonGCStaticBase(MethodTable* mt)
ref byte nonGCStaticBase = ref VolatileReadAsByref(ref mt->AuxiliaryData->GetDynamicStaticsInfo()._pNonGCStatics);

if ((((nuint)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref nonGCStaticBase)) & DynamicStaticsInfo.ISCLASSNOTINITED) != 0)
return ref GetNonGCStaticBaseSlow(mt);
return ref nonGCStaticBase;

private static ref byte GetDynamicNonGCStaticBase(DynamicStaticsInfo *dynamicStaticsInfo)
ref byte nonGCStaticBase = ref VolatileReadAsByref(ref dynamicStaticsInfo->_pNonGCStatics);

if ((((nuint)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref nonGCStaticBase)) & DynamicStaticsInfo.ISCLASSNOTINITED) != 0)
return ref GetNonGCStaticBaseSlow(dynamicStaticsInfo->_methodTable);
return ref nonGCStaticBase;

private static ref byte GetGCStaticBaseSlow(MethodTable* mt)
return ref DynamicStaticsInfo.MaskStaticsPointer(ref VolatileReadAsByref(ref mt->AuxiliaryData->GetDynamicStaticsInfo()._pGCStatics));

private static ref byte GetGCStaticBase(MethodTable* mt)
ref byte gcStaticBase = ref VolatileReadAsByref(ref mt->AuxiliaryData->GetDynamicStaticsInfo()._pGCStatics);

if ((((nuint)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref gcStaticBase)) & DynamicStaticsInfo.ISCLASSNOTINITED) != 0)
return ref GetGCStaticBaseSlow(mt);
return ref gcStaticBase;

private static ref byte GetDynamicGCStaticBase(DynamicStaticsInfo *dynamicStaticsInfo)
ref byte gcStaticBase = ref VolatileReadAsByref(ref dynamicStaticsInfo->_pGCStatics);

if ((((nuint)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref gcStaticBase)) & DynamicStaticsInfo.ISCLASSNOTINITED) != 0)
return ref GetGCStaticBaseSlow(dynamicStaticsInfo->_methodTable);
return ref gcStaticBase;

// Thread static helpers

/// <summary>
/// Return beginning of the object as a reference to byte
/// </summary>
private static ref byte GetObjectAsRefByte(object obj)
return ref Unsafe.Subtract(ref RuntimeHelpers.GetRawData(obj), sizeof(MethodTable*));

internal struct ThreadLocalData
internal int _cNonCollectibleTlsData; // Size of offset into the non-collectible TLS array which is valid, NOTE: this is relative to the start of the nonCollectibleTlsArrayData object, not the start of the data in the array
internal int _cCollectibleTlsData; // Size of offset into the TLS array which is valid
private IntPtr _nonCollectibleTlsArrayData_private; // This is object[], but using object[] directly causes the structure to be laid out via auto-layout, which is not what we want.
internal IntPtr* _collectibleTlsArrayData; // Points at the Thread local array data.

internal object[] NonCollectibleTlsArrayData
return Unsafe.As<IntPtr, object[]>(ref _nonCollectibleTlsArrayData_private);

private static int GetIndexOffset(int index)
return index & 0xFFFFFF;

private const int NonCollectibleTLSIndexType = 0;
private const int DirectOnThreadLocalDataTLSIndexType = 2;

private static int GetIndexType(int index)
return index >> 24;

private static bool IsIndexAllocated(int index)
return index != -1;

private static ref byte GetNonGCThreadStaticsByIndexSlow(int index)
ByteRef result = default;
GetThreadStaticsByIndex(ByteRefOnStack.Create(ref result), index, false);
return ref result.Get();

private static ref byte GetGCThreadStaticsByIndexSlow(int index)
ByteRef result = default;
GetThreadStaticsByIndex(ByteRefOnStack.Create(ref result), index, true);
return ref result.Get();

private static ref byte GetNonGCThreadStaticBaseSlow(MethodTable* mt)
ByteRef result = default;
GetThreadStaticsByMethodTable(ByteRefOnStack.Create(ref result), mt, false);
return ref result.Get();

private static ref byte GetGCThreadStaticBaseSlow(MethodTable* mt)
ByteRef result = default;
GetThreadStaticsByMethodTable(ByteRefOnStack.Create(ref result), mt, true);
return ref result.Get();

private static ref byte GetThreadLocalStaticBaseByIndex(int index, bool gcStatics)
ThreadLocalData *t_ThreadStatics = System.Threading.Thread.GetThreadStaticsBase();
int indexOffset = GetIndexOffset(index);
if (GetIndexType(index) == NonCollectibleTLSIndexType)
if (t_ThreadStatics->_cNonCollectibleTlsData > GetIndexOffset(index))
object? threadStaticObjectNonCollectible = Unsafe.Add(ref MemoryMarshal.GetArrayDataReference(t_ThreadStatics->NonCollectibleTlsArrayData), indexOffset - ThreadLocalData.NUMBER_OF_TLSOFFSETS_NOT_USED_IN_NONCOLLECTIBLE_ARRAY);
if (threadStaticObjectNonCollectible != null)
return ref GetObjectAsRefByte(threadStaticObjectNonCollectible);
else if (GetIndexType(index) == DirectOnThreadLocalDataTLSIndexType)
return ref Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.AsRef<byte>(t_ThreadStatics), indexOffset);
int cCollectibleTlsData = t_ThreadStatics->_cCollectibleTlsData;
if (cCollectibleTlsData > indexOffset)
IntPtr* pCollectibleTlsArrayData = t_ThreadStatics->_collectibleTlsArrayData;

pCollectibleTlsArrayData += indexOffset;
IntPtr objHandle = *pCollectibleTlsArrayData;
if (objHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
object? threadStaticObject = GCHandle.InternalGet(objHandle);
if (threadStaticObject != null)
return ref GetObjectAsRefByte(threadStaticObject);

if (gcStatics)
return ref GetGCThreadStaticsByIndexSlow(index);
return ref GetNonGCThreadStaticsByIndexSlow(index);

private static ref byte GetNonGCThreadStaticBase(MethodTable* mt)
int index = mt->AuxiliaryData->GetThreadStaticsInfo()._nonGCTlsIndex;
if (IsIndexAllocated(index))
return ref GetThreadLocalStaticBaseByIndex(index, false);
return ref GetNonGCThreadStaticBaseSlow(mt);

private static ref byte GetGCThreadStaticBase(MethodTable* mt)
int index = mt->AuxiliaryData->GetThreadStaticsInfo()._gcTlsIndex;
if (IsIndexAllocated(index))
return ref GetThreadLocalStaticBaseByIndex(index, true);
return ref GetGCThreadStaticBaseSlow(mt);

private static ref byte GetDynamicNonGCThreadStaticBase(ThreadStaticsInfo *threadStaticsInfo)
int index = threadStaticsInfo->_nonGCTlsIndex;
if (IsIndexAllocated(index))
return ref GetThreadLocalStaticBaseByIndex(index, false);
return ref GetNonGCThreadStaticBaseSlow(threadStaticsInfo->_genericStatics._dynamicStatics._methodTable);

private static ref byte GetDynamicGCThreadStaticBase(ThreadStaticsInfo *threadStaticsInfo)
int index = threadStaticsInfo->_gcTlsIndex;
if (IsIndexAllocated(index))
return ref GetThreadLocalStaticBaseByIndex(index, true);
return ref GetGCThreadStaticBaseSlow(threadStaticsInfo->_genericStatics._dynamicStatics._methodTable);

private static ref byte GetOptimizedNonGCThreadStaticBase(int index)
return ref GetThreadLocalStaticBaseByIndex(index, false);

private static ref byte GetOptimizedGCThreadStaticBase(int index)
return ref GetThreadLocalStaticBaseByIndex(index, true);

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