- v2.0 (not yet released) (initial release)
- forked from E57RefImpl
- removed all but the main sources for reading and writing E57 files
- multiple fixes for compilation on macOS
- removed BOOST requirement
- require C++11
- 2013-04-03 roland_schwarz
- e57unpack now also can handle 2d images
- 2013-01-30 roland_schwarz
- added missing library identifier string to cmake build
- 2011-10-04 roland_schwarz
- update to use boost version 1.46.1
- streamlined cmake files for better static linking
- 2011-03-14 roland_schwarz
- E57RefImplConfig.cmake added
- e57validate tool added to cmake
- 2011-03-10: roland_schwarz
- Added E57RefImplConfig.cmake for user project configuration.
- The build instructions can be found inside the CMakeLists.txt file.
- 2010-10-16 roland_schwarz
- e57unpack tool added
- riegl_1 example files added