A canary deployment consists of routing a subset of users to a new functionality. In Kubernetes, a canary deployment can be done using two Deployments with common pod labels. One replica of the new version is released alongside the old version. Then after some time and if no error is detected, scale up the number of replicas of the new version and delete the old deployment.
cd ~/Workshop-K8S/k8s/canary/
kubectl create namespace canary
kubectl -n canary apply -f hello-world-v1.yaml
curl http://[public ip adress load balancer]/api
Or in browser: http://[public ip adress load balancer]
kubectl -n canary apply -f hello-world-v2.yaml
Check that requests are handled by v1 and v2
while sleep 0.5; do curl [public ip adress load balancer]/api; done
Stop with CONTROL-C
kubectl -n canary scale --replicas=3 deployment/hello-world-v2
kubectl -n canary get pods -w
curl http://[public ip adress load balancer]/api
Or in browser: http://[public ip adress load balancer]
kubectl -n canary delete deployment/hello-world-v1
kubectl -n canary get pods
curl http://[public ip adress load balancer]/api
Or in browser: http://[public ip adress load balancer]
kubectl delete ns canary