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Issues with SimpleConsumer when using auto commit #18

atinsood opened this issue May 27, 2013 · 15 comments

Issues with SimpleConsumer when using auto commit #18

atinsood opened this issue May 27, 2013 · 15 comments


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I was trying to use Simple Consumer to do auto commit, but ran into number of issues.

  • By default auto_commit is set to be false which is counter intuitive as the default value of auto commit is true in server config.
  • If consumer is created using

SimpleConsumer(kafka, "my-group", TOPIC_NAME, True)

then the auto commit does not work.

  • If consumer is created using

SimpleConsumer(kafka, "my-group", TOPIC_NAME, True, auto_commit_every_n=100)

then the code fails with unable to find reference for ReentrantTimer

  • If the code is changed to use

SimpleConsumer(kafka, "my-group", TOPIC_NAME, True, 100, 5000)

the code fails with unable to find reference to send_offset_commit_request which is defined incorrectly.

self.send_offset_commit_request(, reqs)

  • I have enclosed the diff below that I had to do to ensure that

SimpleConsumer(kafka, "my-group", TOPIC_NAME, True, auto_commit_every_n=100)

can proceed further.

But now I am stuck at

kafka-python/kafka/", line 45, in relative_unpack
    raise BufferUnderflowError("Not enough data left")
BufferUnderflowError: Not enough data left

Code diff to workaround issues mentioned above

diff --git a/kafka/ b/kafka/
index f123113..7d658b1 100644
--- a/kafka/
+++ b/kafka/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 from itertools import izip_longest, repeat
 import logging
 from threading import Lock
+from util import ReentrantTimer

 from kafka.common import (
     ErrorMapping, FetchRequest,
@@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ class SimpleConsumer(object):
                     log.debug("Commit offset %d in SimpleConsumer: group=%s, topic=%s, partition=%s" % (
                         offset,, self.topic, partition))
                     reqs.append(OffsetCommitRequest(self.topic, partition, offset, None))
-            resps = self.send_offset_commit_request(, reqs)
+            resps = self.client.send_offset_commit_request(, reqs)
             for resp in resps:
                 assert resp.error == 0
             self.count_since_commit = 0
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I also noticed these problems with offset commit and offset fetch.

In, I un-commented the lines for 0.8.1, which will fetch the offset information for the consumer. This resulted in an error in the broker.

If I enable auto-commit or do a manual commit with consumer.commit(), the broker crashes with an error.

Will update the exact error messages in a while.

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When I do consumer.commit() the following error is seen at the broker end.

[2013-05-27 13:53:40,587] ERROR Closing socket for / because of error (
    at java.nio.Buffer.nextGetIndex(Unknown Source)
    at java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.getInt(Unknown Source)
    at kafka.api.PartitionStateInfo$.readFrom(LeaderAndIsrRequest.scala:56)
    at kafka.api.UpdateMetadataRequest$$anonfun$readFrom$1.apply(UpdateMetadataRequest.scala:28)
    at kafka.api.UpdateMetadataRequest$$anonfun$readFrom$1.apply(UpdateMetadataRequest.scala:25)
    at scala.collection.immutable.Range$ByOne$class.foreach(Range.scala:282)
    at scala.collection.immutable.Range$$anon$2.foreach(Range.scala:265)
    at kafka.api.UpdateMetadataRequest$.readFrom(UpdateMetadataRequest.scala:25)
    at kafka.api.RequestKeys$$anonfun$7.apply(RequestKeys.scala:39)
    at kafka.api.RequestKeys$$anonfun$7.apply(RequestKeys.scala:39)
    at Source)

The python-kafka error is as follows

----> 1 consumer.commit()

kafka/ in commit(self, partitions)
--> 140             resps = self.client.send_offset_commit_request(, reqs)

kafka/ in send_offset_commit_request(self, group, payloads, fail_on_error, callback)
    225         resps = self._send_broker_aware_request(payloads,
    226                                    partial(KafkaProtocol.encode_offset_commit_request, group=group),
--> 227                                    KafkaProtocol.decode_offset_commit_response)

kafka/ in _send_broker_aware_request(self, payloads, encoder_fn, decoder_fn)
--> 136             conn.send(requestId, request)

kafka/conn.pyc in send(self, requestId, payload)
---> 78 = self._consume_response()

kafka/conn.pyc in _consume_response(self)
     34         """
     35         data = ""
---> 36         for chunk in self._consume_response_iter():
     37             data += chunk
     38         return data

kafka/conn.pyc in _consume_response_iter(self)
     48         resp = self._sock.recv(4)
     49         if resp == "":
---> 50             raise Exception("Got no response from Kafka")
     51         (size,) = struct.unpack('>i', resp)

Exception: Got no response from Kafka

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@atinsood - after your fix, did auto-commit work? I am seeing an issue where the broker throws an exception.

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@mahendra I haven't pulled in the changes that you made. Will try to fork your code. But after my changes the commit still does not work.. I am able to commit successfully without any exception but the consumer still seems to be pulling out all the messages.

I ended up referring to

and changed my code to

consumer = SimpleConsumer(kafka, "my-group", TOPIC_NAME)
    print('offset is {0}'.format(consumer.offsets)), 1)
    for message in consumer:
        print('received message {0} '.format(message))

But the offset always seems to be offset is {0: 0} and now I am able to pull out messages from the offset that I specified 10 in this case to the end

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Made a few more changes in the base code and had some more luck

(env)asood@starbuck-2 [~/work/opensource/env/swDependencies/kafka-python-mahendra]
> git status
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
#   modified:   kafka/
# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
#   kafka_python.egg-info/
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
(env)asood@starbuck-2 [~/work/opensource/env/swDependencies/kafka-python-mahendra]
> git diff
diff --git a/kafka/ b/kafka/
index f123113..6b0fada 100644
--- a/kafka/
+++ b/kafka/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from kafka.common import (
     ErrorMapping, FetchRequest,
     OffsetRequest, OffsetFetchRequest, OffsetCommitRequest
+from util import ReentrantTimer
 log = logging.getLogger("kafka")

 class SimpleConsumer(object):
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class SimpleConsumer(object):
     manual call to commit will also reset these triggers

-    def __init__(self, client, group, topic, auto_commit=False, auto_commit_every_n=None, auto_commit_every_t=None):
+    def __init__(self, client, group, topic, auto_commit=True, auto_commit_every_n=100, auto_commit_every_t=5000):
         self.client = client
         self.topic = topic = group
@@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ class SimpleConsumer(object):

         # Uncomment for 0.8.1
-        #for partition in self.client.topic_partitions[topic]:
-        #    req = OffsetFetchRequest(topic, partition)
-        #    (offset,) = self.client.send_offset_fetch_request(group, [req],
-        #                  callback=get_or_init_offset_callback, fail_on_error=False)
-        #    self.offsets[partition] = offset
         for partition in self.client.topic_partitions[topic]:
-            self.offsets[partition] = 0
+            req = OffsetFetchRequest(topic, partition)
+            (offset,) = self.client.send_offset_fetch_request(group, [req],
+                          callback=get_or_init_offset_callback, fail_on_error=False)
+            self.offsets[partition] = offset

So basically after uncommenting the code that's mentioned for 0.8.1 we need to comment the next for loop.

My consumer code looks like

def consumeMessages():
    print ("topic name {0} ".format(TOPIC_NAME))
    consumer = SimpleConsumer(kafka, "my-group", TOPIC_NAME)
    print('offset is {0}'.format(consumer.offsets))
    for message in consumer:
        print('received message {0} '.format(message))

So I am able to get messages now and the offset is correctly increasing

But I am seeing the following exception after every 48 messages for some reason :)

Exception in thread Thread-4:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 552, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 756, in run
    self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/work/opensource/env/swDependencies/kafka-python-mahendra/kafka/",
    resps = self.client.send_offset_commit_request(, reqs)
  File "/work/opensource/env/swDependencies/kafka-python-mahendra/kafka/", l
  File "/work/opensource/env/swDependencies/kafka-python-mahendra/kafka/", l
    for response in decoder_fn(response):
  File "/work/opensource/env/swDependencies/kafka-python-mahendra/kafka/",
    ((partition, error), cur) = relative_unpack('>ih', data, cur)
  File "/work/opensource/env/swDependencies/kafka-python-mahendra/kafka/", lin
    raise BufferUnderflowError("Not enough data left")
BufferUnderflowError: Not enough data left

ERROR:tornado.application:Uncaught exception POST /order (::1)
HTTPRequest(protocol='http', host='localhost:8888', method='POST', uri='/order', version='HTTP/1.1', remote_ip='::1', body='{"sub_number":"1","sub_orderID":"1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/opensource/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/", line 1077,
    *self.path_args, **self.path_kwargs)
  File "/work/opensource/", line 33, in post
  File "/work/opensource/", line 23, in consumeMessages
    for message in consumer:
  File "/work/opensource/env/swDependencies/kafka-python-mahendra/kafka/",
  File "/work/opensource/env/swDependencies/kafka-python-mahendra/kafka/",
    (resp,) = self.client.send_fetch_request([req])
  File "/work/opensource/env/swDependencies/kafka-python-mahendra/kafka/", l
  File "/work/opensource/env/swDependencies/kafka-python-mahendra/kafka/", l
    conn.send(requestId, request)
  File "/work/opensource/env/swDependencies/kafka-python-mahendra/kafka/", lin = self._consume_response()
  File "/work/opensource/env/swDependencies/kafka-python-mahendra/kafka/", lin
    for chunk in self._consume_response_iter():
  File "/work/opensource/env/swDependencies/kafka-python-mahendra/kafka/", lin
    resp = self._sock.recv(self.bufsize)

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@atinsood one quick question. which version of kafka are you running? I am following instructions here:

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@mahendra Been using the master so far. But will look into the instructions mentioned by you and use that branch

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@atinsood Things are working fine for me now. Offset Commit and fetch. There was a bug in the timer logic for auto_commit. Have fixed that with a new pull request #23

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@atinsood I have a branch in my repo which has all the fixes. You can give it a try

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@atinsood @mumrah I also noticed the buffer underflow errors. I think this is happening because of itertools not being thread safe. For eg: self._next_id() is using itertools.count(). When the commit thread runs, it is possible that the same correlation id is being used. I saw that some fetch request data was going to commit request decoder (and vice-versa). I averted this problem by protecting self._next_id() around a lock. Then I saw that this problem is happening in other calls.

I am looking into this issue. A temporary work-around is to use auto_commit without a auto-timer

consumer = SimpleConsumer( ...., auto_commit=True,
                          auto_commit_every_n = 20,
                          auto_commit_every_t = None)

This way, the commit code will run within the main thread. Once I did this, the errors disappeared.

We need to ensure that protocol/client code is thread safe.

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@atinsood @mumrah - Well, I just went through the code in detail and noticed that correlation id is not being used for multiplexing requests as of now. In that case, invoking auto_commit via a timer (thread) is inherently unsafe. We need to look at alternate approaches.

One very easy approach that I can think of is to use multiprocessing module instead of threading. The connection is then in a separate process space and commit can happen in-parallel. Still thinking on it. Will try it out and send a patch if it works well.

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mumrah commented May 28, 2013

Wow, a lot to catch up on from this weekend.

@mahendra, you're totally correct in that the library is not thread safe right now. I believe the only thing required to make it so is to implement the request multiplexing in The request encoding/decoding should be thread safe since it is not using any instance variables during the decoding process (notice that everything in is marked as @classmethod). I do have a note here about the thread safety, but perhaps it should be promoted to the README :)

If the commits are happening on a separate thread/process, there needs to be a way optionally synchronize when a manual commit happens. There are some use cases when you need to be sure that your offsets have been committed before proceeding.

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@mumrah I agree that implementing request multiplexing in is a better option than implementing it as a separate process. I have an early version working with running commit in a separate process (using shared memory). Will explore request multiplexing tomorrow and see how to do it.

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mahendra commented Jun 3, 2013

@mumrah Have sent a pull request with a simple approach for doing this - #29

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rdiomar commented Jan 29, 2014

Cleaning up old issues. This seems resolved

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