- Move API, auth and image servers, and the poc components, to one repo
- Refactor: use normal Authorization header instead of X-Authorization to connect to the API
- Add local seed data option to init-database
- Move migrations script to npm run migrate-database
- Refactor: idea is now resource
- Add auth adapters and auth through third party IDPs - see /doc/auth.md
- The API is now single source of truth for OpenStad users, but always through external login services
- Syncing to the OpenStad auth server is now done through the adapter
- Merge first- and lastname to name
- Refactor Site to Project, remove Site.domain functionality, add Project.url
- Remove refreshProjectConfigMw
- Remove obsolete models and routes: AccessToken, BudegtVote and Log
- And more cleanup of old and obsolte code
- Refactor init database, merge seeds and fixtures, make table names consitent, and fix relations
- Refactor Argument to Comment
- Rename devel branch to development to be consistent with other branches
- Remove express-promise-router dependency
- Remove oauth userdata parsing: the API is now single source of truth
- Refactor useOauth to useAuth
- Refactor X-Authorisation to Authorisation
- Remove CommentVote.opinion; it is not used
- Remove anonymize votes - anonymization is now done through users
- Remove backup scripts - this should not be done in the API
- Remove mongo dependency
- Remove S3 connections - no longer required
- Move email config from project.config to project.emailConfig and hide them unless specifically asked for
- Remove articles
- Fix half implemented tags functionality
- Add seqnrs to tags
- Merge one existing filter and two existing search systems
- Remove doc routes
- Refactor init database and seeds
- Remove user.extradata: the API is now single source of truth
- Bugfix: toJSON of db models used the wrong data
- Bugfix: new users are now created withoud a random password
- Merge first- and lastname to name
- Remove mongo dependency
- Delete access tokens on logout
- Refactor init database, merge seeds and fixtures