Keep your Adobe XD files organized, batch rename layers and artboards. Checkout the website
Rename Multiple layers at once.
Sequentially rename layers in either ascending or descending order.
- Keyword
- Ascending numbered sequence - Keyword
- Descending numbered sequence - Keyword
- Alphabet sequence
- Keyword
- This will output 01, 02, 03 and so on - Keyword
- Lowercase alphabet sequence
The keyword %*
will copy the current selected layer(s) name.
You can use the %*
with combination of letters to convert the layer name case.
- Keyword
- Convert to UPPER CASE - Keyword
- Convert to lower case - Keyword
- Convert to Title Case - Keyword
- Convert to Upper first word - Keyword
- Convert to camelCase (This will remove the spaces)
Rename layer(s) with the width %W and height %H of a layer.
Replace any word(s) or character(s) from selected layers.
You can use both commands Rename Selected Layers and Find & Replace in Selected Layers on artboards. They behave the same way as when renaming a layer.
Rename It is maintained by Rodrigo Soares, follow me @rodi01
MIT License © Rodrigo Soares.
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