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Change Log and Updates

drnick23 edited this page Mar 23, 2024 · 2 revisions


Critical Update v0.11.0

What happened

When the chia farmer requests signatures for a proof, the drchia harvester returns the signatures and then deletes the signatures from the cache. This worked fine for finding partials. However, when finding a block, the farmer issues two calls for signatures instead of one, and a race condition occurs where either the partial or the block gets returned first, and the other then fails to get the signatures required. This either results in a loss of a block win, or loss of a partial.

What does it mean

A farmer would have received pool rewards, but upon finding a block possibly missed out on a farmer block win. Check your farmer error logs for this error: 2024-03-22T11:36:56.075 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING KeyError plot ... does not exist.

Pools are more affected: they missed out on block rewards because farmers with drplotter were not submitting all the wins they found.

What now?

Join the discord if you believe you have been affected you can reclaim rewards by posting in the discord thread "Reclaim rewards".

Why did it happen

All testing was done on the harvester<->farmer protocol for receiving a signature request for a proof and sending back a response. It was assumed that whether for a block entry or pool partial submission, the request would be the same, which is correct. However, the chia documentation did not specify that the farmer could issue more than one call for the same proof, and it was misunderstood from the developer that there would only be one call per unique proof. In testing, seeing that proofs were being submitted successfully to pools, it was then assumed that proofs for blocks would also be submitted successfully by the farmer. Since the farmer actually submits two signatures requests for the same proof when it finds one passing the difficulty filter for the block, this resulted in either the pool partial or the farmer block request returning a missing result.


  • drserver to connect your drchia harvester and drsolver locally or through your own web server. This offers improved performance and is recommended for optimized setups.
  • drsolver improved logs and bug fixes.


Directory Input Handling: corrected an issue with DrPlotter where missing trailing slashes on directory inputs would lead to unexpected behavior.

DrSolver Enhancements: Significant bug fixes have been implemented in DrSolver. Previous challenges with certain proofs could cause connectivity issues and unnecessary computation. This now provides enhanced stability and reliability across various scenarios.

Harvester Log Update: The DrChia Harvester now includes a summary log feature. This addition is designed to provide users with a concise overview of their harvesting activity, offering insights into proofs found and pool points awarded.

These adjustments improve performance and stability of your harvesting operations, and should ensure a smoother, more dependable farming process.


  • Eco3x and Pro4x Compressed Plots: Choose Eco3x for improved energy efficiency or Pro4x for high-density plotting. Boost rewards by over 400% compared to regular Chia plots and higher ROI's compared to any other solution.
  • Harvester Integration: Effortlessly compatible with official Chia Farmers, optimizing the proof submission and solving process.
  • Remote Solvers: Flexibility to deploy your GPU remotely for proof solving.
  • Enhanced Security: Relies solely on public farmer keys, safeguarding your private keys.