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File metadata and controls

39 lines (27 loc) · 3.4 KB

Fedlex metadata

As of January 2021, the Swiss Federal Chancellery renewed the backend for its official publication (e.g. acts and bills1). These are exposed through a triple store database API and then consolidated into objects for efficient, intuitive and significantly less cryptic access.
This repository contains the consolidated objects of the main works available in JSON format. According to the terminology used by the Federal Chancellery, the work types included in the repository are Act, ConsolidationAbstract, Consolidation, TreatyProcess and a subset of Draft.

  • Federal gazette (BBl, FF): /eli/fga (~146'000 objects2).
  • Official compilation (AS, RO, RU): /eli/oc (~45'000 objects2).
  • Classified compilation (SR, RS): /eli/cc (~17'000 objects and ~50'000 consolidated objects).
  • Treaties: /eli/treaty (~18'500 objects).
  • Consultation procedures: /eli/dl/proj (~2'000 objects from 1992).

Morover, the 40 vocabularies with their entries referred in the objects above are available in the directory /vocabularies. The repository fedlex-assets presents the HTML manifestation of the consolidated objects.

Changes with respect to the original data

Data is provided as is, objects are updated and committed to this repository several times each day. Files are stored according to their URI's path with the .json extension.

Although the object structure, quality and conventions may raise some questions, the objects have not been modified, improved or corrected. The only exception is the timestampms value. This value is updated by the fedlex backend even when the object is not modified: thus, to avoid unnecessary commits, this field is always set to null.

JSON objects are prettified in order to take advantage of git to track changes.

Additional files

  • The file /updates.json is generated after each commit, this include the last crawler update date for each file.


Feedbacks are welcome. For suggestions, missing or incorrect data open an issue.



Swiss Federal Chancellery requirements for the use of the data are summarized here. This repository is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence and cannot be used for commercial purposes.

Droid Factory.


  1. Diritto federale, Foglio federale, Raccolta Ufficiale, Raccolta Sistematica, Trattati, Procedure di consultazione; Droit fédéral, Feuille fédérale, Recueil officiel, Recueil systématique, Traités, Procédures de consultation; Bundesrecht, Bundesblatt, Amtliche Sammlung, Systematische Rechtssammlung, Staatsverträge, Vernehmlassungen.

  2. Some objects correspond to a work exposing multiple manifestations, while others to a single manifestation of a work (e.g Federal gazette before 1999 is presented as one object per language manifestation). The consolidation of works presented in more than one language began in the years 1998-2000 (digitalization of the official publication workflow). 2