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203 lines (162 loc) · 8.86 KB

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203 lines (162 loc) · 8.86 KB

Change log for WSManDsc

The format is based on and uses the types of changes according to Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • CI Pipeline
    • Updated pipeline files to match current DSC Community patterns - fixes Issue #103.
    • Updated HQRM and build steps to use windows-latest image.
  • WSManDsc
    • Added support for changing the hostname and/or certificate thumbprint on the listener - fixes Issue #23.


  • Added build task Generate_Conceptual_Help to generate conceptual help for the DSC resource.
  • Added build task Generate_Wiki_Content to generate the wiki content that can be used to update the GitHub Wiki.


  • Updated CI pipeline files.
  • No longer run integration tests when running the build task test, e.g. .\build.ps1 -Task test. To manually run integration tests, run the following:
    .\build.ps1 -Tasks test -PesterScript 'tests/Integration' -CodeCoverageThreshold 0
  • Change Azure DevOps Pipeline definition to include source/* - fixes Issue #75.
  • Updated pipeline to use latest version of ModuleBuilder - fixes Issue #75.
  • Merge into - fixes Issue #76.
  • WSManDsc
    • Updated to use the common module DscResource.Common - Fixes Issue #78.
    • Fixed build failures caused by changes in ModuleBuilder module v1.7.0 by changing CopyDirectories to CopyPaths - Fixes Issue #79.
    • Pin Pester module to 4.10.1 because Pester 5.0 is missing code coverage - Fixes Issue #78.
    • Automatically publish documentation to GitHub Wiki - Fixes Issue #82.
    • Fix build pipeline so it uses the build image windows-latest.
  • Renamed master branch to main - Fixes Issue #82.
  • Minor corrections to pipeline files and examples after renaming master branch to main.
  • Updated GitVersion.yml to latest pattern - Fixes Issue #87.
  • Updated build to use Sampler.GitHubTasks - Fixes Issue #90.
  • Added support for publishing code coverage to and Azure Pipelines - Fixes Issue #91.
  • Build pipeline: Removed unused dscBuildVariable tasks.
  • Updated .github issue templates to standard - Fixes Issue #97.
  • Added Create_ChangeLog_GitHub_PR task to publish stage of build pipeline.
  • Added
  • Updated pipeline Deploy_Module anb Code_Coverage jobs to use ubuntu-latest images - Fixes Issue #96.
  • Updated pipeline unit tests and integration tests to use Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server 2022 images - Fixes Issue #96.


  • Fixed pipeline by replacing the GitVersion task in the azure-pipelines.yml with a script.

[3.1.1] - 2020-01-31


  • Changed CI pipeline HQRM Test image to use windows-2019 Azure DevOps hosted image - fixes issue #69
  • Changed CI pipeline Unit Test image to use vs2017-win2016 Azure DevOps hosted image - fixes issue #69
  • Added CI pipeline stages for running Integration and Unit tests on Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019 respectively.

[3.1.0] - 2020-01-15


  • WSManDsc
    • Added automatic release with a new CI pipeline.


  • WSManDsc
    • Transferred ownership to
    • Added missing resource to README.MD.
    • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed resource prefix from DSR to DSC.
    • Renamed module WSManDsc.ResourceHelper to WSManDsc.Common and updated to use standard functions.
    • Pinned ModuleBuilder to v1.0.0.
    • Updated build badges in README.MD.
    • Remove unused localization strings.
    • Adopt DSC Community Code of Conduct.
    • Fix Code Coverage generation.
    • Updated the CI pipeline files to the latest template.
    • Changed unit tests to handle missing DscResource.Test better.
    • Changed azure-pipeline.yml to match current pattern (Issue #59).
  • Set testRunTitle for PublishTestResults steps so that a helpful name is displayed in Azure DevOps for each test run.
  • Set a display name on all the jobs and tasks in the CI pipeline - fixes issue #63


  • None


  • WSManDsc
    • Removed unused file .codecov.yml.
    • Removed the file Deploy.PSDeploy.ps1 since it is not longer used by the build pipeline.


  • WSManDsc
    • Added file, and a 'Code of Conduct' section in the
  • WSManListener
    • Fix Find-Certificate Verbose Messages Issue #49.
  • Fixed GitVersion.yml feature and fix Regex - fixes issue #62.
  • Fix import statement in all tests, making sure it throws if module DscResource.Test cannot be imported - fixes issue #67.
  • Fix deploy stage in CI pipeline to prevent it executing against forks of the repository - fixes issue #66.


  • None

[] - 2019-10-25


  • Changes to WSManDsc
    • Added .VSCode settings for applying DSC PSSA rules - fixes Issue #32.
    • Fix minor style issues in hashtable layout.
    • Added .gitattributes file to fix bug publishing examples - Fixes Issue #34.
    • WSManConfig:
      • Added new resource to allow configuration of core WS-Man settings - Fixes Issue #40.
    • WSManServiceConfig:
      • Updated integration tests to latest version of template.

[] - 2019-10-15


  • Changes to WSManDsc
    • Enabled PSSA rule violations to fail build - Fixes Issue #14.
    • Added Open Code of Conduct.
    • Refactored module folder structure to move resource to root folder of repository and remove test harness - Fixes Issue #19.
    • Converted Examples to support format for publishing to PowerShell Gallery.
    • Change Find-Certificate in WSManListener to return entire certificate instead of just thumbprint.
    • Fix Get-TargetResource in WSManListener to ensure all MOF parameters are returned - Fixes Issue #21.
    • Minor style corrections to comment based help.
    • Correct configuration names in Examples - fixes Issue #24.
    • Opt-in to common tests:
      • Common Tests - Validate Example Files To Be Published
      • Common Tests - Validate Markdown Links
      • Common Tests - Relative Path Length
    • Opt-in to example publishing.
    • Update to new format LICENSE.

[] - 2018-01-13


  • Changes to WSManDsc
    • WSManListener:
      • Added support for setting the Hostname of the listener will if the subject of the certificate does not match the machine name - Fixes Issue #11.

[] - 2018-01-02


  • Changes to WSManDsc
    • Updated tests to meet Pester v4 standard.
    • Removed DSCResourceKit tag from manifest tags.
    • Added support for selecting a certificate to use by Thumbprint.

[] - 2017-09-02


  • Changes to WSManDsc
    • Added WSManServiceConfig resource.
    • Prepare module for moving over to DSC community resources.
    • Fixes WSManListener when Compatibility Listeners are enabled.
    • Updated to follow standard layout defined in DSCResources.
    • WSManListener:
      • Refactored to move certificate lookup to Find-Certificate cmdlet.
      • Improved unit test coverage.
      • Exception now thrown if certificate can't be found for HTTPS listener.
      • Added integration tests for WS-Man HTTPS listener.
    • Additional logging information added for certificate detection for HTTPS listener.