Version 2.0 Developer Preview #2
Pre-releaseChanges in PLASMA for 2.0 DP 2
Many file manipulaition utilities (COPY, REName, NEWDIRectory, DELete, CATalog, TYPE)
New and updated libraries for lo-res. double lo-res and hi-res graphics w/ sprites
32 bit integer library for those times when 16 bits just isn't enough
Apple /// improvements to other SOS.INTERP launching with SOS utility
Apple /// JIT VM for speed and non JIT version to free up global memory
Editor improvements
A couple small compiler optimizations
Needed to break out TCP/IP modules into seperate floppy image
Library changes require full install
Changes in PLASMA for 2.0 DP 1z
- Many fixes for the value zero - especially in 65802/65816 divide routine
Changes in PLASMA for 2.0 DP 1 E+C
- Greatly improved code editor and additional compiler stats
Changes in PLASMA for 2.0 DP 1a
- Fix interaction with JIT compiler and module load/unload
Changes in PLASMA for 2.0 DP 1
Expanded bytecode for more efficient size/performance of programs
Just-In-Time Compiler for native code performance (6502 and 65816) for frequently called routines
Automatically identify and run most optimal VM for configuration