New Use Case: Read in precip gauge data for use in METplus with python embedding #1828
23 tasks
Not yet actionable, additional definition required
priority: high
High Priority
reporting: DTC NOAA R2O
NOAA Research to Operations DTC Project
requestor: NOAA/EMC
NOAA Environmental Modeling Center
type: new use case
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Describe the New Use Case
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Modify METplus to read in the COCORAHS precip gauge data, a CSV file, and use python embedding to allow ASCII2NC to create a file for use in PointStat
Use Case Name and Category
Provide use case name, following Contributor's Guide naming template, and list which category the use case will reside in.
In the model_applications/precipitation category
If a new category is needed for this use case, provide its name and brief justification
Input Data
List input data types and sources.
Provide a total input file size, keeping necessary data to a minimum.
Acceptance Testing
Describe tests required for new functionality.
Use ASCII2NC and python embedding to create the precip gauge observation file. If this creates a netCDF file that PointStat can read for verification, then the functionality will be successfully created.
As use case develops, provide a run time here
Time Estimate
Estimate the amount of work required here.
Issues should represent approximately 1 to 3 days of work.
1-2 week time is sufficient.
Consider breaking the new feature down into sub-issues.
Relevant Deadlines
List relevant project deadlines here or state NONE.
EVS verification code that includes this verification is due to be complete on December 1, 2022.
Funding Source
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Projects and Milestone
Define Related Issue(s)
Consider the impact to the other METplus components.
New Use Case Checklist
See the METplus Workflow for details.
Branch name:
feature_<Issue Number>_<Description>
Pull request:
feature <Issue Number> <Description>
Select: Reviewer(s) and Linked issues
Select: Repository level development cycle Project for the next official release
Select: Milestone as the next official version
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