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File metadata and controls

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Portworx is a software defined persistent storage solution designed and purpose built for applications deployed as containers, via container orchestrators such as Kubernetes, Marathon and Swarm. It is a clustered block storage solution and provides a Cloud-Native layer from which containerized stateful applications programmatically consume block, file and object storage services directly through the scheduler.


The helm chart (portworx-helm) deploys Portworx and STork( on your Kubernetes cluster. The minimum requirements for deploying the helm chart are as follows:

  • Helm has been installed on the client machine from where you would install the chart. (
  • Tiller version 2.9.0 and above is running on the Kubernetes cluster where you wish to deploy Portworx.
  • Tiller has been provided with the right RBAC permissions for the chart to be deployed correctly.
  • Kubernetes 1.7+
  • All Pre-requisites. for Portworx fulfilled.

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release run the following commands substituting relevant values for your setup:


etcdEndPoint is a required field. The chart installation would not proceed unless this option is provided. If the etcdcluster being used is a secured ETCD (SSL/TLS) then please follow instructions to create a kubernetes secret with the certs.

clusterName should be a unique name identifying your Portworx cluster. The default value is mycluster, but it is suggested to update it with your naming scheme.

For eg:

git clone
helm install --debug --name my-release --set etcdEndPoint=etcd:,clusterName=$(uuidgen) ./helm/charts/portworx/


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the Portworx chart and their default values.

Parameter Description
deploymentType The deployment type. Can be either docker/oci
imageVersion The image tag to pull
openshiftInstall Installing on Openshift?
pksInstall Installing on Pivotal Container service?
EKSInstall Installing EKS (Amazon Elastic Container service)
AKSInstall Installing on AKS (Azure Kubernetes service)
etcdEndPoint (REQUIRED) ETCD endpoint for PX to function properly in the form "etcd:http://". Multiple Urls should be semi-colon seperated example: etcd:http://;etcd:http://
clusterName Portworx Cluster Name
usefileSystemDrive Should Portworx use an unmounted drive even with a filesystem ?
usedrivesAndPartitions Should Portworx use the drives as well as partitions on the disk ?
secretType Secrets store to be used can be AWS KMS/KVDB/Vault/K8s/IBM Key Protect
drives Semi-colon seperated list of drives to be used for storage (example: "/dev/sda;/dev/sdb")
dataInterface Name of the interface
managementInterface Name of the interface
envVars semi-colon-separated list of environment variables that will be exported to portworx. (example: API_SERVER=;MYENV1=val1;MYENV2=val2)
stork Storage Orchestration for Hyperconvergence.
storkVersion The version of stork
lighthouse Whether to install Lighthouse (Portworx GUI)
customRegistryURL Custom Docker registry
registrySecret Registry secret
journalDevice Journal device for Portworx metadata
csi Enable CSI (Tech Preview only)
internalKVDB Internal KVDB store
etcd.credentials Username and password for ETCD authentication in the form user:password
etcd.certPath Base path where the certificates are placed. (example: if the certificates ca,.crt and the .key are in /etc/pwx/etcdcerts the value should be provided as /etc/pwx/etcdcerts Refer: Location of CA file for ETCD authentication. Should be /path/to/
etcd.cert Location of certificate for ETCD authentication. Should be /path/to/server.crt
etcd.key Location of certificate key for ETCD authentication Should be /path/to/servery.key
consul.acl ACL token value used for Consul authentication. (example: 398073a8-5091-4d9c-871a-bbbeb030d1f6)

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,

Cloud installs

Installing on AKS

Details are here.

Tip: In this case the chart is located at ./helm/charts/portworx, do change it as per your setup.

helm install --name my-release --set imageVersion=,etcdEndPoint=etcd: ./helm/charts/portworx/

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

helm install --name my-release -f ./helm/charts/portworx/values.yaml ./helm/charts/portworx

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml and make changes as per your requirement

Installing on IKS [ IBM Cloud ]

Refer the IBM charts here

Tip: You will need to add the IBM charts repo with the repo path set to rawgithub

helm repo add ibm-porx

Upgrading Portworx Install

You can update the imageVersion value in the YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters used while installing the chart.

helm upgrade my-release -f ./helm/charts/portworx/values.yaml ./helm/charts/portworx

Alternatively, you can also use the --set directive to do the same. For example,

helm upgrade my-release --set imageVersion=<px-version>,etcdEndPoint=<list-of-etcd-endpoints>,clusterName=<cluster-name> -f ./helm/charts/portworx/values.yaml  ./helm/charts/portworx 

Tip: You can check the upgrade with the new values took effect using. Check the reference for upgrade here

helm get values my-release

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment: The chart would follow the process as outlined here. (

Tip > The Portworx configuration files under /etc/pwx/ directory are preserved, and will not be deleted.

helm delete my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Basic troubleshooting

Helm install errors with no available release name found

helm install --dry-run --debug --set etcdEndPoint=etcd:,clusterName=$(uuidgen) ./helm/charts/portworx/
[debug] Created tunnel using local port: '37304'
[debug] SERVER: ""
[debug] Original chart version: ""
[debug] CHART PATH: /root/helm/charts/portworx

Error: no available release name found

This most likely indicates that Tiller doesn't have the right RBAC permissions. You can verify the tiller logs

[storage/driver] 2018/02/07 06:00:13 get: failed to get "singing-bison.v1": configmaps "singing-bison.v1" is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:default" cannot get configmaps in the namespace "kube-system"
[tiller] 2018/02/07 06:00:13 info: generated name singing-bison is taken. Searching again.
[tiller] 2018/02/07 06:00:13 warning: No available release names found after 5 tries
[tiller] 2018/02/07 06:00:13 failed install prepare step: no available release name found