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saalmaan edited this page Dec 2, 2014 · 20 revisions

Tamper should install any missing dependencies. If however you encounter any errors during Tamper installation then follow detailed installation guide below (Tested on OS X only):

All instruction given below are for OS X and tested on OS X Yosemite. Command mentioned below are for console/terminal, some of these command will require sudo (administrator) access.

Step 1:

Install or update your xcode (this will take about 15 minutes depending on your internet connection):

xcode-select --install
Step 2:

Tamper and Mitmproxy are based on Python so we have to install Python Package Index (pip):

sudo easy_install pip
Step 3:

After xcode & pip installation, install Mitmproxy:

sudo pip install mitmproxy
Step 4:

Now it is the time to install Tamper itself:

sudo pip install tamper

If tamper installation is successful you should see following message at the end:

Successfully installed tamper mitmproxy pyOpenSSL Pillow netlib lxml Werkzeug Jinja2 itsdangerous certifi backports.ssl-match-hostname cryptography markupsafe cffi pycparser

Note: You can also view all installed packages in pip with this command pip list

Now verify that Mitmproxy is working by typing in this command mitmproxy, if you see a following or similar error:

You are using an outdated version of pyOpenSSL: mitmproxy requires pyOpenSSL 0.14 or greater. Your pyOpenSSL 0.13.1 installation is located at /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/OpenSSL

Then fear not, just rename old folder and you are good to go, use this command to rename the folder (change the path according to your PyOpenSSL installation path):

sudo mv /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/OpenSSL /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/_OpenSSL

Now try to run Mitmproxy again and this time you should see famous Mitmproxy interface.

Note: (This setting is not required for Tamper to work, just to validate correct Mitmproxy installation) You can also change your network settings to see if Mitmproxy is intercepting the traffic, Open System PreferencesNetworkWIFI or EthernetAdvanceProxiesWeb Proxy (HTTP) → Web Proxy Server =, save these details and apply them

Step 5:

Install Tamper's devtools extension from Chrome Web Store

Step 6:

To Debug website with SSL enabled you have to authorize Mitmproxy, open and click on Apple (for any platform you intend to use Mitmproxy) icon and this will download the certificate, just open this certificate and install it in keychain.

Step 7:

Now open your target website in Chrome and enable Dev Tools (cmd+alt+I) and open Tamper panel and click on little wheel icon on bottom left hand of tamper panel to open tamper settings and restart proxy. Now just enable Tamper from top right corner and you are good to go (if everything is correct Tamper icon should turn blue).

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