A simple implementation of "Dot-Repeat" for any keymap.
Store any selected keymaps as the last command. Hitting the repeat key will do the command again.
{ 'dvrlabs/takeout.nvim', opts = {}}
Instead of using vim.keymap.set(), use takeout.
This is how I use it in my nvim-lspconfig:
local takeout = require('takeout')
takeout.bag('n', '<leader>lp', vim.diagnostic.goto_prev, { desc = 'Go to [P]revious diagnostic message' })
takeout.bag('n', '<leader>ln', vim.diagnostic.goto_next, { desc = 'Go to [N]ext diagnostic message' })
Can also be used like this:
local takeout = require('takeout')
takeout.bag('n', '<leader>p', ':Lazy<CR>', { desc = '[P]ackage Manager' })
The below keymap won't work. Just use the ':' syntax and pass in silent = true option
local takeout = require('takeout')
takeout.bag('n', '<leader>p', '<Cmd>Lazy<CR>', { desc = '[P]ackage Manager' })
For all keymaps created with bag(), using the keymap once changes the last stored keymap in the bag.
You should be able to remap the repeat key from ',' by using repeat_key in the opts table.
opts = {
-- If you wanted F5 to repeat, as an example
repeat_key = '<F5>',
-- If there is no bagged command, will run function assigned to default_none_bagged.
default_none_bagged = function()
vim.api.nvim_command 'normal! @@'
- Accepts a count. Do '5,' to repeat 5 times.