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ZHAW Jupyter r-notebook

Extended Jupyter Notebook container for R-Notebooks.

This container is used in DxI-Classes at the ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management. It contains all R-libraries that are used during in our courses during the first year.

This version of the R-Notebook contains a few extensions compared to the vanilla r-notebook.

  1. It ships with the latest Jupyter Lab version.
  2. It comes with git, visual help, and the variable inspector to make it more comparable with RStudio
  3. It brings many extra libraries directly baked into the container such as tidytext, pdftools, dagitty and many more.
  4. It drops TeX and SVG support and reduces the overall container size a little.

This version builds from the upstream base-notebook:latest rather than extending the r-notebook itself.

You find a full list of included R-libraries in the packages.yml file


You need to have Docker or Docker Desktop installed on your machine.

Get started with a non-persistent working directory:

docker run -it -p 8888:8888

Link your working directory to the /home/jovyan/ folder. This allows you to persist your work on your local machine. On Mac and Linux you can use the ~/ shortcut to link to your home directory. For example.

docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v ~/Dokumente:/home/jovyan/

Windows users should better read the Docker documentation on how to mount volumes.

Batteries included 🦾

The focus of the this container is R-development and data-analysis.

Python and Anaconda packages are managed in the packages.yml file.

R packages are managed in the packages.r file.

Many CRAN packages are not well-maintained or lag behind the official releases on Anaconda. Therefore this container installs most R packges directly from CRAN.

The focus of this container is on data visualisation and basic stats. We try match the packages mentioned in the ggplot book in this container.

The following R-packages are installed via the package management:

  • agridat
  • boot (via anaconda)
  • BSDA
  • car
  • caret
  • cluster
  • concaveman
  • corrplot
  • corrr
  • crayon (via anaconda)
  • dagitty
  • dendextend
  • devtools (via anaconda)
  • docextractor
  • e1071 (via anaconda)
  • forecast (via anaconda)
  • ggdag
  • ggforce
  • gghighlight
  • ggnewscale
  • ggrepel
  • ggtext
  • ggwordcloud
  • googlesheets4
  • gt
  • gtsummary
  • htmlwidgets (via anaconda)
  • hunspell
  • igraph
  • latex2exp
  • rmarkdown
  • rstatix
  • paletteer
  • pak
  • patchwork
  • pdftools (via anaconda)
  • randomforrest
  • rcurl (via anaconda)
  • rodbc (via anaconda)
  • rsqlite (via anaconda)
  • shiny (via anaconda)
  • tidygraph
  • tidymodels (via anaconda)
  • tidytext
  • tidyverse (via anaconda)
  • zoo

The complete list of packages that are available for the code are:

abind agridat askpass assertthat backports base base64enc bigD bit bit64 bitops blob boot brew brio broom broom.helpers BSDA bslib ca cachem callr car carData caret cellranger class cli clipr clock cluster codetools colorspace commonmark compiler conflicted corrplot corrr cpp11 crayon credentials curl dagitty data.table datasets DBI dbplyr dendextend desc devtools diagram dials DiceDesign diffobj digest docxtractr downlit dplyr dtplyr e1071 ellipsis evaluate fansi farver fastmap fontawesome forcats foreach forecast fracdiff fs furrr future future.apply gargle gclus generics gert ggdag ggforce gghighlight ggnewscale ggplot2 ggraph ggrepel ggtext ggwordcloud gh gitcreds globals glue googledrive googlesheets4 gower GPfit graphics graphlayouts grDevices grid gridExtra gridtext gt gtable gtsummary hardhat haven highr hms htmltools htmlwidgets httpuv httr httr2 hunspell ids igraph infer ini ipred IRdisplay IRkernel isoband iterators janeaustenr jpeg jquerylib jsonlite juicyjuice KernSmooth knitr labeling labelled later latex2exp lattice lava lhs lifecycle listenv lme4 lmtest lubridate magrittr markdown MASS Matrix MatrixModels memoise methods mgcv mime miniUI minqa modeldata modelenv ModelMetrics modelr munsell nlme nloptr nnet numDeriv openssl pak paletteer parallel parallelly parsnip patchwork pbdZMQ pbkrtest pillar pkgbuild pkgconfig pkgdown pkgload plogr plyr png polyclip praise prettyunits prismatic pROC processx prodlim profvis progress progressr promises proxy ps purrr qap quadprog quantmod quantreg R6 ragg rappdirs rcmdcheck RColorBrewer Rcpp RcppArmadillo RcppEigen RCurl reactable reactR readr readxl recipes registry rematch rematch2 remotes repr reprex reshape2 rlang rmarkdown RODBC roxygen2 rpart rprojroot rsample RSQLite rstudioapi rversions rvest sass scales selectr seriation sessioninfo shape shiny slider SnowballC sourcetools SparseM splines SQUAREM stats stats4 stringi stringr survival sys systemfonts tcltk testthat textshaping tibble tidygraph tidymodels tidyr tidyselect tidytext tidyverse timechange timeDate tinytex tokenizers tools tseries TSP TTR tune tweenr tzdb urca urlchecker usethis utf8 utils uuid V8 vctrs viridis viridisLite vroom waldo warp whisker withr workflows workflowsets xfun xml2 xopen xtable xts yaml yardstick zip zoo

Run at Home 🏠💻

This docker image is designed to run on Intel and ARM-based systems that has Docker or Docker Desktop installed. This allows you to run this image on the most recent Mac and Windows machines - and of course on Linux.

On MacOS

docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v ~/Dokumente:/home/jovyan/

When the following error occurs: "docker pull
Error response from daemon: Head "": denied: denied", then You should try to logout from using docker logout. This is only necessary if you deploy other docker containers to github, directly.

docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v ~/Dokumente:/home/jovyan/

On Windows

docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -v Dokumente:/home/jovyan/

On Linux

docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v ~/daten:/home/jovyan/


If you run into authentication problems, do these two steps:

Logout the github account. Normally this is not necessary, because nobody should log into GitHubs container registry, directly.

docker logout  
  • Use a local directory location on the host. E.g., ~/code/data/.
  • Use the specific image version at v2022.09.19 instead of latest.
docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v ~/code/data/ 

Alternatively, be specific on the internal mount point of the data directory.

docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v ~/code/data/:/home/jovyan 

Build for local testing

IMPORTANT This Repository has automatic docker images built with github actions. Under normal circumstances it is not necessary to push new images to the registry!

For an updated release change the LABEL version number in the Dockerfile. Normally, this is fine.

> docker build --pull -t r-notebook:local .

Important: --pull forces docker to pull a newer version of the base image for the same tag.

The local build takes about 15 minutes per platform on a modern machine (MacBook Pro M1 Pro). A full build on Github Actions takes about 3.5-5 hours!

After building the image it is important to verify that all libraries load without errors. For this, run the image locally and call the testlibraries.R script within the container.

> Rscript /usr/local/share/data/testlibraries.R

This script will load all libraries and returns the result of the loading process. If a library fails to load the script shows this with the message Error library. This normally indicates a problem during the build process.

Building on ARM (Apple M1/M2)

The build process is platform dependent. The github process builds versions for ARM and AMD64/Intel platform. However, the standard deployment in the cloud is on the Linux/amd64 platform. As the build process slightly differs, it is necessary to test the AMD64 build locally.

> docker build --platform linux/amd64 --pull -t r-notebook:localamd .

On MacOS with M1 or M2 chips, ensure that docker has the experimental Rosetta support enabled. Otherwise the build process takes about a day. With Rosetta enabled, the build takes about 5 minutes longer than the native build.

Run this platform image locally by using the following command.

> docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 --plattform linux/amd64 r-notebook:localamd

All relevant libraries must load without errors.

Building for multiple platforms

In some cases we do not want to wait for github actions and build the image locally for all platforms. This is possible with docker's buildx feature. The following example sets up a default builder for all platforms.

> docker buildx create --use 

Then we need to build the image for all platforms.

> docker buildx build \
    --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \
    --pull \
    --progress plain \
     -t r-notebook:sha-gitsha1 \
     -t r-notebook:main \
     -t r-notebook:vBUILDDATE \
     -t r-notebook:latest \
     --push .

Important When building on Apple Silicon-Macs, then Docker Desktop MUST NOT use the virtualization framework. This significantly increases the built-time, but otherwise the build process fails with obscure errors. You find the general settings in the Docker Desktop settings.

For pushing the results to the registry, you need to login to the registry first. For the github container registry you have to generate a classic personal access token, first.


For customization it is not necessary to alter the Dockerfile. All dependencies are managed in package files.

  • packages.txt lists the required debian packages. Any package listed here will be slightly outdated as the minimal notebook image is based on debian stable.
  • packages.yml lists the conda packages. This file contains any Jupyter related packages as well as the core R packages that are needed for the IRKernel. Jupyter related packages are much more up-to-date than the debian packages.
  • packages_pak.r holds the list of common CRAN packages. All R-Packages that are not listed in package.yml have to be listed here, as the conda-repositories do not provide well-maintained versions of these packages. This script will install all packages using pak. Nevertheless, all packages will be compiled during build time. Note that pak will automatically update outdated conda R-packages. Unfortunately, there is no way to force pak to refrain from this behavior.

packages_pak.r and packages.txt don't allow comments in the package list!