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piezo stability test

Low-level language for signal processing, synthesis and analysis.
Compiles to compact 0-runtime WASM with linear memory.


;; Operators
+ - * / % -- ++               ;; arithmetical (float)
** %% //                      ;; power, unsigned mod, flooring div
& | ^ ~ >> <<                 ;; binary (integer)
<<< >>>                       ;; rotate left, right
&& || !                       ;; logical
> >= < <= == !=               ;; comparisons (boolean)
?: ?                          ;; conditions
x[i] x[]                      ;; member access, length
a..b a.. ..b ..               ;; ranges
|> #                          ;; pipe/loop, map
./ ../ /                      ;; continue/skip, break/stop, return
~ ~= ~< ~/ ~*                 ;; clamp, normalize, lerp
* ^                           ;; static, defer

;; Numbers
16, 0x10, 0b0;                ;; int, hex or binary
16.0, .1, 2e-3;               ;; float
1k = 1000; 1pi = 3.1415926;   ;; units
1s = 44100; 1m = 60s;         ;; eg: sample indexes
10.1k, 2pi, 1m30s;            ;; 10100, 6.283..., 66150

;; Variables
foo=1, bar=2.0;               ;; declare vars
AbC, $0, Δx, x@1, A#;         ;; names permit alnum, unicodes, _$#@
foo == Foo, bar == bAr;       ;; case-insensitive
default=1, eval=fn, else=0;   ;; no reserved words
true = 0b1, false = 0b0;      ;; eg: alias bools
inf = 1/0, nan = 0/0;         ;; eg: alias infinity, NaN

;; Ranges
0..10;                        ;; from 1 to 9 (10 exclusive)
0.., ..10, ..;                ;; open ranges
10..1;                        ;; reverse range
1.08..108.0;                  ;; float range
(a-1)..(a+1);                 ;; computed range
0..3 * 2;                     ;; mapped range: 0*2, 1*2, 2*2
(a,b,c) = 0..3 * 2;           ;; destructure: a=0, b=2, c=4
a ~ 0..10;                    ;; clamp(a, 0, 10);
a ~= 0..10;                   ;; a = clamp(a, 0, 10);
a ~< 0..10;                   ;; a >= 0 && a < 10
a ~/ 0..10;                   ;; normalize(a, 0, 10)
a ~* 0..10;                   ;; lerp(a, 0, 10);

;; Groups
(a,b,c) = (1,2,3);            ;; assign: a=1, b=2, c=3
(a,b) = (b,a);                ;; swap
(a,b,c) = d;                  ;; duplicate: a=d, b=d, c=d
(a,,b) = (c,d,e);             ;; skip: a=c, b=e
(a,b) + (c,d);                ;; group binary: a+c, b+d
(a, b, c)++;                  ;; group unary: a++, b++, c++
(a,b)[1] = c[2,3];            ;; props: a[1]=c[2], b[1]=c[3]
(a,..,z) = (1,2,3,4);         ;; pick: a=1, z=4
a = (b,c,d);                  ;; pick first: a=b; see loops

;; Arrays
m = [..10];                   ;; array of 10 elements
m = [..10 |> 2];              ;; filled with 2
m = [1,2,3,4];                ;; array of 4 elements
m = [n[..]];                  ;; copy n
m = [1, 2..4, 5];             ;; mixed definition
m = [1, [2, 3, [4]]];         ;; nested arrays (tree)
m = [0..4 |> # ** 2];         ;; list comprehension
(a, z) = (m[0], m[-1]);       ;; get by index
(b, .., z) = m[1, 2..];       ;; get multiple values
length = m[];                 ;; get length
m[0] = 1;                     ;; set value
m[2..] = (1, 2..4, n[1..3]);  ;; set multiple values from offset 2
m[1,2] = m[2,1];              ;; swap
m[0..] = m[-1..];             ;; reverse
m[0..] = m[1..,0];            ;; rotate

;; Conditions
a ? b;                        ;; if a then b (else nan)
sign = a < 0 ? -1 : +1;       ;; ternary conditional
(2+2 >= 4) ? log(1) :         ;; multiline/switch
  3 <= 1..2 ? log(2) :        ;; else if
  log(3);                     ;; else
a && b || c;                  ;; (a and b) or c

;; Loops
(a, b, c) |> f(#);            ;; for each item in a, b, c do f(item)
(i = 10..) |> (               ;; descend over range
  i < 5 ? a ./;               ;; if item < 5 skip (continue)
  i < 0 ? a ../;              ;; if item < 0 stop (break)
);                            ;;
x[..] |> f(#) |> g(#);        ;; pipeline sequence
(i = 0..w) |> (               ;; nest iterations
  (j = 0..h) |> f(i, j);      ;; f(x,y)
);                            ;;
((a,b) = 0..10) |> a+b;       ;; iterate pairs
(x,,y) = (a,b,c) |> # * 2;    ;; capture result x = a*2, y = c*2;
.. |> i < 10 ? i++ : ../;     ;; while i < 10 i++

;; Functions
double(n) = n*2;              ;; define a function
times(m = 1, n ~ 1..) = (    ;; optional, clamped arg
  n == 0 ? /n;                ;; early return
  m * n;                      ;; returns last statement
);                            ;;
times(3,2);                   ;; 6
times(4), times(,5);          ;; 4, 5: optional, skipped arg
dup(x) = (x,x);               ;; return multiple
(a,b) = dup(b);               ;; destructure
a=1,b=1; x()=(a=2;b=2); x();  ;; a==1, b==2: first statement declares locals

;; Static vars
a() = ( *i=0; ++i );          ;; i keeps value between calls
a(), a();                     ;; 1,2
a1() = ( *copy=a; copy() );   ;; clone function
a(), a(); a1(), a1();         ;; 3,4; 1,2;
f() = ( *t=0; ^t++; t*2 );    ;; defer: t++ called after return
x(a[], f()) = f(a[0]);        ;; array, func args

;; Export
x, y, z;                      ;; exports last statement



Provides k-rate amplification for block of samples.

gain(                             ;; define a function with block, volume arguments.
  block,                          ;; block is a array argument
  volume ~ 0..100                 ;; volume is limited to 0..100 range
) = (
  block[..] |>= _ * volume        ;; multiply each sample by volume value

gain([0..5 * 0.1], 2);            ;; 0, .2, .4, .6, .8, 1

gain                              ;; export gain function
Biquad Filter

A-rate (per-sample) biquad filter processor.

1pi = pi;                         ;; define pi units
1s = 44100;                       ;; define time units in samples
1k = 10000;                       ;; basic si units

lpf(                              ;; per-sample processing function
  x0,                             ;; input sample value
  freq = 100 ~ 1..10k,            ;; filter frequency, float
  Q = 1.0 ~ 0.001..3.0            ;; quality factor, float
) = (
  *(x1, y1, x2, y2) = 0;          ;; define filter state

  ;; lpf formula
  w = 2pi * freq / 1s;
  sin_w, cos_w = sin(w), cos(w);
  a = sin_w / (2.0 * Q);

  b0, b1, b2 = (1.0 - cos_w) / 2.0, 1.0 - cos_w, b0;
  a0, a1, a2 = 1.0 + a, -2.0 * cos_w, 1.0 - a;

  b0, b1, b2, a1, a2 *= 1.0 / a0;

  y0 = b0*x0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2 - a1*y1 - a2*y2;

  x1, x2 = x0, x1;            ;; shift state
  y1, y2 = y0, y1;

  y0                              ;; return y0

;; i = [0, .1, .3] |> lpf(i, 108, 5);

lpf                               ;; export lpf function, end program

Generates ZZFX's coin sound zzfx(...[,,1675,,.06,.24,1,1.82,,,837,.06]).

1pi = pi;
1s = 44100;
1ms = 1s / 1000;

;; define waveform generators
oscillator = [
  saw(phase) = (1 - 4 * abs( round(phase/2pi) - phase/2pi )),
  sine(phase) = sin(phase)

;; applies adsr curve to sequence of samples
  a ~ 1ms..,                    ;; prevent click
  (s, sv=1),                    ;; optional group-argument
) = (
  *i = 0;                       ;; internal counter, increments after fn body
  t = i / 1s;

  total = a + d + s + r;

  y = t >= total ? 0 : (
    t < a ? t/a :               ;; attack
    t < a + d ?                 ;; decay
    1-((t-a)/d)*(1-sv) :        ;; decay falloff
    t < a  + d + s ?            ;; sustain
    sv :                        ;; sustain volume
    (total - t)/r * sv
  ) * x;

;; curve effect
curve(x, amt~0..10=1.82) = (sign(x) * abs(x)) ** amt;

;; coin = triangle with pitch jump, produces block
coin(freq=1675, jump=freq/2, delay=0.06, shape=0) = (
  *phase = 0;                   ;; current phase
  t = i / 1s;

  ;; generate samples block, apply adsr/curve, write result to out
  ..  |> oscillator[shape](phase)
      |> adsr(_, 0, 0, .06, .24)
      |> curve(_, 1.82)
      |> out[..] = _;

  phase += (freq + (t > delay && jump)) * 2pi / 1s;

See all examples


Audio processing in has no cross-platform solution, various environments deal with audio differently, some don't have audio processing at all. Web Audio API is unreliable - it has unpredictable pauses, glitches and so on, so audio is better handled in WASM worklet (@stagas).

Piezo attempts to fill that gap, providing a common layer for audio processing. It is also a personal attempt on language design - rethinking parts and providing safe ground. WASM target gives max performance and compatibility - browsers, audio/worklets, web-workers, nodejs, embedded systems etc.


mono, zzfx, bytebeat, glitch, hxos, min, roland, porffor


  • @stagas for initial drive & ideas
  • for package name
