All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.0.2 (2022-07-21)
- 识别当前路由展开菜单项 (4f73056)
- header & logout: 添加登录状态与LS的关联,添加退出登录 (8535f7a)
- layout: 修改布局设计 (93353c9)
- locale: 国际化配置及其他修改 (c450fba)
- login: add login page (a94af16)
- menu: 菜单适应三级菜单 (7321b50)
- nprogress: 添加路由进度条 (f83ec72)
- plugin: 添加自定义加载插件 (bbb40a3)
- prism: 添加代码块组件 (19aa20a)
- request: 添加axios请求封装、拦截器、mock接口 (835d5b5)
- router & store: 添加简单路由守卫和store关联 (234df57)
- types & deepclone: 全局类型声明及深克隆函数 (cc92289)
- 规范布局 (43b08bf)
- common: 修复错误引用 (4298f39), closes #21
- error (0fb4556)
- package.json: modify release (f21598b)
- package: 使用less作为css预处理器 (58e6b6a)
- router: 修改路由 (79d6d88)
- router: 修正layout路由设计 (55d4900)
- type error (98de356)
- workflow (38af4d3)
0.0.1 (2022-07-08)
- verison: 配置standard-version (8123819)
- github: 添加issue模板 (58aac11)
- package.json (7f3060f)