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What is NextForm?

NextForm is an application that allows you to easily create dynamic, ephemeral, UI-based forms in ServiceNow.

Previously, to create form displayed in the UI of ServiceNow you would either need to create a table, or create a record producer. Sometimes these methods are perfectly fine, however other times they can be more complex than needed. For example:

  • If you create a table, it means you'll get all the overhead and complexity in your application that comes with them, such as ACL's, views, related lists, UI actions etc.
  • If you create a record producer, you can only use it to create new records. They are not designed to support opening existing records and editing those values.

NextForm allows you to dynamically define a form that will only ever exist in the UI. The values for the form can be pre-populated with data sourced from the ServiceNow instance, and once completed the values can also be persisted into storage on the ServiceNow instance. However, how this generation of a form is done, and how one is processed, is completely left up to the developer leveraging NextForm.

NextForm Overview

NextForm's power comes from its Controller; it contains all the front-end logic to drive the experience. Using its Preset you can easily attach it to and configure a Form component. Simply add the Form component to your UI Builder page and you'll be offered to connect it to a NextForm with the prompt shown below:

NextForm "Preset" prompt

In the NextForm Sys ID field, insert the Sys ID of a record in the NextForms [x_snc_nf_nextform] table and click Use. A NextForm has both a Generator and Processor.


Generators are what creates the form that will be displayed by NextForm. They must return an x_snc_nf.NextForm object.

The NextForm object has a number of helper functions to allow you to define your form. Each function returns a reference to itself, so you can use method chaining to define forms in an expressive manner.

The NextForm Generator API


new NextForm()

Creates a NextForm. There are no parameters required.


Add a screen to the NextForm. There are no parameters required.


A method to layout a screen. Adds a vertical row to the most recently created NextScreen, that columns can be placed inside. There are no parameters required.


A method to layout a screen. Adds a horizontal column to the most recently created NextRow, that fields can be placed inside. There are no parameters required.


Adds a field to the most recently created NextColumn. Accepts a NextField as its only parameter.


new NextField(type, label, name, options)

Creates a NextField. Accepts three mandatory parameters, and one optional:


Mandatory. The field type as a string. Current supported types are string, integer, choice, dateTime, and boolean. Depending on the type of field, different options may be supported.


Mandatory. The label for the field.


Mandatory. The internal name of the field. This must be unique across the entire NextForm.


Optional. An object with properties and values corresponding to the option for the field you want to set. The following options can be set:

    maxLength: 1400,
    choices: [{
        displayValue: "Option 1"
        value: "1"
        displayValue: "Option 2"
        value: "2"

Example Generator Script

(function generateNextFormObject () {

    return new x_snc_nf.NextForm()
        .addField(new x_snc_nf.NextField("string", "What is your given name?", "name_given"))
        .addField(new x_snc_nf.NextField("integer", "What is your family name?", "name_family"))
        .addField(new x_snc_nf.NextField("choice", "What is your age?", "age", {
            choices: [{
                displayValue: "Under 18",
                value: "under_18"
            }, {
                displayValue: "18 and Over",
                value: "over_18"
            value: 'under_18',
            displayValue: 'Under 18'
        .addField(new x_snc_nf.NextField("dateTime", "When did you last sleep?", "sleep"))
        .addField(new x_snc_nf.NextField("dateTime", "When did you last wake up?", "wake"))
        .addField(new x_snc_nf.NextField("textarea", "Tell me about yourself?", "details", {
            maxLength: 4000
        .addField(new x_snc_nf.NextField("boolean", "Would you like to receive marketing communications?", "marketing_allowed"));



Processors process the user response for a form as required by the form developer.

The nfData object contains properties for each of the fields that were created in the Generator script. In those properties, you can access the value and displayValue that was set for those fields.

Example Processor Script

(function processNextFormResult (nfData) {'NextForm Processed! ' + JSON.stringify(nfData));"The user's family name was: " + nfData.name_family.displayValue);


NextForm Controller

The NextForm Controller is automatically added to the UI Builder page when the NextForm Preset is applied to the Form component. You can find it in the Data Resources panel.

Output Properties

The NextForm Controller manages the state of the form, and outputs properties to allow UI Builder page developers to build a UI that controls the form.

Property Type Description
nextFormData JSON A JSON representation of the NextForm object returned by the Generator script.
fields JSON All the fields of the NextForm in their JSON representation. Fed into the fields property of the Form component.
currentSections JSON The current screen of the NextForm in JSON representation. Fed into the sections property of the Form component.
currentScreenNumber Integer The 1-indexed (starting at 1) form of the current screen number. Used for UI display of the current screen.
currentScreenIndex Integer The 0-indexed (starting at 0) form of the current screen number. Used for programmatic access to the current screen.
screenCount Integer The total number of screens.
canGoFirst Boolean Whether it is possible to change to the first screen (e.g. true if on second screen, false if already on the first screen)
canGoLast Boolean Whether it is possible to change to the last screen (e.g. true if on second-last screen, false if already on the last screen)
canGoNext Boolean Whether it's possible to change to the next screen. True if not already on the last screen.
canGoPrevious Boolean Whether it's possible to change to the next screen. True if not already on the first screen.
canGoIndex Boolean Whether it's possible to change screens. True if there is more than 1 screen.
isLoading Boolean Whether NextForm is doing any kind of loading operation (e.g. initial load, processing)
canReset Boolean Whether the NextForm can be reset to its default values.
canProcess Boolean Whether the NextForm can be processed. True if on the last screen, and not already processed.
isLoaded Boolean Whether the initial load of the NextForm has completed.
isProcessed Boolean Whether the form has already been processed.

Handled Events

Name Description Parameters
[Screen] Change Current Screen Navigate to a specified screen number (1-indexed) Screen number [screen_number]: the 1-indexed number of the screen to navigate to.
[NextForm] Process Submits the field values of the NextForm to the Processing script on the server.
[Field] Set Value Sets a specified field's value and display value. Field [field]: The name of the field to set the value of Value [value]: The new value Display value [displayValue]: The new display value
[NextForm] Reload Reset the NextForm's fields to have all their default values.
[Screen] Go To First Screen Navigate to the first screen (if not already on it)
[Screen] Go To Last Screen Navigate to the last screen (if not already on it)
[Screen] Go To Next Screen Navigate to the next screen (if possible)
[Screen] Go To Previous Screen Navigate to the previous screen (if possible)

Dispatched Events

Name Description
[NextForm] Processing completed When the processing of a NextForm has completed.
[NextForm] Field value changed When the value of a field has changed.
[NextForm] Processing started When the processing of a NextForm has started.
[NextForm] Loading completed Once the intial load of the form has completed