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eu.dzhw.fdz.metadatamanagement 1.0.97-SNAPSHOT Latest version

Install 1/2: Add this to pom.xml:
Learn more about Maven or Gradle
Install 2/2: Run via command line
$ mvn install

About this package

Running the MDM

This package is a spring boot fat war which allows developers running the MDM (test branch) locally on their machines.

It needs the following services running locally on the default ports:

  • MongoDB (used as primary datastore)
  • Elasticsearch (used for searching)
  • An SMTP server

You can use the docker compose file which the MDM Developers use to setup these Services Docker Compose Example.

A mongoDB dump can be provided. There should be a user admin with password admin which you can use to authenticate. The MDM will create elasticsearch indices automatically after container start. This will take approx. 20 minutes. You can always manually start recreation of elasticsearch indices in the app (External Services -> Elasticsearch -> Reindex)

This package is not intended for being used as maven dependency and it is not yet being published automatically

You can simply download the war here and run it with a JRE 11.

java -jar metadatamanagement-1.0.97-20191220.092053-1.war,minified

Since it is a spring boot application you can configure it via command line parameters (like spring profiles in the example). An overview of valid configuration params (like DLP URL) can be found here:
Base configuration values
Local Environment


  • @dzhw dzhw
  • December 20, 2019
  • 49 dependencies
  • GNU AGPLv3

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