Different makers modules, sensors and products by e-radionica.com designed for use in Fritzing. Just open them in Fritzing and you are good to go. Enjoy!
This repo contains .fzpz files intended for use in Fritzing. All of them were designed by our Design team. Full list of deisgned products:
- 28BYJ-48 Stepper motor
- BH1750 digital light sensor module
- BMP180 breakout board (GY-68)
- Croduino Basic
- Croduino Basic2
- Croduino Damba
- Croduino NOVA
- Croduino Pico
- DHT11 sensor
- DHT22 sensor
- ESP8266 ESP-03 SoC module
- HMC5883L compass module
- LCD 16x2 screen HD44780
- LM393 Dual op-amp DIL
- Logic level converter module
- MQ-3 gas sensor breakout
- MQ-7 gas sensor breakout
- MQ-9 gas sensor breakout
- NRF24L01+ RF module
- PS2 joystick module
- TCS230 color sensor module
- Tower Pro SG90 servo motor
- ULN2003A stepper motor driver breakout
- 4x4 matrix keypad
- Bluetooth module HC06
- RFID RC522 module
- DS3231 RTC module
- LCD screen 16x2 with IIC adapter soldered
- Hall effect sensor with LM393 (made by e-r.io)
- Photoresistor sensor with LM393 (made by e-r.io)
- Fire detection sensor with LM393 (made by e-r.io)
- Vibration sensor with LM393 (made by e-r.io)
- AS3935 Lightning sensor breakout (made by e-r.io)
- INA219 current and voltage meter breakout (made by e-r.io)
- MCP4725 DAC breakout (made by e-r.io)
- MCP23017 IO Expander board (made by e-r.io)
- none yet
##Release info
- 12.2.2016. - initial release of files
- 10.9.2017. - addition of 9 files
- 19.10.2017. - addition of 4 files
Those files are open-source. Yay! Please make a note that you used our Fritzing files - if possible :) For any tech questions, contact us at techsupport@e-radionica.com If you find an Issue, please open one at GitHub. If you can improve our product, fork us.
e-radionica.com Team.